Ask the Experts: A 5-hour live discussion on co-authoring and reviewing

Ask the Experts: A 5-hour live discussion on co-authoring and reviewing

Welcome to the Ask the Experts series. This is a new initiative to provide a platform for our users and the product experts to exchange thoughts about the product, and interact with each other better.

Hello there, everyone! :)

Thanks to everyone who posted their questions during our last month's session on customizing options.  

For this month's session, let's discuss one of Writer's key capabilitiesdocument collaboration. Do let us know if you have queries, doubts or suggestions regarding any of the following topics:

1. Track Changes: Keeping control of the edits made by your collaborators and seeing what's changed where, and when.

2. Sharing Options: Bringing people to your documents and controlling their access-permissions (Read-only, Read/Comment and Read/Write modes).

3. Markup Modes: Choosing how you want edits made by you and others to be displayed in the document (All Markup, No Markup and Original Only modes).

4. Custom Markup Colors: Picking a unique color for you and everyone else in your team to make changes in.

5. Locking and Masking Content: Controlling what you want your collaborators to edit, and masking sensitive information from certain collaborators.

6. Commenting: Adding and managing contextual comments in your documents.

Me, along with our panel of experts will be available to take your questions during this time.

That being said, feel free to ask questions about Writer in general, and also pass on your feedback to the team if you'd like to. Our experts will be happy to discuss them and give you possible solutions in real-time. :)

Start posting your questions right away as comments below! We'll be available to answer your questions live from 07:00 AM PDT on the 28th (Friday) for 5 hours straight.

Looking forward to a great interactive session!

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