We have many subscriptions that are billed offline in Zoho Subscriptions. We often let a subscription expire while we renegotiate new terms/rates with the client. All of our contracts begin on the 1st or 15th of the month.
Once the negotation is complete and it is time to renew the contract - unless the date we are trying to renew is on the 1st or the 15th, it is impossible to get the correct billing date for our contracts. We only have two remedies for this situation - both of which are terrible:
1) We can reenter the subscription. However, we list out each of the locations on our subscriptions so this makes re-entry extra time-consuming and time-wasting.
2) We can renew the subscription with the current date, then change the billing date to the first of the next subsequent month. However, we then have to delete the initial invoice that is created with the wrong date, and then create dummy invoices for the invoices missed by changing/post dating the subscription.
There is an excellent feature where you can extend out remaining billing cycles for a subscription via the UI - however, this only works if the contract is not yet expired. If Zoho could enable this for expired subscriptions this would solve all my problems; however, per Zoho Support this is not currently available.
Therefore requesting that Zoho either 1) Allow user to add billing cycles to expired subscriptions or 2) Allow user to choose the next billing date when using "edit" function in UI to renew expired subscription.