Redirect USER to new url after submitting form

Redirect USER to new url after submitting form

As it is, when a user clicks submit on the form on my website, it appears as though nothing happens because the form is so long, you cannot see the "date submitted successfully" message that pops up.  Nonetheless, all the input is still there and nothing else happens. 

What I would like to accomplish is for the form data to do what it's designed to do (send confirmation emails and send data to zoho for storage), but the user be redirected in the same window to a new url on my website, such as, ".../ThankYou.aspx."  No matter what I do, I cannot make this happen.  I'm using an officelive website and the best I get is for the url I input to have them redirected to appears within the same iframe, but it's like a webpage within a webpage. 

What script can I add to the "with action" editing part of the form designer to accomplish what I want?

Thanks for your help.