Zoho Community Whiteboard Communauté

    • Announcements

    • Zoho MVP Batch of 2023

      Image: Zoho MVP Batch of 2023 Presenting the Zoho MVPs for 2023: Michael Trow Damien Cregan Kevin Flynn Donald Love Gordon Mankelow Abhishek Sharma Nik Khairul Bryan Pape Hugh Marshall Bhoomi Joshi Mikhail Koval Ken Florian Sven Rösser Our MVPs are passionate
    • Sector Spotlight - October 2023: Newsletter on the Industry-based ZUGs

      Hello, folks! At the heart of the Zoho Community, we're dedicated to making your Zoho applications work their best for you. To achieve this, we've introduced something special—industry-based groups, also known as Zoho User Groups or ZUGs. These groups
    • Sector Spotlight July 2023: Connect, Learn, and Thrive!

      Hello folks! You might be aware of the several Zoho User Groups (ZUGs) created in the community as per the industry segmentation. We have currently eight such interest-based ZUGs active. In this post, I would like to update the community on the happenings
    • Thanksgiving 2022 - Celebrating Zoho Community SuperBuds

      One of the things we love most about our Zoho User Community is how readily our users help each other out, and share their Zoho and business knowledge. Be it the community forums, the virtual and in-person meetups, or Zoholics, it's been heart-warming
    • Zoho MVP Batch of 2022

      Image: Zoho MVP Batch of 2022 Zoho MVPs are passionate customers and partners who go out of their way in helping the community members. With their significant contributions in the community forums, they help cut short the learning curve of the members,
    • Most Discussed Topics

    • Zoho Community Support Idea

      It would be extremely beneficial to the users and employees of Zoho if community posts about problems people have included actual information on possible causes and solutions. Every single issue I come across has multiple threads on here from different