Storage space in Zoho Forms: The ultimate guide to efficiently managing your data

Storage space in Zoho Forms: The ultimate guide to efficiently managing your data

Are you using Zoho Forms for data collection? As with any data-intensive application, understanding how storage space is calculated is essential. That's why we've created this guide— to show you everything you need to know about managing storage space in Zoho Forms! From understanding how storage space is calculated, to viewing and managing it effectively, we'll discuss it all below.
How is storage space calculated?
When it comes to calculating storage space in Zoho Forms, there are a few things you should keep in mind. The majority of your storage space is consumed by the signatures, images, and files uploaded to your forms.
How and where to view storage space:
Now that you understand how storage space is calculated, let's talk about how and where you can view your available space.
To view your entire Zoho Forms organization's storage usage, along with plan details, navigate to the Account Usage section and click View Usage. Refer to this link for more information.
To view the storage information about a particular form, such as the total number of submissions and total amount of storage space consumed by the form, visit the 'Info' section. Refer to this link for step-by-step instructions.

What if you're the Super Admin and need to view the storage space taken up by forms created by other users within your organization? That's when the Export File Storage Info option comes into play. Using this option, you can export your organization's file storage information as a CSV file. You'll see the following information for all forms created in your organization: form owner's email address, form title, and storage used by each form in MB.

What to do when you're about to reach your storage limit:
If you're worried about running out of storage space, Zoho Forms has got you covered! As long as you subscribe to a paid plan, we'll send an email alert to the Super Admin's account when you reach 90% of your total storage limit.
So, what happens when you reach your storage limit? There are a few things you can do. First, you can purchase our storage add-ons to increase the space available in your Zoho Forms account immediately. Check out our help link for more information on our plans and pricing.
Another option is to perform a data export and delete the files collected. This means you'll export all your collected data, and then delete the files/entries manually (you'll have to permanently delete them from the trash too) to free up storage space. Keep in mind that, once deleted, your files cannot be retrieved.
Preventing storage space issues with the Manage Form Attachment option:
To avoid running out of storage space in Zoho Forms, you could use the Manage Form Attachment option. This allows you to push collected files to a different cloud storage service, like Zoho WorkDrive, Dropbox, or Google Drive, upon each form submission.


Once configured, the uploaded files will only be stored only by your selected file storage service, and will not be available in Zoho Forms. Check out our help link for more information on how to configure the Manage Form Attachment option.
Managing your storage space in Zoho Forms is essential to ensuring the smooth functioning of your forms. By monitoring your storage usage, you can avoid running out of storage space and take necessary actions to increase your storage limit or delete unwanted data.

Give this tip a try and let me know how it goes. You can also send your thoughts and feedback to

Until next time,

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