A lot of spam from @notifications.zohosheet.eu address

A lot of spam from @notifications.zohosheet.eu address

In last week Inbox.lv email service has problem with spam from ZOHO side. More that 100K letters daily. I wrote about problem to your system emails, but unfurtunaly w/o answer. 
As quick fix, we tried to block your IP addresses, but we hope to the helping from your side.
At this time, some part of ZOHO messages go to Spam, but some part are Rejected.
Can you please help to our and your clients and stop spam sending?  

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  40. Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2022 01:30:58 +0100 (CET)
  41. From: 16@kaneriskolav.ru
  42. Sender: 16=kaneriskolav.ru@notifications.zohosheet.eu
  43. To: user@inbox.lv
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  71. X-KLMS-AntiVirus-Status: Clean, skipped

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