htmlpage Pay_Period_Details(PayPeriodID,AgentID,ShowPrint,start_range,end_range)
displayname = "Pay Period Details"
/* Get The current Pay Period Record */
Int_Pay_Period_ID = PayPeriodID.toLong();
Current_Pay_Period_Record = Pay_Period[ID == Int_Pay_Period_ID];
Previous_Pay_Period_ID = thisapp.Application.GetPreviousPayPeriodID(Current_Pay_Period_Record.ID);
/* Checking Agent ID is a valid Agent ID */
if(input.AgentID != null && input.AgentID != "" && FormA[ID == AgentID.toLong()].count() == 1)
//This input parameter is a valid Agent ID
Int_Agent_ID = AgentID.toLong();
.rightAlignTd td
.boldTd td
margin:10px 10px 10px 10px;
<style media="print">
<div style="customBodyStyle">
Int_Start_Range = start_range.toLong();
Int_End_Range = end_range.toLong();
Total_Record_Count = FormA[ID != 0].count();
//Initilize Agent Counter
Agent_Index = 0;
for each Agent_Record in FormA sort by Last_Name range from Int_Start_Range to Int_End_Range
//When Agent ID has been provided, we render only for that agent or when input agent id is not provided
//we loop for all existing agents
if(Int_Agent_ID == null || Agent_Record.ID == Int_Agent_ID)
Agent_Daily_Record_Count = FormB[Agent == Agent_Record.ID && Date_field >= Current_Pay_Period_Record.Start_Date && Date_field <= Current_Pay_Period_Record.End_Date].count();
// Now we have to include those agents who are either active or have atleast one record in the pay period
if(Agent_Record.Status == "Active" || Agent_Daily_Record_Count > 0)
/* Previous_Pay_Period_Payout = 0.0; */
Running_Total = 0.0;
//Determine the previous payout for the agent
//Accounting for the fact that Agent counld not have existed in the previous pay period
if(Previous_Pay_Period_ID != -1 && Pay_Period_Agent[Pay_Period_ID == Previous_Pay_Period_ID && Agent_ID == Agent_Record.ID].count() == 1)
//if ((Previous_Pay_Period_ID != -1) && (Pay_Period_Agent[(Pay_Period_ID == Int_Pay_Period_ID && Agent_ID == Agent_Record.ID)].count() == 1))
Previous_Pay_Period_Agent_Record = Pay_Period_Agent[Pay_Period_ID == Previous_Pay_Period_ID && Agent_ID == Agent_Record.ID];
//Previous_Pay_Period_Agent_Record = Pay_Period_Agent [(Pay_Period_ID == Int_Pay_Period_ID && Agent_ID == Agent_Record.ID)];
/* Previous_Pay_Period_Payout = Previous_Pay_Period_Agent_Record.Payout; */
// Running_Total = (Previous_Pay_Period_Agent_Record.Pay_Period_Balance - Previous_Pay_Period_Agent_Record.Payout);
Running_Total = Previous_Pay_Period_Agent_Record.Pay_Period_Balance;
if(Agent_Index > 0)
Agent_Index = Agent_Index + 1;
<table class="zc-viewtable zc-viewrow">
if(input.ShowPrint == "False")
<tr class="zc-grouprow">
<td colspan="3">
Pay Period <%=Current_Pay_Period_Record.Start_Date%> to <%=Current_Pay_Period_Record.End_Date%>
<tr class="zc-grouprow">
<td class="width33"><%=Agent_Record.Last_Name%>, <%=Agent_Record.Name%> - <%=Agent_Record.Position%>
if(input.ShowPrint != "False")
<td class="rightAlign width33"></td>
/* Previous Payout: $ <%=Previous_Pay_Period_Payout%> */
<td class="rightAlign width33">Previous Balance:$ <%=Running_Total%></td>
<table class="zc-viewtable">
<tr class="zc-viewrowheader">
<th class="width12 centerAlign">Date</th>
<th class="width8 centerAlign">Sales</th>
<th class="width8 centerAlign">Front</th>
<th class="width8 centerAlign">Comm<br/>pay</th>
<th class="width8 centerAlign">Bonus</th>
<th class="width8 centerAlign">Cash<br/>Recieved</th>
<th class="width8 centerAlign">Supp/<br/>Trans</th>
<th class="width8 centerAlign">Total<br/>Cancel</th>
<th class="width8 centerAlign">Cancel<br/>comm</th>
<th class="width8 centerAlign">Bonuses<br/>Lost</th>
<th class="width8 centerAlign">Day Total</th>
<th class="width8 centerAlign">End Balance</th>
//Initilize the Day Index
Date_Index = Current_Pay_Period_Record.Start_Date;
//Initilize all Total variables
Total_Sales = 0;
Total_Commission = 0.0;
Total_Total = 0.0;
Total_Bonus = 0.0;
Total_Draw = 0.0;
Total_S_T = 0.0;
Total_Total_Cancelations = 0.0;
Total_Cancellation_1_Commission_amount = 0.0;
Total_Bonus_Lost = 0.0;
Total_Ending_Balance = 0.0;
for each Dummy_Record in Dummy
//Making sure that we remain in the bounds of the pay period
if(Date_Index <= Current_Pay_Period_Record.End_Date)
//Account for the condition when there are no records for the agent for a given day
if(FormB[Agent == Agent_Record.ID && Date_field = Date_Index].count() > 0)
//In this case we pull the records from the database.
//There could be multiple day records per agent per day
for each Agent_Day_Record in FormB[Agent == Agent_Record.ID && Date_field = Date_Index] sort by Added_Time
<tr class="zc-viewrow rightAlignTd">
<td class="leftAlign"><%=Agent_Day_Record.Date_field%></td>
Total_Sales = Total_Sales + ifnull(Agent_Day_Record.Sales,0);
Total_Commission = Total_Commission + ifnull(Agent_Day_Record.Commission,0.0);
<td>$ <%=ifnull(Agent_Day_Record.Commission,0.0)%></td>
Total_Total = Total_Total + ifnull(Agent_Day_Record.Total,0.0);
<td>$ <%=ifnull(Agent_Day_Record.Total,0.0)%></td>
Total_Bonus = Total_Bonus + ifnull(Agent_Day_Record.Bonus,0.0);
<td>$ <%=ifnull(Agent_Day_Record.Bonus,0.0)%></td>
Total_Draw = Total_Draw + ifnull(Agent_Day_Record.Draw,0.0);
<td>$ <%=ifnull(Agent_Day_Record.Draw,0.0)%></td>
Total_S_T = Total_S_T + ifnull(Agent_Day_Record.S_T,0.0);
<td>$ <%=ifnull(Agent_Day_Record.S_T,0.0)%></td>
Total_Total_Cancelations = Total_Total_Cancelations + ifnull(Agent_Day_Record.Total_Cancelations,0.0);
<td>$ <%=ifnull(Agent_Day_Record.Total_Cancelations,0.0)%></td>
Total_Cancellation_1_Commission_amount = Total_Cancellation_1_Commission_amount + ifnull(Agent_Day_Record.Cancellation_1_Commission_amount,0.0);
<td>$ <%=ifnull(Agent_Day_Record.Cancellation_1_Commission_amount,0.0)%></td>
Total_Bonus_Lost = Total_Bonus_Lost + ifnull(Agent_Day_Record.Bonus_Lost,0.0);
<td>$ <%=ifnull(Agent_Day_Record.Bonus_Lost,0.0)%></td>
Total_Ending_Balance = Total_Ending_Balance + ifnull(Agent_Day_Record.Ending_Balance,0.0);
<td>$ <%=ifnull(Agent_Day_Record.Ending_Balance,0.0)%></td>
Running_Total = Running_Total + ifnull(Agent_Day_Record.Ending_Balance,0.0);
<td>$ <%=Running_Total%></td>
/*END - For each day record */
//There is no database record. So we dummy up a 0.0 record
<tr class="zc-viewrow rightAlignTd">
<td class="leftAlign"><%=Date_Index%></td>
<td>$ 0.0</td>
<td>$ 0.0</td>
<td>$ 0.0</td>
<td>$ 0.0</td>
<td>$ 0.0</td>
<td>$ 0.0</td>
<td>$ 0.0</td>
<td>$ 0.0</td>
<td>$ 0.0</td>
<td>$ <%=Running_Total%></td>
/*END - Actual Day Record(s) OR dummy up record */
Date_Index = Date_Index.addDay(1);
/* END - Check that Date Index remains in bounds */
/* END - Running Counter on Dummy Record */
<tr class="zc-viewrow rightAlignTd boldTd">
<td>$ <%=Total_Commission%></td>
<td>$ <%=Total_Total%></td>
<td>$ <%=Total_Bonus%></td>
<td>$ <%=Total_Draw%></td>
<td>$ <%=Total_S_T%></td>
<td>$ <%=Total_Total_Cancelations%></td>
<td>$ <%=Total_Cancellation_1_Commission_amount%></td>
<td>$ <%=Total_Bonus_Lost%></td>
<td>$ <%=Total_Ending_Balance%></td>
<td>$ <%=Running_Total%></td>
if(!input.ShowPrint == "False" && Int_Agent_ID != null)
<div class="centerAlign">Agent is Inactive.</div>
/* END - Ensure that is not Print */
/* END - If Agent is active or has at least one day record */
/* END - Check on presence of Agent ID */
/* END - Loop on all agents on Agent Table */