What's New in Zoho Billing - November 2024

What's New in Zoho Billing - November 2024

Hello everyone,

This month's what's new brings a bunch of new updates to Zoho Billing to improve your overall billing experience, ranging from Klarna payment method support to associating branch-specific logos. We have also launched our very own payment gateway, Zoho Payments, to make your payment collection process smoother. Keep reading to learn more.

Integrate Zoho Payments with Zoho Billing

Note: Zoho Payments is currently available in Early Access only in the US and India editions of Zoho Billing. Write to us at support@zohobilling.com to enable this integration for your organization.

Integrate your Zoho Billing organization with Zoho Payments to receive payments from your customers via UPI (India edition), cards, net banking and ACH Direct Debit (US edition). Once you configure Zoho Payments in Zoho Billing, it will also be enabled in all other Zoho Finance apps (Zoho Invoice, Zoho Books, Zoho Commerce, Zoho Checkout, and Zoho Inventory), allowing for a unified and seamless payment experience across all apps.

To integrate your Zoho Billing organization with Zoho Payments:
  • Navigate to Settings > Online Payments > Payment Gateways.
  • Click Set up Now next to Zoho Payments.
  • Fill in all the required details, and click Submit.

Associate Branch-Specific Logos

Some companies use different logos for different branches to tailor brand identity for specific regions or market segments. If your business has multiple branches in different regions, you can now associate different logos for each branch.

To update branch logos:
  • Navigate to Branches in Settings.
  • Select a branch, and click the Branch Logo dropdown.
  • Select Upload a New Logo.

Klarna Payment Method via Stripe

Note: This feature is not available in the India edition of Zoho Billing.

Your customers can now pay for their invoices using Klarna through Stripe. Klarna is a global payment method, which provides flexible payment options like Pay Later, installment payments and more. Even if customers choose to pay in installments or later, Stripe will transfer the full amount to the merchant instantly.

Supported Currencies: AUD, CAD, CHF, CZK, DKK, EUR, GBP, NOK, NZD, PLN, SEK, and USD. 

To enable Klarna:
  • Navigate to Settings > Online Payments > Payment Gateways.
  • Click Edit Settings under Stripe.
  • Click the Edit icon next to Payment Methods, and select Klarna.

Extend the Validity Period of e-Way Bills (India Edition)

The validity period of an e-way bill refers to the period within which the goods must be transported. Sometimes, due to unforeseen circumstances, like natural disasters or accidents, transportation can be delayed beyond this period. In such cases, you can extend the e-way bill's validity period directly from Zoho Billing by clicking Extend e-Way Bill from the e-way bill's Overview page.

Associate a Payment Form in Invoices [Mexico Edition]

The SAT has mandated that invoices must specify a payment form to indicate how the transaction will be settled for e-invoicing. You can now associate a payment form in invoices before pushing transactions to the SAT portal. Common payment forms include cash, credit card, and bank transfer.

To add a payment form, create or edit an invoice and select the payment method and payment form under Payment Details.

Introducing the Net Revenue Retention Report

You can now keep track of how well your organization retains customers and recurring revenue from them over a specific period using the Net Revenue Retention Report. This helps you get an overview of the company's long-term growth.

NRR Calculation:

NRR % = (Starting MRR + Expansion MRR - Contraction MRR - Churn MRR) / Starting MRR * 100

Validate Custom Fields Using Regex

You can now add validation for your custom fields using regex. This ensures that the values that are entered adhere to the required format, which helps validate values like phone numbers, or ZIP codes. You can also use this while importing data.

Here's how:
  • Create or edit a custom field.
  • Configure the regex validation in the Input Format field.
  • Fill the other required details.
  • Click Save.

Minimized Web Tabs

With our latest update to web tabs, you can minimize and view a web tab while navigating other modules within the app. This can be particularly helpful in cases where you might want to cross-verify data from a web tab, or follow instructions from a help document, if you have added it as a web tab.

Customize Keyboard Shortcuts

You can choose to customize keyboard shortcuts in your organization according to your preferences. You can also disable the keyboard shortcuts if you don't need them and enable them later. If you want to go back to the default shortcuts, you can simply reset them.

Share the Hosted Payment Page via QR Code

Now, you can share the hosted payment page by generating a QR code. You can also download the QR code to embed it in your websites, posters, banners, and other places to allow users to easily sign up to your product.

Other Enhancements

Update Branch Address

When you update a branch's address, you can choose to update it only in new transactions or update previously created transactions as well.

Print e-Way Bill PDF (Indian Edition)

You can now print or download the e-way bill directly from Zoho Billing for Generated, Canceled, and Expired e-way bills.

Resize Columns

Customize your organization's list pages by resizing the column width according to your needs. To resize a column, hover over the column header to get a resize icon.

Export Workflow Action Logs

You can now export your workflow action logs in CSV or XLS formats. This is helpful to debug failed workflow actions. You can also filter the logs by module, status, and date range.

Bulk Export Invoices as ZIP

You can now bulk export up to 100 invoices as a Zip file for your convenience. This helps in saving time by downloading all the invoices together instead of downloading the invoices separately.

Create Multiple Templates for Customer Statements

You can now create or clone multiple customer statement templates from PDF Templates under Settings.

We'd love to hear what you think about these features in the comments below.

If you require any assistance, please write to our dedicated support team at support@zohobilling.com – we'd be happy to help!

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