Dear Customers,
We hope you're well!
We are in 2024, and email as a tool is only getting more powerful each day. While it enables seamless daily correspondences, we are here with a set of abilities that will enhance your user experience and save several clicks and scrolls for CRM users. Let's look at them!
Summarizing threads:
Email threads are conversations displayed in chronological order. This provides you the context of the correspondence in a single window. Although useful, even to skim the contents, you had to scroll to the bottom of the email thread.
Now, for a sales representative or a sales manager who is already managing several similar conversations, this top-to-bottom scrolling is sometimes an inconvenience; an accurate essence of these exchanges is what is needed.
That is why, at Zoho CRM, we are now providing the ability to summarize email threads. This means Zia can give you a summary or a highlight of the conversation in a transaction. Based on the severity, the user can prioritize their responses and actions.
Here are some pointers about summarizing email threads:
- You can view the summaries directly from the related list.
- The threaded email in the related list is indicated as an icon denoting stacked conversation in the UI for your identification.
- Zia will give you the latest email summary, as well as the overall summary.
- For detailed information, you can choose to view the email from the summary page itself.
- As summaries, Zia just brings up the crux of the emails based on what is observed in the conversation. It will not create nor manipulate the emotions or tonality all by itself.
- You can also pass on your feedback on these summaries using the thumbs-up/down feedback strip, below the summary.
- Only threads in the English language will be summarized.
Translating emails:
Organizations that span across multiple geographies will have multi-lingual user and customer bases. To do business with them without the language being an impediment and to conduct fluid conversations, we have provided a native translation facility to every email in Zoho CRM. In a click of a button, all the contents in the display will be translated. It applies to composing emails, incoming and sent emails, and email threads. Because this is generated by Zia, the translation option is available to all users of Zoho CRM; you need not import any source file or AI key to translate.
Here are some pointers about translating emails:
- Zia cannot translate abbreviations, jargons, and acronyms.
- Native idioms will be translated as is. Zia will not translate/ transliterate based on the context.
- Images in the email will not be translated. This is a text-only translating facility.
- The language you set in your CRM is the default language. You can convert from and to up to 74 languages, including languages with RTL scripts.
- Translating an email is a one-time activity. It will revert to its original language once you have closed the window. However, if you have translated an email draft to a different language, you can send that draft, and the translated script remains as part of the thread.
That's all there is to the enhancement. We hope these new additions to email intelligence will help you really "go" on the go without having to pause for context.
Release plan: These enhancements are available for all organizations in Enterprise and Ultimate editions in the US, EU, IN, AU, SA, and CA.
Help document: Zia for emails
That's all, folks.
Thanks and have a good one!
Kind regards,
Saranya Balasubramanian
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