How do I implement Annual rate increments?
I am exploring Zoho Subscription to automate the billing process. Some of our clients are setup on annual rate increments from 3 to 5% annually. Is there a way to implement this feature?
We are planning to switch to Zoho Subscription but there are some pre-sale questions
Hello, we are planning to switch to Zoho Subscriptions but we are not sure if the following things are possible. We are currently running an online shop (based on WooCommerce) and are thinking about sending all subscription orders via Webhook to Zoho
Unable to fetch subscriptions from zoho subscriptions using date time filter
Hi, I would like to get the list of subscriptions, addon, plans that have been updated in zoho subscriptions. Something like this
Zoho Subscriptions Custom Module lookup field modules do not match. 'Items' should be 'Products' in subscriptions
Hello, Im building a custom module that will manage our assets, and I wanted to link the Assets to the Products module via a lookup field, but there is no Plans field available, only the 'Items' Field from zoho books. Shouldnt we be able to access Products instead
Get custom field from Customer attached to subscription?
Hi! I have a custom field handling emails void test_with_new_email_condition( Map invoice , Map organization , Map user ) { how can I get a custom field cf_faktura from (I have the customer_id, name, etc)
Fixed pricing per currency
Hi, is it possible to have varies currencies and also fixed pricing per product? Our base currency is US Dollars but our Euro, Pounds & Rands pricing cannot be linked to an exchange rate. They are custom for each product per currency/region. Is there
Hide/Show Certain Fields When Creating/Editing Subscriptions
Hello there, I would like the ability to hide or show certain fields for different employees/roles in my company when they are creating or editing subscriptions. Most of the time, we don't use half of the fields shown on the create/edit subscription page.
Data Validation Rules for Zoho Subscriptions
Hello there, It would be great if Zoho Subscriptions offered Data Validation rules to validate the data entered while creating, editing, or cancelling subscriptions and to prevent users from performing specific actions. We have a custom field for capturing
Create webhook and send data to zoho creator?
Hi I want to send data(email,name,paid amount,plan) from Zoho Subscriptions to Zoho Creator and create new records in zoho creator using webhooks after payment received Thanks D.SenthilRajan
The SPF record will not authenticate
We have tried adding the SPF record and it will not authenticate. We have also contacted our hosting provider and they said it is set up correctly.
Is it possible to send invoices to clients before their renewal date and is it possible to implement an invoice review process?
Hello, All of our clients are on yearly plans and are paying us via Purchase Orders with varying terms. In order to ensure we are receiving the payment prior to their actual contract renewal date, we are sending them a renewal invoice 3 months prior to
Is it possible to customize when invoices are sent from Subscriptions?
I work for a SaaS and right now we send out reminder emails 90, 60, 30, and 7 days before an annual subscription expires. Is it possible to set up Subscriptions in a way that it will send out quotes or invoices to customers at these intervals? I was only
Process auto-renewing payments with the Zoho Subscriptions - Paytm integration
Hello everyone, Zoho Subscriptions is pleased to announce enhancements in our Paytm payment gateway integration! India has seen massive digital payment adoption in recent years due to a combination of factors like a favorable policy for financial inclusion
Square Payments for Subscriptions
I'd love to be able to use Square Payments for Subscriptions with my customers. I already use it for Zoho Books Please have this considered. It would really help my business
Addon Checkout
Hello, I would like to make checkout addon options same like you have in this demo I tried everything but I was not able to make the options like you have in the demo. We need to have the options
Hybrid Pricing
We plan to use a hybrid pricing model, which includes a (fixed) monthly subscription fee PLUS (varying) usage-based fee that can vary from month to month. Can Zoho Subscriptions handle hybrid pricing? How can we implement it?
What's New in Zoho Subscriptions - July 2022
Hello everyone, This month's updates bring some highly requested features to Zoho Subscriptions, such as customer-level consolidation and the ability to localize your product prices. Here's what's new: Customer-level Consolidation (Early Access) The
South Africa: Payment Gateway and Accounting Integration
Hi there, has anyone successfully integrated Zoho Book or Zoho Subscription within a South African environment? Would love to use the Subscriotions option but with Sage One and with a South African friendly payment gate way, but no such luck.
Incorrect VAT Treatment for Individuals purchasing a service
Hi there, I am a service-based business, in that my customers are individuals who need to attend my clinic in London for the service they have purchased. I am registered for UK VAT. However, for an Individual (Customer type in ZHSubscriptions), if they
Customize the schedule of creating invoice
Hello Can I customize the time when an invoice is created? For example for this situation: Customer's subscription ends on August 31st 5 days before the end date of the subscription, we inform that he must renew the subscription. It would be nice at this
Yearly payment discount in template
Hi, In Zoho Subscriptions, I don't find a way to configure a yearly payment discount for the clients & make it appear in the pricing table template. Does this feature already exists? Best, Loïc
HostedPages API & Customer E-Mail address
Hi, we are using the HostedPages API to create subscription booking pages. The problem we have is that we cannot prefill the hosted page with data. This seems to be possible using the "Hosted Payment Page" of the product/plan. I tried to create a new
Einkauf von Abonnement
Wir verkaufen Abonnement an Kunden und kaufen die bei Lieferanten ein. Welche. Prozess empfiehlt Zoho für den Einkauf von Abonnements vor?
Create Account head in zoho subscription
There is no option to create new account head in zoho subscription. I want to add new account , Please help me
Timing of Real-Time SMS / Text and Email Notifications
I use Subscriptions to run my medical business (membership based health clinic). It works great. We also have integration with Twilio to send SMS messages when financial transaction happens. Similarly, customers also receive email messages. In general,
Need ability to specify start date of new subscription when renewing expired subscription
Hello, We have many subscriptions that are billed offline in Zoho Subscriptions. We often let a subscription expire while we renegotiate new terms/rates with the client. All of our contracts begin on the 1st or 15th of the month. Once the negotation
Can I Pass customer_id to hosted payments page to avoid duplicate customers?
I have APIs set up so when a person/business creates an account on my website a new customer is created in Zoho Subscrions and I get the Zoho Subscription customer_id from the response which gets added to a custom field on my website. When a customer
How to manage a Customer already suscribed ?
I try to do the following DESING A FREE TO TRY PLAN, This is what I did 1. Create a FREEPLAN with PRICE 0 and 1 month duration 2. Suscribe A New Client with this FREEPLAN it works Ok When I use the product URL to suscribe the client to a NON FREE PLAN,
Pull all Active Subscriptions using API or Reports
I am looking to pull all active subscriptions from Zoho Subscriptions on a weekly basis. I would also be happy to pull some of the canned reports in Zoho subscriptions to be able to be pulled so I can share the data/results in a single pane of glass dashbaord.
Cancelation of Subscription not getting any respond, anyone getting same experience?
Dear team from zoho, apologize for writing in the forum but I don't know where to get my message responded, since i had email (send to , and and from wednesday 13th July 2022 until
coupon not applying to subscription price & more difficulties
We have created a 50% discount coupon but it's not getting applied to the subscription price. Also, we notice that though we select the USD pricelist initially system shows the price as $<INR Price> and after a few backs and forths USD price is shown.
Portal: Spalte Einheit fehlt, Spalte Diskont
Im Abonnement wird eine Einheit pro Tarif angegeben. diese Spalte sollte im Portal auch ausgegeben werden!! Die Spalte Diskont hingegen sollte nur dargestellt werden, wenn ein Diskont gegeben wurde. So fragt sich jeder Kunden, es gibt auch Rabatt? Das
Unable to enable metered billing on existing subscription via API
I call the following to update and existing subscription: PUT{id} With body: { "is_metered_billing": true } The response is 200 and the payload always returns with "is_metered_billing": false The
how to avoid duplicate customer
How can i avoid to create a duplicate customer. I charged a same customer with two different plans and it showed up twice in my customer list and subsequently in Zoho books contacts. It creates confusion to have a same customer appears multiple times in customer or contact list. How can i avoid it.
Customer notification personalization
Is there any way to send the email notifications in the customer language? For example payment confirmation in french for french customer and payment confirmation in spanish for spanish customer? Thank you in advance!
Search API for Zoho Subscription
I am unable to find "search" API for Zoho subscriptions at Can someone help?
Metered Billing - testing
I have a test organization and need to test metered billing. My goal is goal is to have a invoice created in the pending state when metered billing is on. I create a subscription with a back dated activation date but the next billing date is always in
Integration Subscriptions - Modulbezeichnung, Spaltenbreite, Spaltenbezeichnung
Bei uns wird das Modul "Zoho Subscriptions" angezeigt. Die Modulbezeichnung sollte man umbenennen können Hinter der Modulbezeichnung sollte die Anzahl der Datensätze angezeigt werden Die Spaltenbreite muss insofern optimiert werden, so dass Datumsfehler
Zoho Subscriptions & Zoho CRM Products
Hi, Why are my Zoho Subscriptions Products are not available in Zoho CRM Products ? Therefore, it means that I can not generate a quote from CRM & validate the sale + subscription invoicing through Zoho CRM ? It completely breaks the Zoho ecosystem
What's New in Zoho Subscriptions - June 2022
Hello everyone, We've made updates to Zoho Subscriptions that help you handle taxes and compliance better, along with a highly requested enhancement to calendar billing. Here's what's new in June: Billing Months for Calendar Billing (Early Access) The
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