Can Zoho Subscriptions support my multi-branch customer organisations?
I'm assessing Zoho Subscriptions because I'm selecting a new subscription management platform. Our business which has been in operation for a year and now wants to expand. Can you answer/advise below... Context: Our business is to manage monthly subscriptions to healthcare plans for the customers of Medical Practice Groups. (The Patient clicks on our link on the Practice's website, and we provide the sign-up screens and the payment gateway and the monthly invoicing.) From your documentation it appears
Zoho cards are not updating
I have created a customers profile, the customer have 10 cards saved but whenever i try to update a cards number i get error "[code] => 416 [message] => The maximum number of payment profiles for the customer profile has been reached" all though details get updated when i change only details other then card number, cvv, exp month and year.
"credits_applied" field in /invoices (API)
Is there a way to get the field called "credits_applied " in the GET /invoices (listing) API endpoint? That field is returned in the invoice details endpoint (GET /invoices/ID) but not in the listing.
Get invoice PDF via API
Hello guys, I just wanted to know if there's a way to get an invoice PDF URL via the API, so in my website i can list all the invoices basic details (/invoices&customer_id=XXXX) and a link to download the PDF (without regenerating them myself). Is this possible?
Subscription downgrades arent permitted through Hosted pages.
Im getting this error when trying to change subscription plans through a hosted page: Subscription downgrades arent permitted through Hosted pages. Is this a temporary issue?
Subscription Status
I'm looking details on the all values that can be returned by the subscription field "Status". So far I have various values of non_renewing, cancelled, live,....are there others that are returned when a payment or monthly payment fails and the like? If this is in the documentation and someone could point in the right direction that would be great as I cannot seem to find it.
payment gateways
Hi we currently use zoho books with the braintree gateway if we start using subscriptions will braintree still work?
Support Email going unanswered
I am trying to delete my Zoho account. I have downgraded to free Yet it is not letting me CLOSE ACCOUNT I have tried emailing support@zohoaccounts and payments yet no response Today i have been billed again for my subscription This is not good customer service Can someone please assist
Offer product as subscription or single payment
Hi, is there an option to offer a product as a monthly subscription as well as a one time payment (e.g. 15 months a $100 or single payment of $1300)? Best regards
As customer: cancel subscription
Hi, I am looking for an option as a customer to cancel a subscription. Is there a client portal where a customer could log into and cancel his subscription and / or change his billing details (credit card, address etc.)? Best regards
Disable Credit Card Payment - Only Offline Payment
Is it possible to disable "Credit Card" payment field on subscription form? So the customer doesn't have to fill their card credentials. Instead, I'd like just record the payment as "Offline Payment".
Import existing Stripe cards
Hey, We're currently evaluating Zoho for integration into our SaaS product. We currently use our own billing system and have all of the cards captured in Stripe. If we move to Zoho are we able to import these existing cards into new subscriptions? Also do you validate VAT numbers in the EU against the VIES database? Thanks!
Gateway credentials are not valid
I'm trying to setup with a "trial/test" subscriptions account. I get a message that credentials aren't valid...but I updated and disabled old credential sin case for some reason they weren't working. So, I created new credentials and they are perfectly input (manually typed once and copied/pasted twice). I have enabled CIM (and we've used it with other apps). But, it still doesn't work. So, a couple questions: 1) Can be setup in trial/test mode of subscriptions?
Customer Portal
Hi, I can't find the options to give our subscribers the ability to change their subscriptions and information. Where could I find this? It is quite strange as this is definitely a basic feature that should be there; you can't call yourself a 'complete solution' without it. Please help out! Thanks Best regards, Erik
How to recover Events losts during server maintinance?
Hello, I was testing events to a new Site and notice that all events send from ZOHO to the site was lost because a receiver configuration's problem. This may be the same as server down for maintenance, so: How can I recover events didn't received in a period of time? Or is supposed to paginate events, then, how to specify order by event date descending?
How to get subscriptions (cancelled/active) associated with a card
Is there any way to get subscriptions (cancelled/active) associated with a card ??
How can I refund a CREDIT NOTE if the credit card has been removed from the customers account?
I have a CREDIT NOTE on a customers account. This customer is no longer with us so they have cancelled their account. The customers credit card has been removed from their account and I no longer have the option to void the CREDIT NOTE or to issue a refund.
dissociate card with cancelled subscription
How can I dissociate card from a cancelled subscription ??
Multiple Domains
I am interested in adding a domain. I just opened a .com and would like to add a .org. The only option I see is to import one I already own from another host. But I do not yet own the .org and would like to purchase it from zoho and add it to my current accout. How do I do this? Thanks, Harri
Can we hide "Cancelled Subscriptions"
Hi there, Started using Zoho Subscriptions at the beginning of the year, is there a way to HIDE cancelled subscriptions? We have several clients where subscriptions have been cancelled for any number of reasons and now we have to navigate through a mess of CANCELLED SUBSCRIPTIONS before i find the LIVE one. It would be nice if we could apply a filter that said "hide" cancelled subscriptions. Thank you. RS
Hi Team I Have to use Zoho Invoice system and i want to add BCC Email to Zoho Invoicing but i am not able to do so please give any idea for that thank you.
Payment profiles for customers
1. How to overcome this limit "The maximum number of payment profiles for the customer profile has been reached" ? 2. Whenever we delete a card from customers profile does the payment profile at for the same card gets deleted too ?
List subscriptions API not returning credit card data
Hello When making the API call The subscriptions array we get back does not contain all the information that's in the API doc. We are specifically looking for credit card info, so we know which free trials have a credit card and which don't. I should note that these subscriptions didn't have a credit card when they were created, but one was added using the 'Update card for a subscription'
API call to list subscriptions for specific customer id returning empty list
I understand that I can make an API call to fetch all subscriptions for a specific customer by appending the customer_id to the query string, like below. However, this doesn't seem to be working for a specific customer, even though I can see the subscription in the UI. Does this API call return subscriptions that are still in their free trial? If I dump the response I get what's below and notice "applied_filter":"SubscriptionStatus.LIVE".
Subscription URL PHISHING ALERT Kaspersky
Hello, We have a significant problem , lots of customer subscription by clicking the link receives the message phishing Kaspersky . It receives Kaspersky Phishing alert.
ZSubscriptions-ZCreator integration. Description of payload.
In the ZC integrations with ZS we have: <response> = zoho.subscriptions.getList(<module>, <orgID>) How/where do I find the decription of the "payload" returened by this? Need to know how the respons look like in order to handle it in ZC with the executeXPath function in ZCreator. Thank you.
Recurring Billing
All our customers have different billing dates and we require recurring billing, HOWEVER, each month their bill can change based upon usage of our services (sometimes it will be the same). We currently use QuickBooks and handle the process this way: We create a recurring sales receipt each month and set it to a reminder instead of automatically process On that day we go through our recurring transactions and choose create and edit We make any changes that need to be done then process credit card
Has anyone verified if Zoho is PCI compliant?
We are planning on using Zoho to process payments via We have everything set up and are attempting to complete the PCI DSS SAQ-A requirement for our merchant account. This requires us to prove Zoho has completed the SAQ-D for Service Providers. We need a way to verify compliance, or a copy of an attestation of compliance signed by the appropriate officer at Zoho. I assume I'm not the first person to use Zoho to process payment, and therefore not the first to require this information
Free tool: Forecast and predict revenue for your subscription business
We just launched a free tool that can help you predict future revenue for your subscription business! Check it out: If you're a subscription business owner who needs to take a peek into the future of your business, you can use this tool to find out how your revenue will look like in the months and years to come. Just plug in your current metrics (monthly recurring revenue, revenue growth and churn rate) and the tool will tell you how fast and how
The maximum number of payment profiles for the customer profile has been reached
Can anybody tell what does this mean?? "The maximum number of payment profiles for the customer profile has been reached"
Zoho subscriptions trial expire
Hello, We have implemented zoho subscriptions in our project. We need some clarification on these points. 1--When does invoice is created for a subscription with trial period a) on creation of subscription or b) on completion of trial period 2-- What happens to subscription status when payment is failed(recurring billing) is it cancelled or deactivated.
Translate and hide Shipping address
How do we translate plan url ? Can we put a parameter like &lang=FR ? How do we hide Shipping Address ? We are selling a web service. Thanks
why am I getting a bad request error?
when I make a request with this information: { "subscription_id": "191134000000052059", "plan": { "plan_code": "25" }, "redirect_url": " " } Your server returns a 400: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request. Why? It works in most cases, so is it something with that particular subscription id?
Customer Portal
Hi all, where can I configure and test the customer portal? For example if a customer wants to change their quanitity or update their credit card details? Best regards, Arne
Subscriptions invoices pdf i18n
Hi there. I have a question. I don't understand how to use the Subscription API ( i18n email and pdf templates of invoices. API action ( ALWAYS send pdf invoice with default template. We want to send to our customers the pdf invoices on their preffer languages. Can we handle this case? Should we use your other product which has been integrated with Zoho Subscriptions? Сheers,
Hiding Cancelled Subscriptions
Hi there, Is there a way of hiding cancelled subscriptions in the "Customer Overview" panel? Thank you, RS
Trial subscriptions invoice
Hello, As zoho subscriptions does not create a subscription's invoice until its trial period has expired, Is there any way to update my db when a subscription's trial period is over and its invoice is created.
How to collect carge in Zoho Subscriptions for overdue invoice created in Zoho Books?
1. We are using Stripe as payment gateway for our subscriptions - working well for the recurring charges generated in Z Subscriptions. 2. We have at an earlier point created manual invoices in Zoho Books. (old balances for the customers at the time of converting over to Zoho). 3. For some customers, we are collecting payments for their subscriptions fine in Zoho Subs from their registered CC, but we want to use their CC registered in Zoho Subs to collect the unpaid balance from the invoice created integration issue
I am using sandbox account for test purpose, but when i tried to integrate it with zoho subscriptions it is showing this message "The payment gateways listed below are yet to be configured : PayPal. You can select only the payment gateway(s) which are configured already." Also could you guys please provide list of names of payment gate ways to use in api requests.
Is there a place on the admin portal where I can see my monthly invoice?
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