Most businesses, large and small, tend to adopt a process that helps break down tasks and goals into manageable entities. Zoho Sprints enables you to streamline your business into projects with achievable goals. You can have multiple projects in a single workspace.
Project Folders
The project folders help you organize your projects into active, archive, and template projects.
- Active project folder contains projects that are ongoing.
- Archive project folder contains completed or shelved projects.
- Template project folder contains projects that are created as templates from scratch or cloned from other projects. Learn more.
The projects are displayed as cards when in grid view and in a tabular format when in list view. The card and the table provide details about the project.
- Grid view provides details like the project name, project status, the completion percentage of items, sprints, releases, overall project completion, and start and end dates.
- List view, in addition to the details in grid view, provides project owner, created date, and group details.
Project views
You can view projects based on the project folders and project views. The views are applicable to each of the folders. These help you narrow down the view to specific projects.
For instance, you need to find projects based on a particular owner. You can start with the required project folder. Let's say it is in Active folder. You need to select Project folder as Active and View as Owner. The projects in the active folder will be grouped or sorted based on the owners and you can view the required owner's projects. If you need the view the projects based on groups, you need to select view as Groups. The projects will be displayed based on the groups.
Mark as favorite
You can mark high priority projects as favorites.
To mark project as favorite:
- Go to the all projects tab.
- Hover on the project card.
- Click the Star icon. The project will be available under the Favorite view.
The capability is only applicable to projects in the Active folder.
Archive projects
You can move completed or ongoing projects to the archive folder.
To move a project to archive:
- Go to the all projects tab.
- Hover on the project card. The View Details link will appear.
- Click the View Details link. The Project Details page will appear.
- Go to the details tabs.
- Click the Project Folder dropdown.
- Select Archive.
- Click the Update button.
The project will be moved to the archive folder.
- You cannot edit or delete a project in the Archive folder.
- You need to move it to the Active folder to edit or delete.
- Only the Admin can access the archived projects. When a project is archived, the other users cannot view the project. They must contact the admin for permissions.
Search projects
The projects listing page supports project search. Click the Search icon and enter the required project name. Projects matching the entered search criteria will be listed.
Reorder projects
Reordering the projects helps you arrange the project display in a sequence that best caters to your requirement.
- Reorder is applicable only to grid view.
- Only Admin can reorder the projects in the workspace.
To reorder projects:
- Go to the grid view of projects tab.
- Click the ellipsis icon at the top. The projects menu will appear.
- Select Reorder Projects. The reorder project window will appear.
- Drag and drop the projects or edit the sequence numbers to rearrange them.
- Click the Save button.
- Click the Close icon to close the window. The projects will appear in the new order on the listing page.
Export projects
You can export the project data in an xls or csv file and download it to use outside of the application. This can be used to transform data from Zoho Sprints into a file that you can process in third party apps or other in-house devices.
- You can apply filters to export select data.
- You can access the exported file in Export History.
- Go to the all projects tab.
- Select the folder and view for the projects to be exported.
- Click the ellipsis icon at the top. The projects menu will appear.
- Select Export. The Export Filter will appear.
- Select the required file format.
- Define grouping if necessary.
- Select the fields that need to be exported.
- Specific Recurrence Type to set up scheduled exports.
- Enable Header to assign the field names as headers for the columns.
- Select the filters that need to be applied or create custom filters. Learn more.
- Click the Apply & Export button. The export will be initiated.
- Click the ellipsis icon and select Export History in the projects menu. The exported file will be available in the Completed Export tab.
- Completed Export lists the Date, Time, and File Name of your export. View the export details and, if applicable, the recurrence details of the file.
- Active Export lists all the files that are active and scheduled for export.
- Click the file or the Download icon to download the file.
Filter projects
Zoho Sprints comes with an advanced filter mechanism to sift through abundant data and easily find what you're looking for. There are two types of filters: Quick and Custom filters. Quick filters are the in-built filters that are based on the various attributes of projects. Whereas, custom filters equip you with AND/OR conditions to create your own criteria pattern. Click
here to learn all about filters.