How to Delete, Disable, or Remove Streams from the Mail App?

How to Delete, Disable, or Remove Streams from the Mail App?

Is there a way to remove Streams from the mail app sidebar? I get too many notifications, it doesn't add any value to Zoho's functionality (especially since you can just make comments inside an email), and is distracting. I do not want notifications/alerts from Streams because the notification looks identical to an email alert, which is confusing and unnecessary. Furthermore, it isn't particularly useful. Either mirror Slack's chat functionality or don't bother; the way you organize chats is confusing. If I want a chat function, I don't want each individual message separated into a new box/line/email (which is what it looks like; every single message appears as a new tab, it looks just like an email inbox. Literally just copy Slack. Just take their visual style, put your branding on it, and replace Streams. Or allow me the option to remove/delete/disable Streams. At the very very least, allow me to disable notifications coming from Streams.