Unable to execute Sales Order Cycle - Android Zoho Inventory App

Unable to execute Sales Order Cycle - Android Zoho Inventory App

While testing the Zoho Inventory APP in Android, I have the following issue.
I have setup automation of the Sales Order creation.
This would allow a sales order cycle to be triggered on a save and confirm of a sales order.
The option works fine using a web browser but when I login with my employee account in an android version of the APP, I see only two options in the Sales Order create page, Save as Draft and Save and Send.
I don't see Save and Confirm button.
I also tried to confirm the sales order from a draft state but that does not pop up the three options (Execute the Sales Order Cycle / Override Sales Order Cycle / Skip Sales Order Cycle) in the Android App.
This works fine in the Web version on a desktop.
Has anyone else faced this issue?