Proper Folder Hierarchy

Proper Folder Hierarchy

Hello, what is the best practice for creating our organizations central folder and doc sharing repository?   We have been running into some issues with the way WorkDrive handles folder permissions.  Here is a sample of what we started with:

   |_ ...
   |_ ...
   |_ ...
   |_ ...
   |_ Group Project 1
        |_ ...
        |_ ...
   |_ Ad Hoc Committee 1
        |_ ...
        |_ ...
   |_ Event Planning
        |_ ...
        |_ ...
   |_ ....

Now, the issue is that we have no granular control over sharing of the sub-folders within Projects.  e.g.  Group Project 1 may include Mary, Luis, and Tom, while Event Planning may include Bob, Melissa, and Jane.  There does not seem to be a way to grant these individuals access to ONLY the sub-folder.  Everyone added to any subfolder is actually just tacked onto the entire Project folder, giving them access to files and folder they shouldn't have.  And more problematically, when we REMOVE access to a sub-folder for users, they are removed from the top-level folder entirely.

Seems like the solution is to remove the Project folder from the hierarchy.  And put the indiv. project folders at the top to the repository.  But then the root level of our file rerpository will become a very long list of folders (for some users who are involved in lots of projects, working groups, etc.).

Is that just the way it should be, or is there some way to more finely control premissions of folders that are not at the very top of the WorkDrive hierarchy?