How to Avoid Unsubscribes

How to Avoid Unsubscribes

Mailing list hygiene and email sending practices have a large impact on your unsubscribe rate. People unsubscribe when they're not interested in receiving your emails, so to reduce this you should focus on:
  • Lead engagement - Find out whether your leads are interested in your emails, and what else they're interested in. 
  • Mailing list pruning - Regular list cleanup and maintenance will help you avoid sending emails to uninterested people who may unsubscribe at any time.

Zoho Marketing Automation provides you with plenty of tools to help combat unsubscribes. Here's a list of what you can do and what to avoid to reduce your unsubscribe rate.

Lead engagement

Targeting leads based on their interests depends on:

  • Email content
  • List segmentation
  • Lead scoring and classification
  • Automating lead engagement
  • Customizing email scheduling

Email Content

Email content plays a major role in engaging your leads, and with good lead engagement, you can reduce your unsubscribe rate.

Send relevant content

A considerable amount of unsubscribes are due to irrelevant content. Dynamic content allows you to send personalized emails which will appeal more to your leads.

Test your content

Check your email subject and content with the Litmus test integration in Zoho Marketing Automation. 

You can preview your emails for various clients and devices. Zoho Marketing Automation's email templates are mobile responsive by default. 

List segmentation

With List Segmentation, you can classify your leads based on their interests and target them with relevant emails they're more likely to read. 

Lead scoring and classification

People who don't respond (no email opens in the last six months) to your emails can be considered uninterested leads, and are likely to unsubscribe from your mailing list soon. So, send them win-back campaigns (re-engagement emails) to retain some of the interested ones. 

With Zoho Marketing Automation's Lead Scoring, you can set scores for your leads and classify them based on their responses. 

Automating lead engagement

Zoho Marketing Automation's autoresponders and workflows are tools that help you engage better with your leads. Autoresponders help you send a series of automated messages based on lead activity. 

  • You can automate communication, such as welcome messages, birthday wishes, onboard training links, and more.
  • Workflow automation allows you to categorize leads based on their behavior and information, then perform various actions. 

Other platforms of communication

If your leads opt out because of a flooded inbox, ask them if they'd like to receive your content on platforms other than email, such as SMS, RSS, social media, or blogs. 

Mailing list pruning

Segment idle leads (no opens in the last six months) and send them win-back campaigns. Retain only the interested leads and remove the others from your mailing list. This helps you target leads who're actually interested in your emails and boost your business returns. With Manage consent, you can observe and re-target inactive leads.

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