Stumped on map variable script error in Zoho Creator

Stumped on map variable script error in Zoho Creator


The script below is simplified to the basics that include the error line for easier debuging and is used in Action Button in a report for Form "RCMfrm_Jobsheet_Tasks".
Goal is to open the existing record on-click of button to update a signature and single line text field, and use a map() variable for passing prepopulated data on the record to avoid duplicate data entry.

'Start_Time' is a time (date-time) field
'JS_Task_ID' is an autonumber (number) field

I keep geting this error message:
"Error details:
 Error in executing script
 Mismatch of data type expression. Expected BIGINT but found STRING Line:(13)"

and the : log messages - Record found!
// Fetch the current record ID
recordid = input.ID;

// Get the current record
records = zoho.creator.getRecords("careassociates","client-mgtapp","RCMfrm_Jobsheet_Tasks","ID == \"" + recordid + "\"",1,200,"oauth_connection");

// Check if the record is found
if(records.size() > 0)
info "Record found!";
record = records.get(0);

// Declare the updateMap variable
updateMap = Map(0);

// Update the map with existing field value
          updateMap.put("Start_Time",record.get("Start_Time")); //<--Line 13

// Build the URL with existing field value and recLinkID
url = "#Form:RCMfrm_Jobsheet_Tasks?recLinkID=" + recordid + "&Start_Time=" + updateMap.get("Start_Time") + "&JS_Task_ID=" + updateMap.get("JS_Task_ID");

// Use the openUrl function to open the form in a popup window
openUrl(url,"popup window","height=510px,width=420px");
info "Record not found!";
I also tried this edit in attempt to reconcile data type mismatch:
updateMap.put("Start_Time",record.get("Start_Time").toString()); //<--Line 13

...and still get the same error message. I suspect an error on the use of "" on both sides of the put() arguments but I can't find useful guidance in the Zoho Deluge resources I have read to confirm as much.

Any comments or advice are welcome and thank you in advance.