How yo upload a file to workdrive

How yo upload a file to workdrive

Hi, I need to upload a file from a Zoho CMR attached field to a Zoho workdrive folder.

This is the function:
map sube_pasaporte_WD(string xurl, string myurl, string carpetawd)

fichero = invokeurl
url :xurl
type :GET
info fichero;
response = zoho.workdrive.uploadFile(fichero,carpetawd,myurl,true,"zoho_workdrive");   <---- LINE 17
return response;

"Data type of the argument of the function '876' did not match the required data type of '[FILE]' en número de línea 17. Resuelva los errores y repita la operación"

if I write de xurl parameter in the navigator, ir downloads the file.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance

Best regards