コミュニティダイジェスト 2023年11月

コミュニティダイジェスト 2023年11月

こんにちは。Zoho コミュニティチームです。


毎月、前月に行われたフォーラム上での議論やZoho からの製品アップデート情報やイベントと情報をまとめたコミュニティダイジェストを投稿しています。



[ Zoho CRM に関する アップデート情報 ] 


Zoho Calendar 、Zoho Recruit のカレンダーとの同期に関するアップデート  

ワークフロー機能で、Zoho Flow による実行処理が追加されました。  



[ ディスカッション ]

Zoho AnalyticsでZoho CRMとZoho Campaignsを連携したレポートの作成について  

 Zoho CRM  転職などで接触できなくなった見込み客の対応について  

@村中花梨 さん、@ky さん、ご質問ありがとうございます。

@岡安裕一(Yuichi) さん、@Fujikawa Katsuhiro さん、@アカウント IT_Support さん、いつもご回答ありがとうございます。

[ Zoho Japan からのお知らせ ]

【東京/大阪/名古屋】 12月 Zoho ユーザー交流会(Meetup)のお知らせ | ユーザーの活用事例を直接聞ける学びの場!  




・Zoho ワークアウト:11/16(木)14:00~16:00  (課題解決型のワークショップイベント)



- Zoho People 初期設定や一般的な運用方法
- Zoho Desk 通知設定、チケット管理の運用方法




近くのユーザー同士でつながり、Zoho サービスについて学び合う絶好の機会です。ぜひご参加ください。



事例セッション:Zoho CRM を業務のWorkdeskとして使おう!



事例セッション:「顧客伴走支援から学ぶZoho One の活用術と可能性」(CRM / Campaigns / Forms / PageSense )



事例セッションZoho CRM はここまで進化した! 改善に行き詰まったアナタに送る、業務再改善の手引き



Zoho コミュニティチーム



      • Sticky Posts

      • 【ZOHO】コミュニティユーザー自己紹介のトピック

        日頃よりZoho Japan Communityをご愛顧いただき、ありがとうございます。 おかげさまで昨年より、フォロワー数も増えてまいりました! 人数も50名を超えてまいりましたので、改めて運営しているZohoメンバーの自己紹介の場、また皆さまがご自身を紹介できる場を目的とした、トピックを作らせていただきます。 これからご参加いただく方も、立ち上げ当初からお付き合いいただいている方も、よろしければ当スレッドのReply欄からご自由にコメントいただければ嬉しいです。(オンラインフォーラムは現状オープンなフォーラムとなっているので、記入できる範囲で構いません) スライドテンプレートもご用意いたしましたので、もし良ければご自由にご利用ください。下記のリンクからダウンロードいただけます。 https://zurl.co/lC7N  テキストのみのコメントでももちろんOKです。 — 自己紹介例 【お名前(ニックネーム)】 【利用中のZohoサービス】 【ユーザー歴】 【ご利用人数】 【興味のあるZohoサービス】 【Zohoを利用し始めた、興味を持ったきっかけ】 【活用している主なサービスや機能】
      • 【ZOHO】オンラインフォーラムのご利用について

        こちらでのディスカッション、またそれ以外でも普段より、様々な投稿/コメントで支えていただき、ありがとうございます。 オンラインフォーラムの運営に関しては、まだまだ完璧ではなく、 それゆえに皆さまにご不便をおかけしている部分もあり恐縮ですが、いただいたご意見も参考にしつつ、少しずつ試行を重ねています。その上でにはなりますが、改めてオンラインフォーラムの方針と別投稿にて機能要望に関する対応に関し、共有いたします。 Zoho Japan Community オンラインフォーラムについて ・Zoho製品を利用するユーザー様同士の交流、ノウハウ共有を目的としたオンライン掲示板です。  製品に関するご質問、ご意見につきましては、オンラインフォーラム上で、Zoho側からの回答を保証するものではありません。 ・コミュニティ運営に関わる投稿など、一部ゾーホージャパンからもコメント/投稿を行わせていただくことがあります。 ・製品に関する投稿の、Zoho側からの確実な回答をご希望の場合は、以下の方法をご検討いただけると幸いです。 <製品に関する質問に対し、確実にZoho側からの回答が欲しい場合> ・ご購入前:sales@zoho.jp
      • Zoho Japan Community オンラインフォーラムの利用案内

        この度は、Zoho Japan Communityのオンラインフォーラムにご参加いただき、ありがとうございます。 ご利用にあたり、以下案内をご一読願います。フォーラムの使い方に関してはこちらをご確認ください。 1. オンラインフォーラムの利用について  オンラインフォーラムに投稿、リアクションを行うには、ユーザー登録が必要となります。 登録情報に関しては、パスワードを適宜変更するなどして自己責任での管理をお願いします。 ユーザーは、自由にオンラインフォーラムのユーザー登録から退会できます。なお、オンラインフォーラムから退会しても、当該ユーザによる投稿は引き続き掲載することがあります。

        • Recent Topics


        • On-prem version of Zoho Desk

          Is there an on-prem version of Zoho Desk available for enterprise customers if we have additional aspects of security that aren't covered with current legal and data security terms?
        • Workers unable to submit time logs

          I received a phone call and an email from employees saying that they received the same error code. They cannot submit the hours that they worked. The clerk whose email is problematical is not in the office this week and does not have access to her email.
        • Error 550 - receiving email

          Hi, We've been getting messages from three different customers that our email address was bouncing. Our email address is hello[at]meteoorbooks.com. This was the error message they received: The response from the remote server was: 550 5.0.1 Recipient
        • solicitud cambio de dominio

          buenas tardes por favor me pueden ayudar con un cambio de dominio es que al crear un correo corporativo manual y agregue un dominio inscribí el mío pero le anexe letras de mas y no pude seguir con el proceso y no se como hacer para seguir con la configuración
        • Zoho Desk's ASAP announcement | Time to embrace the enhanced JWT Authentication Mechanism for ASAP | Dec'23

          Hi All, We are eager to introduce the enhanced JWT authentication mechanism for accessing your ASAP add-ons. Effective December 25th, 2023, the ASAP's old JWT authentication mechanism will be deprecated. This means that the option to switch to the new
        • Attach Subform images from Zoho Creator to CRM Module

          Good afternoon eveyone. I am having a difficult time trying to find a way to attach a subform image from a creator app to a CRM module. I have tried so many ways that I don't even know which way was on the right track because none of them worked. If anyone
        • Receipt for Transaction ID2005635324115

          Please share Receipt for Transaction ID2005635324115 towards bashir.salih@wood-man.ae
        • Zoho FSM Extension for Zoho Desk: For Enhanced On-Site Assistance and Unified Customer Support

          We are stoked to present to you Zoho FSM for Zoho Desk, an extension that will help you convert Zoho Desk tickets that require on-site assistance into field service requests in Zoho FSM, ensuring a smooth hand-off from the help desk to field technicians.
        • Not able to send or receive emails

          Hello, I have not been having problems sending and receiving email accounts for about 2 weeks now. I have clean out my folders for storage and it is still not working. Thanks Ward
        • Need Assistance with New Account and DNS Update

          I've created a Zoho Mail account for my Website https://apkqad.com but forgot which Gmail account I used to sign up. Can I setup a new Zoho Mail account and update the DNS records accordingly?
        • Which WhatsApp API works seamlessly with Zoho CRM?

          I’m exploring WhatsApp API solutions that integrate seamlessly with Zoho CRM for customer communication, lead nurturing, and automation. I would love to hear insights from those who have successfully implemented WhatsApp within Zoho CRM. My Requirements:
        • Zoho Desk app update - Reply via email option for IM tickets

          Hello, everyone! We're excited to introduce the 'Reply via Email' option for IM tickets, in the latest version of the Zoho Desk Android(v2.7.4) and iOS(2.9.5) app update. You can now respond to IM-based tickets via email within the mobile app. This feature
        • Importing into Multiselect Picklist

          Hi, We just completed a trade show and one of the bits of information we collect is tool style. The application supplied by the show set this up as individual questions. For example, if the customer used Thick Turret and Trumpf style but not Thin Turret,
        • Zoho Meeting Android app update - v2.4.0

          Hello everyone! We are excited to announce that we have brought in support for the following features in the latest version of the Zoho Meeting Android app(v2.4.0): 1. Start Personal Meeting Rooms 2. Revamp of the schedule meeting screen and meeting details
        • Upload and embed a video into an article?

          How can we upload a video and embed it into an article? It is possible for images but this only supports image files. And don't say it has to be uploaded to YouTube, Vimeo or DailyMotion in order to embed it. We're trying to create company documentation
        • Zoho Recruit in 2025

          Hi Zoho team, Is it possible to disclose what is on the roadmap for Recruit in 2025? In comparsion to other ATS options available, Recruit is falling behind. Within the community there are endless request and suggestions from users on feature which would
        • Mass Update Status of Job Openings

          It'd be incredibly useful to be able to mass update the statuses of job openings. I've just been told six jobs are on hold with the same client, so at the moment I need to update all of them individually. Cheers
        • Canvas View in Zoho Recruit

          Is it possible or would it be possible to have the new 'Canvas View' in Zoho Recruit?
        • This mobile number has been marked spam. Please contact support.

          I am having problem of adding my mobile phone number to my account, while enabling the Zoho mail service. I have tried my personal number, working number, and even my parents number and still got the same error "This mobile number has been marked spam.
        • Error when trying to categorize bank transactions

          I am trying to categorize my bank transactions. It was going fine, I categorized 50 or so transaction and suddenly I started getting an error that reads: "Transactions cannot be matched as the account you are trying to match it to, is different.". I select
        • Why there is "Failure" after the "Answer bot" card

          Hi, I'm building a Chat bot for my company. I implement the card "Answer bot" and after this card there is the word "Failure", then if I add another card, this card doesn't work. In this case I add the "End" card. Can you explain how to do to avoid this
        • Kaizen #177: Duplicate Check Preferences API vs. Upsert API

          Hello all!!! Welcome back to another week of Kaizen. Last week, we discussed Optimizing the Use of Record ID Variables in Zoho CRM Queries. This week, we will explore two important APIs for managing duplicate records in Zoho CRM - Duplicate Check Preferences
        • How to block a WhatsApp user for sending spam

          Is there a way to block those whatsapp users that just come to play and annoy our service, they also spam us. We have a waba service with sales iq
        • Sales receipt drop down

          Is the option for Sales receipt only in a paid subscription? If it is which subscription, if it is not how do I get it up on my drop down sales tab.
        • 5 powerful ways to boost e-commerce customer engagement with Zobot

          E-commerce has been a game changer for the past decade. It has drastically influenced the way people purchase. This pandemic broke all the existing rules by embracing automation and making the customer experience more personalized. Chatbots play a crucial
        • Access Sales Order line Items in Deluge

          Does anyone have a Deluge snippet that shows how to access an Order_Items from a Sales_Order? Thanks in advance! Brenedn
        • Progressive Discounts

          We need to be able to apply more than one discount after the sub total. How would we go about doing that in zoho books and zoho inventory?
        • How to select alternate invoice email notification template

          When we reissue an invoice, we want to send a different notification email. I am able to set up the alternate email body using Email Notifications/Invoice Notification settings, but I can't figure out how to attach that template to a specific invoice.
        • Create/Update Query Tables through API

          We need an API to edit the query tables. Currently if columns are added/removed from a normal table, we have to edit the query tables made on top of that table manually to reflect the changes. We want to automate this task to automatically update the
        • Is there a way to programmatically open the zoho business chat?

          I'm integrating business chat into my website. Is there a way to programmatically trigger opening the chat?
        • Mass Change Start Date in Recurring Invoice

          Need a way to update start date for large number of recurring invoices. Either bulk update option for that field or an import function with the ability to set "duplicate handling logic" (like when importing customers) so that one (or more) field can be
        • How Do I Refund a Customer Directly to Their Credit Card?

          Hi, I use books to auto-charge my customers credit card. But when I create a credit note there doesn't seem to be a way to directly refund the amount back to their credit card. Is the only way to refund a credit note by doing it "offline" - or manually-
        • Zoho Books Invoices Templates

          It would be really helpful to have more advanced features to customise the invoice templates in Zoho Books. Especially I´m thinking of the spacing of the different parts of the invoice (Address line etc.). If you have a sender and receiver address in
        • Backup & Restore

          We need a better tool for comprehensive data back-up and restore.  We are investing in Zoho Books as a tool to run our business and the data we input into the system is vital so having comprehensive and regular backups is not only key but a fundamental requirement for any responsible business.  The current backup system does not provide complete data backup and the process to import the data is also flawed. Exported files size are larger than the allowable import size Some exported files have different
        • Zoho Books Custom Views do not allow "Empty" and "Not Empty" to be evaluated in criteria

          In Zoho Books, we can create a custom view for most modules (like Invoices and Bills), and we can try to specify a criteria. However, we cannot evaluate in criteria whether a field is empty or not. This is very bizarre! Every type of criteria across all
        • Allow Option to Modify Check Voucher. Need Additional Columns from Bill

          We really want to add a custom field/value from a Bill to the check Voucher. Is this possible? If not, why is there such a restriction? We are having an admin hand write information on all the vouchers, even though the information already exists on the
        • Restrict Payment Methods

          Allow us to restrict certain payment methods specific for each customer.
        • Zeptomail Support

          My zeptomail was blocked and i was notified to contact support. I have opened five tickets and no one is responding to my queries. I went through possibilities of the block and discovered the issue was due to suspicious mails sent through one of the mailagents.
        • How to export customer contacts from Zoho desk

          How to export customer contacts from Zoho desk
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