Conditional Assignment - Overview | Admin Guide - Zoho One

Conditional Assignment - Overview

What is conditional assignment?

Conditional Assignment removes the time-consuming task of assigning apps individually to users by automating it based on preset conditions. The conditions are triggered whenever confirmed users are added to or removed from a group.
Let's look at an example: Amelia is the system administrator of Zylker. She decides to use Zoho Cliq and Zoho Desk. Desk has three roles (Admins, Agents, and Light Agents), and Amelia sets up two departments (Zylker Finance and Zylker Sales). She doesn't want to spend time assigning the apps to every new employee individually, so she decides to use Conditional Assignment to simplify the process. She creates two groups, Employees and Managers, and becomes a member of both.
She then sets conditions to assign Zoho Desk through Conditional Assignment.
  1. She creates a new condition, giving all members of Managers Admin access to the Finance Department.
  2. She creates a second condition, giving all members of Employees Agent access to the Sales Department.
  3. She sets a third condition giving all Zylker users Light Agent access to the Sales Department.
She also adds a condition for Cliq to be assigned to all Zylker users.

Since all three conditions apply to Amelia, the priorities of the conditions are checked. Priority plays an important role during app assignment.

Condition priority

Priorities affect application settings during app assignment. Mastering the use of priorities can help you create powerful assignment automation.

When multiple conditions are added for an application, the conditions are prioritized in the order they are added. You can re-order these conditions in the Conditional Assignment section in the Applications page.

Priorities also affect application settings based on the setting's type: single value fields or multiple value fields. When multiple conditions apply to a user, only the field value of the highest priority condition will be taken in to account for single value fields. However for multiple value fields, the combination of all the values will be applied.

In the above example, all three conditions apply to Amelia, and because the Managers group was added first, it has the highest priority. Role is a single-value field, so Amelia is made an Admin. Department is a multiple-value field, so Amelia is given access to both Finance and Sales departments.

Removing users from a group

When a user is removed from a group, their permissions also change accordingly.
Let's assume Arthur goes on a sabbatical, promising to rejoin Zylker. So Amelia removes him from the groups, but not from the company. His Agent access is revoked, but he remains a Light Agent in Sales due to the third condition. He also retains his Cliq access.

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