Tips and Tricks #08: Lock and unlock objects in Zoho Show

Tips and Tricks #08: Lock and unlock objects in Zoho Show

Hello everyone,

Here is a tip about just one of the many interesting tools in Zoho Show. 

Let's say the marketing and design teams are working together on a product launch. With multiple people working on this shared presentation, and rushing to get it ready, there are chances that details could be overlooked. Other collaborators might accidentally change an object's properties (such as a shape, picture, or text box), or perhaps even move or delete them while you're busy editing the rest of your design. 

To avoid such instances, and to save your efforts, Zoho Show gives you the option to lock and unlock specific objects  besides the ability to lock a slide in the presentation. This protects your locked object and doesn't allow other collaborators to edit them until you're done working with them. A locked object can only be unlocked by the presentation's owner or the person who locked it.

To lock or unlock an object on Zoho Show:
  • Click on the shape or picture or text box and toggle the lock button ON at the bottom of the FORMAT pane. 
  • You may also right-click on the object and choose Lock from the menu.

The locked object will be indicated by a boundary box with black pointers around its edges and corners. You can even select multiple objects at the same time to lock or unlock.

I hope this tip comes in handy when you work with your team in the future.

See you again soon with another useful tip!

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