New updates to make Zoho Motivator GDPR compliant

New updates to make Zoho Motivator GDPR compliant

When you sign up for Zoho Motivator, you're already protected by the security measures included in Zoho CRM. The Motivator team has also come up with some enhancements to ensure that the data you process under Zoho Motivator stays safe.

TV channel sharing control.
Now, new TV channels that you create will be shared only with other Motivator users by default. To share a channel with more collaborators, just head to the channel settings and pick the appropriate level of sharing security. You can also easily change the link for the channel at any time, and no one will be able to access the previous link.

Requesting access to your data.
Upon request, you can receive a copy of your Motivator data as a password-protected zip file. This data backup will be sent to the Super Admin 2 days after the request is made.

Monitoring activity logs.
Tracking what activities happen with your software helps you better manage your sales tools and data. These logs are now available to admins under your privacy settings, so they can keep track of new operations in Motivator such as creating and deleting KPIs and targets.

Delete organization data. 
At your request, we will delete your entire organization's Motivator data. After a grace period of 60 days, Zoho Motivator will no longer have any of your data or your customers’ data stored on our servers.

GDPR implementations in mobile apps.
The new privacy enhancements will be reflected in the Zoho Motivator app. You can easily make data requests or manage your privacy settings from your mobile device.

Read about how you can use these new privacy features and let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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