Het gehele Zoho team is verheugd om onze nieuwe Canvas functie te introduceren, de enige functie binnen de branche die u in staat stelt om het ontwerp van uw CRM aan te passen!
Canvas is een ingebouwde designstudio in Zoho CRM, waarmee u uw gebruikersinterface volledig opnieuw kunt vormgeven. Voorheen konden gebruikers via Canvas alleen de lijstweergave van de verschillende Zoho CRM-modules aanpassen. Maar met deze nieuwe update bereiken we nieuwe hoogtes: een compleet herontwerp voor onbeperkte personalisatie!
Om een ontwerp te creëren dat uniek is voor uw bedrijf, biedt Canvas een brede keuze aan layout-opties om een project te creëren dat tot in het kleinste detail op u behoefte is afgestemd. U hebt een krachtige editor waarmee u kunt doen wat u maar wilt.
U kunt gemakkelijk uw eigen pagina inrichten door middel van drag and drop.
Canvas is beschikbaar voor alle pakketten van Zoho CRM, CRMPlus en Zoho One, dus wacht niet langer en ontdek het vandaag nog!
Beste Community leden, Wij nodigen jullie graag uit voor de Virtuele Community Meetup over Canvas voor Zoho CRM! Met Canvas kun je de gebruikersinterface van Zoho CRM herontwerpen tot een gebruiksvriendelijke en dynamische tool. Deze oplossing vereenvoudigt
Wij helpen jou graag om het beste uit je CRM te halen. Zoho CRM ondersteunt verschillende Apps en Add-ons die jouw efficiëntie kunnen verbeteren wanneer je met sales leads, prospects en klanten werkt. Integratie is mogelijk met een uitgebreide set aan
Wij nodigen jou graag uit voor de Webinar over de nieuwe Canvas-functie van Zoho CRM! Tegenwoordig zien alle CRM-softwares er hetzelfde uit: rijen met data op een witte achtergrond met een contrasterende kleur bovenaan en aan de randen. Dat is NU verleden
Beste Community leden, Zoals jullie weten lanceerde Zoho CRM deze maand Canvas, de eerste CRM Designstudio in de branche! Met Canvas is het mogelijk om creatieve en praktische ontwerpen te creëren zonder enige kennis van programmeren te hebben. Het is
Het gehele Zoho team is verheugd om onze nieuwe Canvas functie te introduceren, de enige functie binnen de branche die u in staat stelt om het ontwerp van uw CRM aan te passen! Canvas is een ingebouwde designstudio in Zoho CRM, waarmee u uw gebruikersinterface
Obrigado, bom dia! O e-mail financeiro@grupoa7.com.br está com a caixa de e-mail bloqueada e já apagamos alguns e-mails e agora estamos tentando fazer backup dos mais antigos e não estamos conseguindo. Poderiam nos ajudar?
My customer is using Oracle Netsuite to send us enquiries and PO's. It is strange that these are not being received in my Zoho Mail account. It is not even bouncing back. I am not sure why is it is not being shown. I wrote to support@zoho.com but the
We have a test environment set up and one of hte payment gateways is paypal payments pro. This option is not avaiable in our live account and the regular paypal gateway says auto-charge not available. Why does paypal payments pro not appear in our live
Good Afternoon! Today i had this problem with all the emails that i sent... The original message was received at Thu, 23 Jan 2025 11:44:20 -0800 from vxxxxxxx@fxxxxxx.mx [vxxxxx@fxxxx.mx] ----- The following addresses had fatal errors ----- [sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@hxxxxxxx.com]
Hi Zoho Community members, We currently maintain the documentation of out company in its website. This documentation is written in markdown text format and we would like to add it in Zoho Knowledge Base. Do you know if there is REST API functionality which is able to support this operation ? Thank you in advance, Leandros
Hello Zoho Team, Please advise how I can configure SMTP in my account to facilitate Firebase-triggered email functions. Please note that I desire to send an email with a JSON object collected from Firebase Firestore and included in my mail to forward
Im trying to add my Zoho email to my Apollo account in order to be able to send emails through Apollo but I keep getting time out error. In order to set the email account there is a small form in Apollo I have to fill. For email and password I use the
I am having issues with my Zoho Mail account; I am unable to send or receive emails and need to reactivate my account. I am receiving the following message: "This message was created automatically by the mail delivery system. THIS IS A WARNING MESSAGE
One challenge I frequently encounter is the need to create multiple versions of the same report—one for yearly data, another for quarterly data, another for monthly, and so on. While this works, it leads to unnecessary duplication, making maintenance
Hi I'm trying to execute a COQL query but it's returning an error. Unfortunately I cannot understand where I'm wrong The query is the following;: URL: POST https://www.zohoapis.com/crm/v2.1/coql Body: { "select_query": "select id,Adjustment,Billing_City,Billing_Code,Billing_State,Billing_Street,Buyer_PO_Number,Delivery_Date,Delivery_Method,Due_Date,Grand_Total,Invoice_
4 Days ago I sent a ticket to check if our vendor's email address/domain is listed as spam because for some reason, their emails kept being bounced back and we did not receive any notification. As of yet, I have not received any indication that my query
The "to:" address in this code is a CRM Contact. Email address is forced unique in CRM This sendmail gets sent via a workflow which is in a custom module. It works, except that the outbound email does not appear (i.e, get linked to) the Contact such that
The problem We discovered a security vulnerability related to using OAuth tokens in non-whitelisted domains and have reinforced our security measures. If you experience any request failures in the authorized domains, please verify that they are whitelisted
Probably another simple thing I've missed but I can't find how to arrange the order in which the speakers are listed in a session once they have been selected. We usually want the speakers listed alphabetically by last name, but sometimes not. Once the
I could very well be missing something but I can't see an option for displaying the Speaker that will be chairing/moderating a Session There doesn’t appear to be an option for this in the available Session fields I can can’t find anywhere that would allow
How can I connect a Google Cloud project as a custom service to ZohoCRM? I need to pull YouTube Analytics data into CRM, but I cannot use the included YouTube service as it does not have the scopes I need. Therefore, I need to create a custom service.
We started getting rejection/bounce back on email sent out of zohodesk. typically we have SMTP from our domain into zohodesk eg support@example.com our mail respones go back out as example : support@example.zohodesk.com These email bounce with error:
Hello. We migrated from gmail to Zoho mail a few years ago, but some users want to be able to use gmail. I have set up dual delivery in the Zoho Mail Admin console. This is working fine. I can't figure out how to sync outgoing emails. Specifically, if
I've got a use case where I'm attempting to use a button within ZohoCRM to pull a list of options into buttons on creator when page is loaded. I'm pretty well versed in Deluge, but I'm having a difficult time trying to understand how to dynamically place
We've been using Zoho Email for two years and all our email activity is hosted on this platform. Yesterday, our account was blocked with error code 5545 5.1.8 without any explanation provided. How can we get our account unblocked? We have all our emails
We are a Software as a Service (SaaS) company offering subscription-based services. Our customers include individuals, businesses, and resellers who market our software to their clients. Currently, we use Zoho CRM solely for leads/deals, but we would
Outraged. Just referred a colleague to use her domain (not posting it publicly here) to Zoho, just as I have other colleagues, clients, friends. Expected the exact same free plan features as I have and as everyone else I ever referred got. I was helping
Hi, thanks to GDPR we can now retrieve a full download of Apple Notes via https://appleid.apple.com/ It would be great if we could migrate to Zoho this way, especially because attachments in the notes could be safely included in the import. Thanks and
Hi. I'm brand new to functions but I'm trying to create a script to convert a date field in Meetings to a written format. For example, instead of 02/05/2025 8:00AM, I'd like to convert it to Wednesday, February 5, 8:00 AM. My Date field is the API Name
I don't understand the point of rolling out new features so slowly after a big fanfare launch 8 months ago. I've signed up for 'early access' and also contacted my point of contact, but nothing. Not even an auto reply. Would you say that this is good
I am trying to create Pop up notification on Contacts whenever there's an "Open Deal" on that contact. I am new to Zoho but figured out that this can be done with a Client Script. I got the code below and created the script however its not working. What
Hi, how can I edit the landing page after signing up for a webinar. I personalized the email "registration confirmation", which is working fine. Nevertheless after submitting the form, the participant gets redirected to a page, which looks like the standard
Greetings, We have a custom view called "All Employee View" for the Employee form. We are able to manually export that view using the "Export" button: However, we want to programmatically export this view as an XLS file each week and send it in an email
How can I find out which Notebook a Card is in? I.e. I search on "septic" and find that there is a Card named "Septic Status" but I need to know which Notebook it is in because I want to move it to a particular one.
When scrolling a long list of notes within a Notebook, a "Scroll to Top" link appears. It would be very helpful to me if a "Scroll to Bottom" link was also provided. The same links would also be much appreciated if shown when scrolling within a long
in new version ''Notebook'' progam start at full screen,it make my eyes bleeding when i use it. Becouse it start at full white bright screen ,even at night or dark mode. Can you fix this? make option to not start at fullscrn, or make program remember
We have a custom script that runs against every new ticket and auto-merges it with any existing ticket that matches our criteria. That works fine but there is no functionality that reverts the newly-updated ticket back to an "unread" state. I found the
Hi, We set-up an automated message reply to our whatsapp channel for our support that was connected to the zoho desk. I need to change these automated messages but am unable to find the place where I can make these changes. Anyone able to assist?
Dear Zoho Desk Support Team, We are writing to request a feature enhancement that would allow organizations to restrict announcement pop-ups to administrators only. Currently, announcement pop-ups are sent to all users within a Zoho Desk organization,
Zoho Inventory needs a work order / bundle request system. This record would be analogous to a purchase order in the purchasing workflow or a sales order in the sales cycle. It would be non-journaling, but it would reserve the appropriate inventory of
How can we upload a video and embed it into an article? It is possible for images but this only supports image files. And don't say it has to be uploaded to YouTube, Vimeo or DailyMotion in order to embed it. We're trying to create company documentation
Hello Zoho Even if we open 10-15 windows in still we are getting our accounts locked with error " For security reasons your account has been blocked as you have exceeded the maximum number of requests per minute that can originate from one account. "
Is there a way to change the default "sort by" when searching across modules?" in Zoho CRM? Currently the default sort method is "Modified time" but i would like to utilize the second option of "relevance" as the sort by default and not have to change
Hi all, Emon need for business, I have long searched the forum and also how to put in my quote and my bills a header and a footer. And finally, I have an other working stream elements allowing me to meet my needs ... Given the number of people seeking the same thing as me, I say it might be good to share my discovery. It's simple and easy to implement First, start by adding the beginning of your HTML the following: <style> html {margin: 0;} body {margin: 0;} div # printhead { display: block; position: