Introducing 'Dynamic display' in the latest version of the Bigin Android mobile app.

Introducing 'Dynamic display' in the latest version of the Bigin Android mobile app.

Hello everyone!

In the latest version of the Bigin Mobile Android app (1.6.0), we have introduced support for Dynamic Display, which transforms the List View into a powerful and customizable visual interface.

Dynamic Display:

This feature allows users to tailor the list view to their specific needs and preferences, providing a personalized experience. It provides flexibility in choosing which fields should be displayed and in what order. Additionally, there are advanced options that enable users to customize aspects like image size, shape, and positioning.


The Dynamic Display feature comprises three main sections: the preview section, the field customizer section, and the 'Advanced Options' section:

Preview: In the preview section, users can see the changes they have made and visualise how the customisations will appear in the final view.

Field Customizer: The field customizer section helps users select fields and align their positions using drag-and-drop support. Within this section, there are three types of layouts available:

i) Heading: This layout supports only one field, which is highlighted with a larger font size. Users can add a field by tapping the add icon or dragging and dropping it onto the heading layout.

ii) Subheading: The Subheading layout contains two fields. Users can add fields by tapping the add icon or dragging and dropping them onto the subheading layout.

iii) Items: The Item layout supports up to four fields. Users can add fields by tapping the add icon or dragging and dropping them onto the item layout.

Note: Drag and drop support is also available for rearranging fields between layouts, moving fields within a layout, and deleting fields from a layout.



3.Advanced Options: The 'Advanced Options' section, located at the bottom of the screen, provides additional customization options beyond field selection. It comprises three main tabs:

i) Image tab: Users can customize the appearance of images, including their size, shape, and alignment. The image displayed will vary depending on the module.

ii) Style tab: The style tab allows users to choose the layout type, such as Card or List, and control the visibility of associated icons next to the fields.

iii) Action tab: This tab is specific to the 'Contacts' and 'Task' modules. Users can enable actions like a call button for the Contacts module or a quick complete checkbox for Tasks in the list view.

Dynamic Display supports two modes: Web Setup and Mobile Setup.

1. Web Setup: The primary purpose of this mode is to mirror the display settings on the web and provide a limited selection of customization options.

Info: At the top of the 'Web Setup' page, users can find the custom view switcher. Users can use this feature to switch between different custom views, each displaying its own set of web-selected fields.

2. Mobile Setup: Mobile users may truly take control of their viewing experience in this mode through extensive customization options.

Note: Dynamic Display is also supported in Tab and Samsung Fold devices.

Samsung Fold:

By keeping your app updated, you can take advantage of the newest features, performance enhancements, and security fixes. Don't miss out on the latest improvements; simply click on this Play Store link, and you'll be on your way to a better Bigin mobile experience.

