Problem with editing cells
Hi Zoho ladies and gents, I'm having issues with editing spreadsheet cells. If I try to modify existing text or numbers in the top bar as usual, I can't--it just types my new text as if the cell is starting off empty. In other words, let's say my cell read dollrs and I want to add an 'a'. I click where I want to put it and type 'a'. Instead of 'dollars', I just have a Sometimes I can undo and at least save the existing text so I can modify it elsewhere, but much of the time, I end up having to retype
Multiple conditions in SUMIF
Hi, I need to sum a set of data based on three different conditions. All three conditions should be satisfied in order for the data to be summed up. I tried with SUMIF, but it seems to support only one condition. How can I do this? Kalpa Pathum Welivitigoda
WANTED: someone to convert multipage Excel 2007 spreadsheet with multiple macros and buttons
Hi, I want to upload an excel spreadsheet that has multiple pages. It also has multiple macros and page buttons. The macros are primarily for formatting the pages for display and printing. I want to hire someone to convert the spreadsheet with all of its macros to ZOHO Docs spreadsheet and recreate the buttons and make the macros work. Anyone interested? Pierre 904-338-7295
Problem with cell editing
I have a problem with cell editing - lets say I typed a word into a cell but then need to make an addition - the cell will only show me the first word i typed in the cell (and the addition will appear in the "insert function" line above my spreadsheet)??? Also I don't seem to then be able to delete the original word i typed in. This is annoying as I need to see complete content of cell as typed in and not ONLY when I click the cell! Also, where is the "wrap text" cell function? Thank you. B
Invalid arguments: Object required
Hi, I am getting the following error in my macro code Invalid arguments: Object required Set objEmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message") Can you please help me how to create it use inside zoho docs Thanks Sarik
Where do my documents appear once I've saved them? And how can I access my templates?
I created a spreadsheet in Zoho Docs and saved it. Then I decided that I wanted to create a template from that to be used for other customers. I saved it as a template, but now I cannot find it (yes, I've tried "All Files" in the Documents tab). Then I tried using Save As to create a blank copy, figuring we could just open the blank one and use Save As again for future versions and customers, but again, it's nowhere to be found! (Side note: they do appear here to be attached as an example, but I
Cannot edit spreadsheet
I am trying to edit a spreadsheet on my web browser (Chromium 43.0.2357.6) but when I click on it it just comes up with preview not available and the only option is to download it. I am able to edit other spreadsheet and documents without any issues. Thanks
Spreadsheet Row Height keeps changing.
Every few days, the row height of our spreadsheets will go from 25 to 17 without us doing anything. Sometimes it will happen on one spreadsheet and sometimes, it will happen on all spreadsheets. Any reason for this? It always changes it to 17. Let me know. Thanks!! Laura
Problem with currency format dropping trailing 0s
Hi Zoho, In my spreadsheets, when I choose a 2-decimal-place currency format, quite frequently recently, trailing zeros are simply dropped in new entries (if they're in existing entries, they seem to stay). They show up again if I go back to Format and rechoose 2 decimal places, but I shouldn't have to. As an example, a new column of numbers I add appears as: $5.5 $6.27 $19 Instead of $5.50 $6.27 $19.00 This started happening a few months ago, just haven't asked about it until now.
G-Sheet to Excel?
~ 9 months ago I created the Google Sheet which I continue to fill with daily data. Then I performed these actions: File -> Download As -> Microsoft Excel (.xlsx), uploaded the file to Excel Online and saw my G-Sheet converted almost perfect. My main chart was clear. Since then MSFT or GOOG made some changes that now I don't get the conversion working anymore. Is it on purpose? Competition? I decided to try to use Zoho as mediator to accomplish the conversion. But it does not go anywhere, because
The Effect of Investment Expenses on a Portfolio - Spreadsheet graph problem
I am compiling a spreadsheet on 'The Effect of Investment Expenses on a Portfolio' Having difficulty with the graph as when I go to print I get numerous 14 digit numbers obscuring the graph I have tried changing the settings but nothing works Also cannot delete the 'Enter your values here' title as it keeps reappearing Help please
Referencing and other sheet with SUMIFS
Hi there, I'm unable to get the following code to work properly on zoho sheet. It works perfect on excel. But something about the pasting the formula to sheets is not working. =SUMIFS(Sheet1!I:I,Sheet1!J:J,">"&TODAY()-1)-SUMIFS(Sheet1!I:I,Sheet1!J:J,">"&TODAY()) I tried using the "dot" instead of exclamation. But, it seems like this not reading. =SUMIFS(Sheet1.I:I,Sheet1.J:J,">"&TODAY()-1)-SUMIFS(Sheet1.I:I,Sheet1.J:J,">"&TODAY()) Also, I tried specifying the cells on the same sheet. Didn't work:
can i share view of my xlsx doc online without a download
can I share view of my xlsx doc online publicly without a download if so how nothing seems to work
Advanced "Chart" engine with Auto-detection, Auto-expansion and Trendlines
Zoho Sheet has upgraded to a more powerful Chart engine with vibrant features to improve your charting experience. Auto-detect Chart ranges Charts in Zoho Sheet are as intelligent as its users. Just click on a cell anywhere in the range and go ahead and insert a chart, Zoho Sheet automatically detects the range. The feature is extremely useful when the data range is large and saves you from selection hassles. In case of non-contiguous data, it is also possible to manually enter the range in the 'Add
Link to data in another file
How do I create a formula to link to a cell in a different file? In the MS application I would simply enter the formula =SUM(and click on the cell in a different file and press enter)
Spreadsheet date functions
Hello All, Are there any of the following functions available: - Day of week - Month name Thank you. Edo.
Remote Server refused to save Sheet and Pres Documents
Hi, I use Zoho Editor with remote API code under PYDIO server 6.20 I can create any document as well as writer, sheet and pres I can save only writer document, but not able with sheet and show. Why ?? In the file named : ../pydio/plugings/editor.zoho/class.ZohoEditor.php I can see this part of code ! (…) $service = “exportwriter”; if (in_array($extension, $sheetExt)) { $service = “sheet”; } else if (in_array($extension, $presExt)) { $service = “show”; } else if (in_array($extension, $docExt)) { $service
Hi, I'm using one spreadsheet with may different sheets in it. It has a lot of colums in it and nearly every cell has a conditional formatting formula. The sheet is very slow in loading and in editing. One may type a letter in a cell, but you can only see it after a few seconds! This is very annoying and time consuming. I wanted to know wheater the speed issue has something to do with the conditional formatting, I have made a copy of the original and removed all of the cond format. And it's much
Question regarding input controls checkboxes
I have imported an Excel spreadsheet to Zoho Sheet. Upon import, everything looks great except the checkboxes did not import. I can see in Zoho Sheet where I can add input controls that appear as check boxes, but I need to add functionality. For example, the checkbox ideally links to a cell elsewhere in the spreadsheet. If the checkbox is checked (TRUE state), then this influences the grand total. In Excel, you do this by right-clicking and selecting Format Control where you can establish a cell
Locking specific cells in Zoho spreadsheet
Hi, I'd like to embed a spreadsheet on my website with a formula in it. Users can then key in variables and find out what kinds of values the formula throws up. Is there any way I can lock specific cells (and not every cell) in the spreadsheet? This is because I'll need these constants to calculate the formula. Thanks, L
Can't access my docs??
I can't access my docs this morning. I know Zoho is having email troubles and is in the middle of the Chennai floods, so I'm assuming this is due to those problems, but just wanted to make sure. Is anyone else unable to get to their Zoho docs?
No upload field available in Zoho Forms
I have created a form from a Zoho spreadsheet. But the option to add an upload field is not available. Why would this be? My screen: Zoho Help documentation:
Formula Help: adding date when row has an entry
Hi all, I've got a formula that checks to see whether data has been added to a row, and if so it adds today's date to a column. It works well. The only problem is that every time the sheet is opened, it recalculates, so all the dates are set to today! Is there a way of adding in some logic to the formula to prevent this happening, or to set "recalculate=0" to a column! Thanks for any help James Here's the formula: =IF(ISBLANK(A6);"";TODAY()) ...and here's a screenshot that might help:
How to adjust width or delete columns in Zoho spreadsheet docs?
Trying to learn more about using these docs. How can I adjust width or delete columns in Zoho spreadsheet docs?
Editing a Public Sheet
I created a sheet and marked it as public because I wanted to send about 100 people the link, and let them click on it, make changes and hit save. (It's a sign-up sheet for a teacher appreciation breakfast.) But I find when I follow the link myself, without logging into Zoho, I am not allowed to save my changes. Is there any way to use Zoho to do what I want to do? Or will anyone who wants to edit the sheet have to be invited using "share"? Will they have to join Zoho and log in themselves?
Are there plans to provide functionality of Microsoft's Power Pivot?
Microsoft's Power Pivot for Excel provides some amazing functionality. Does Zoho have any longer-range plans to provide similar functionality in its spreadsheet software? It would be a wonderful addition. Thanks. Irv
New Pivot Tables in Zoho Sheet
Pivot Tables lets you slice and dice the data in your spreadsheet and helps you gather meaningful insights from your data. Though Pivot Table was already available in Zoho Sheet, we have now completely revamped it, made it more powerful and have integrated it seamlessly into your spreadsheet experience. We provide you with an intuitive user interface where you can drag and drop fields into rows, columns, data and filter boxes to draw your Pivot Table. Here are the capabilities of our new Pivot
Zoom function
Zoho team, Can you add custom zoom function to worksheet ? Right now we don't have any choice.
Freeze Panes - Lock Rows and Columns
A new sub forum, 'Tips and Tricks', has been added to the Zoho Sheet forum and we are planning post tips and howtos related to Zoho Sheet in this sub forum. The first topic deals with Freeze Panes. When you have a large table of data spanning multiple rows and columns, it becomes difficult to keep track of which data you are looking at as you scroll down or to the right. The 'Freeze Panes' functionality solves this by allowing you to lock the row and column headings in place. These locked rows and
Error with zoho sheet
hey, one of my spreadsheets cannot be opened, i get an error message. sent the details to already. It is quite urgent, any can help me? best
Conditional formatting
Hi, I have a spreadsheet with conditional formatting on each cell. I wand to change the cell color as soon as there is a value in the cell. Now all works perfect, except.. when I close the browser and reopen the spreadsheet the conditional formatting is not active anymore. Although the rules are still there. I have to open the conditional formatting dialogue, where I can see all rules and click ok. At this point the conditional formatting gets active. Please help. thanks Ernst
Text color and boldness changes randomly on my spreadsheet
Suddenly my spreadsheet BOLDS random text in a lot of cells on the spreadsheet when only one cell is supposed to be bold. It also randomly changes a lot of cell text color to red when maybe only 1-2 cells are supposed to be red. This just started happening a day or so ago. I will change it back and a minute later it's back to being bold and red again. Any ideas what is causing this?
Which browser is best for Zoho sheets?
I've been using zoho sheets for a few months now and the past few weeks, it has appeared much less stable. Sometimes my document won't load after I select it. Other times, it locks up every few minutes as I'm trying to enter my data. I'm on Win 7 and have tried many browsers including Chrome, Opera, IE, Firefox. IE seems to be the most stable at the moment. I'm not sure what else to do. Any suggestions? I only have one file in sheets.
embedded sheet - no saving?
hi, when i embed a zoho sheet using an iframe, my changes that i make are not saved in zoho! is this normal? do i have to check a checkbox somewhere? cheers!
Adding documents to rows ?
Hi, I would like to know whether Zoho Docs has the option of addings attachments to rows similar to what smartsheet has ? If not, is there any plans for it's implementation. This is very important deal breaker for us. BR - BM
Recreate your old Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts in Zoho Sheet
Recently we launched a new version of Pivot Tables in Zoho Sheet which brings in new capabilities and makes it more powerful. Read the following post to learn more about the new Pivot Tables: Please note that if you have been using the old Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts, then you would need to recreate those with our new Pivot Tables feature. The old ones will stop working by end of Oct 15, 2015. Unfortunately, there is
Re-calculating auto-job-list once a week or month
Hi, I develop a site for my virtual business company usable in Microsoft Flightsimulator X (FSX). It have a full automatic assignment/job-generator based on the ZOHO spreadsheet-system in the background of my site. It works great as random-job-generator. But it re-fresh every time somebody visit the page. That's of course the standard/basic way of spreadsheets, how it work, to my thought. But I need a system, formatting, formule, code that once a week or month automatic re-fresh the jobs instead
Macro to send email with button push
Hi, Would like to know if it's possible to send an email notification through a Macro instead of the notification tool on a spreadsheet. My spreadsheet is such that when the user completes a task line, i would like the task line to be emailed to an individual. Also, if a cell is changed, would like the email automatically generated. I have the code to do this in Excel, but it doesn't work in Zoho. Thanks! :)
Inporting images from spreadsheet
Hi all, I am new here so be gentle. Here is my problem and I am sure I am doing something silly but I just cannot sort it.My website company exports all the products and info into a zoho tsv file which is ok but I don't seem to be able to inport back the images to the site from the sheet. The images are on an external server and I have attached a screenshot of what I am trying to inport. I am sure this should work but I cannot sort it so help please, Bob
Zoho Sheets Scripting Limitations..
Does anyone know if the scripting process within Zoho Sheets has the same scripting limitations as the App Scripts Limitation of executing for only 6 minutes? I understand the process needing to make sure its not a rogue process, but if a script is traversing through a spreadsheet it seems that the process would continue to run.
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