From Quickbooks to Zoho Invoice

From Quickbooks to Zoho Invoice

We have been using Intuit Quickbooks for our invoicing until we recently discovered Zoho Invoice. Although Quickbooks does a lot more than Zoho Invoice to manage your company accounts, wages, VAT etc, we simply didn't use the features and all we were using it for was to create our invoices.

The main problem was the fact that we use multiple PC's in several locations and it wasn't easy to share the data file with a single licence copy of Quickbooks. I'm sure buying multiple copies of Quickbooks and setting up a shared data location would have been possible, but also expensive, and still an over complicated solution just to create our invoices.

We discovered Zoho Invoice shortly after its launch at the beginning of April 08 and haven't looked back. Although there were a few teething troubles to begin with, mainly due to the layout of invoice templates, the support team have been fantastic to help resolve most of these issues straight away, with a promise to resolve others in future updates.

For small to medium size companies looking for an online quote and invoicing system with the ability to setup and use stock items, Zoho is the perfect solution. Don't take my word for it, try it out for yourself. You can create 5 invoices or estimates each month for free, otherwise it's just a few dollars per month. A few dollars a month well spent in my books.

Steve Radford
Yowzer Limited