Translation in Zoho CRM now supports various regional languages

Translation in Zoho CRM now supports various regional languages

Release plan (Last modified on Oct 29, 2024):
This feature is being rolled out in phases and is currently available for all users in the JP, AU, CNEU, and US data centers. We'll keep you updated on releases for other data centers.

Hello everyone,

Imagine a multinational company with teams spread across various regions, each using a different language to conduct business. For instance, the sales team in France prefers to use French, the marketing team in Australia prefers to use their system in English (Australia), and the support team from Tamil Nadu, India uses Tamil.

To ensure that every user in these diverse regions can use Zoho CRM efficiently, we've enhanced our translation feature to accommodate more languages, thereby improving localization and offering a more inclusive experience for global teams.

Until now, users could select from a set of supported languages, including many regional languages which can be added through the translations feature, which enables admins to export language files to translate certain values such as module names, subform fields, related lists, other fields, and picklist values, and then re-import the file. The system also automatically translates other values.
With our latest enhancement, we're expanding the translation feature to support even more languages and enabling users to translate key values in the CRM interface while ensuring that untranslated content remains in the default language.

How does this expanded language support work?

These additional languages can be translated for specific values found in the language file, including Module names (e.g., Leads, Contacts), field labels, related list labels, subform labels, and picklist values. Other elements of the CRM interface—like setup page components and default buttons—will remain in the default system language.
Zoho CRM sets the default language based on the interface language of the user. For example, if the interface language is English (Australia), the default will be English (United States); for Spanish (Argentina), it will default to Spanish; and for Tamil (India), the default will be English (United States).
After adding the language, you can export the language file, translate the necessary values, and re-upload the translated content. For example, you can translate content for English (Australia) and then re-import it for use.

Once it's added, all users will be able to choose English (Australia) as their preferred language and use it within the CRM.

Let's consider another example: If Tamil (India) is selected as the language, certain interface elements like the Leads, Contacts, and Accounts module names will be displayed in Tamil, while other elements—such as those found on the Setup page—will remain in the default language.

  • The limit for active languages is 25 in the Enterprise edition and 35 in the Ultimate edition (trial and paid).
  • The translated values will also reflect in the mobile app.
That's all for this enhancement. Please share your feedback in the comments below. 
