Set the value of lookup field based on decision box

Set the value of lookup field based on decision box

This really should be easy but im having an issue here. Help will be appreciated because it will solve so many issues for me.

I have a form that has a lookup field in it.

When a user checks off a decision check box I need to set the lookup field to a specific value.

Normally, if i wanted to set a field value I would just use something similar to the following:

      input.field = "this is the value i want to set the field to";

With a look up field this does not work.

How can I set the value of the lookup field?

The lookup field is looking up vendor names and I need to set it to a specific vendor that will always be present.

It seems i cant just use:

 input.lookupfield = "Vendor name";

Because the lookup field is not a string value and there is a type miss match..

Please help