Power of Automation - Automatically activate the Roll up functionality whenever a project is created

Power of Automation - Automatically activate the Roll up functionality whenever a project is created

Hello Everyone!

I wanted to share a custom function that we recently implemented to address a specific customer requirement.

The customer needed a way to automatically activate the Roll up functionality whenever a project is created

Here is the code for the custom function.

APIEndPoint = "https://projectsapi.zoho.com/restapi";

data = Map();


response = invokeurl


url :APIEndPoint + "/portal/" + portalId + "/projects/" + projectId + "/"

type :Post




return "success";

Implementing this custom function in Zoho Projects has allowed our customer in activating the Roll-up automatically instead of the manual work, saving valuable time and effort. It's important to note that this is just one example of how custom functions can be utilised. With a touch of creativity, you can develop custom functions that cater to your project's unique needs.

If you'd like to explore custom functions further, check out the Zoho Projects documentation on how to establish connections and leverage custom functions

Stay tuned for more custom function codes and exciting updates! If you have any questions or want to share your own custom function use cases, feel free to join the discussion.

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