Zoho recruit not parsing linkedIn jobs

Zoho recruit not parsing linkedIn jobs

We have set up our resume parser and resume inbox. It works for our career site and Indeed but when we post a job on LinkedIn and add the job mail provided for us it always fails to parse, giving the error parser failed.
Please we will need assistance as soon as possible as we have a lot of job openings and all of them aren't parsing. 

      • Sticky Posts

      • How to Add Users to your Organization in ZohoMail?

        A better clarity so you can create other users to start using Zoho Mail. You can directly Add Users from the Control Panel to your Organization. You can invite users with the existing email address. If the person (user) already uses ZohoCRM, then you can import users from Zoho CRM. You can also import them using a .csv file. (if you are planning to add them in Bulk)  In this topic, We will be discussing on how to Add and Invite users only.  The Import options are self explanatory. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________