Zoho Tables Communauté

    • Most Discussed Topics

    • Yikes! All our data is gone

      We have two Zoho Tables bases. One of them, Projects, contains three tables: Projects, Tasks, and Time. We set them up a few days ago and have been entering data. The system was working earlier today, although we were unable to export data (and reported
    • Field validation by calculation

      I'd like to be able to validate fields using a calculation.
    • This product isn't ready. Avoid it.

      We started a trial of Tables, because it seemed like it would fill a real need for us. We understood that it was a first-release product that would lack a lot of functionality, but we were willing to make do and use it while features got added step by
    • Allow explicit 'commit' of records created in the table grid

      I've noticed that, if you enter a record directly into the table grid, the current view's 'filter' is applied as soon as you move from the first field. Since virtually the whole record (except the initial field and defaulted fields) is empty at the outset,
    • Zoho Table Automation - When Date Arrive

      Is there an automation on Zoho Table based on date? Just like in Zoho CRM? Like I created a column on table named due date, I would like to send an email notification when due date is coming, and past due.