Use Flow to Add Form PDF to Deal Related List

Use Flow to Add Form PDF to Deal Related List

I know that in Zoho Forms I can integrate with the CRM, field map and add a PDF for every form submission. But I have a different use case is outside that workflow.

Use Case:
We have a consulting product that is 90 days in length and host multiple attendees. I created a form to gather the attendee information and need to add a PDF version of the submitted and/or updated form to the corresponding deal. The reason I cannot use the CRM integration within Forms is that the Deal layout has mandatory fields and those fields are not on this form. Also, the mandatory fields within the Deal are associated with other workflows and that information is gathered earlier in the sales process.

In Zoho Forms, I have the "Manage Form Attachments" setting set to add a new form submission to a folder in Zoho Docs. I have attempted to set up a flow to push that PDF to the deal but I get this error:  Please check if the URL trying to access is a correct one. 

I am open to any suggestions. Your help is appreciated.