Breaking down the Zoho Cliq platform workflow

Breaking down the Zoho Cliq platform workflow

Let's say you want to automate your everyday work activity. You turn towards apps that help you stay productive while automating your regular day-to-day work items. What if we say Cliq serves the purpose? Zoho Cliq offers a set of internal tools or components to automate your day-to -day work tasks. Let's take a look at what these components are and how they work:

Bots as Conversational Assistants:

Bots are your personal assistants on Cliq. They can connect to any third party service, and bring in instant notifications whenever there's an update. Cliq bots are capable of having a conversation with a user and perform action based on the conversation's context. 

Quick Command Shortcuts:

Slash commands are quick shortcuts that help you access data you need instantly. For example, you can check for the upcoming meetings with the help of "/meetings" command or you can check for the leave availability with "/leaveinfo" command. These commands will display the details instantly.

Take Actions on Messages:

Cliq lets you perform custom actions on messages with Message Actions. For instance a user who wants to create a task can use "Create Task" that will perform an action to an individual message once it has been sent.

Automate periodic, time sensitive work items with Schedulers: 

Cliq lets you schedule your growing list of work items with  schedulers . These actions can be anything from updating the weekly report to designing a simple scheduler that can pull tasks from the list of tasks available. 

Store easily with Databases:

You can now keep a note on the weekly insights and weekly updates by storing them in database. Databases in Cliq allows you to access, store and sync data from various sources.


A function is a task that is executed in the background when a button or a form is accessed. Functions are used to stream line the workflow of a process. Similarly, message cards let's you customize messages with simple templates and can include buttons, images, tables and so on. Upon clicking a button or a form will trigger a related function to it and completes the action.  

Now's the time to understand what exactly happens in the background when a scheduler, commands, bots or any of the above said components are triggered?

To make things easier we've charted down the workflow. Also, keep a note that the description below applies collectively to all the components upon execution.

Access consent prompt: 

An access consent prompt is a privacy check window that requests the user to grant permission to their account details. This is done to keep the user notified that every information corresponding to the user is obtained / used with the users permission.


Connections are interfaces that connect an application to a third party service. They are of two types,
  • Default: pre existing connection.
  • Custom: Zoho Cliq lets you customize your own connection with custom connection. 
Cliq deluge objects:

Cliq Deluge Objects are map like entities that contain a list of key value pairs. These objects are passed to the internal tools to make its execution contextual and dynamic. Cliq offers a list of deluge objects that contain,
  • User information
  • Mentioned user information in a channel or a chat or a bot.
  • User's current  location
  • Message details in conversations
  • Chat details in a channel or a bot or direct messages.

Hope this helps. Also refer our help docs to know more about  Zoho Cliq . In case of any queries please drop a comment below.

Divya P

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