Say goodbye to Zoho Motivator—Zoho CRM brings motivation back (in)to selling.

Say goodbye to Zoho Motivator—Zoho CRM brings motivation back (in)to selling.

Back in 2016, we understood that sales teams need to be nurtured to be successful. Simply providing a platform to sell wasn't enough. So we created Zoho Motivator, the sales activity management tool, as an add-on for Zoho CRM. It combined gamification with activity management to encourage positive sales behaviors.


Over the years, a lot has changed with Zoho CRM. We introduced Gamescope, which gamified sales activities and showed your sales reps their progress without sending them to a new screen. We also improved our CRM analytics by including KPIs, Targets, and other analytics that give better insight into sales activities.


Now, we decided to stop keeping your motivation separate from Zoho CRM. We feel that motivation should be baked into sales because your team deserves recognition every now and then. There are many features in Zoho CRM to boost your sales rep's morale and build team collaboration and that's why we will be ending Zoho Motivator's services.


However, you can supercharge your Zoho CRM account with the excitement of Zoho Motivator's features/functionality to achieve the same results with the help of this link.


When and how will Zoho Motivator services end?

Zoho Motivator will continue to function until December 31, 2020, giving you sufficient time to move your sales activity management to Zoho CRM and also retrieve your data. 

Support for Motivator will continue until May 31 for bugs/issues and support for data retrieval will end on the September 30. 

You can use this time to ask our support agents how Zoho CRM can be used to motivate your teams.


Zoho Motivator App

The app will no longer be accessible from the App Store and Playstore. We will continue to support the app until August31. 



We will stop collecting money for your Zoho Motivator subscription on February 26, 2020. For annual subscriptions the remaining amount will be transferred by September 1, 2020.


Note: Even though we will stop collecting subscriptions, you can still use Zoho Motivator for your sales activity management (on the plan you are currently on) until August 31, 2020. 


Data management

If you want a copy of your Zoho Motivator data, please email from your registered super admin email address.



Thank you for being part of Zoho Motivator's journey. We hope that we can make this transition as smooth as possible and would appreciate your feedback for improvements on how we can improve team collaboration and sales morale with Zoho CRM.


Remember, this isn't game over, its the start of the second half!


Happy selling, 

Dolly Draze | Zoho CRM

*EDIT: We understand that Gamescope and CRM analytics don’t exactly replicate Zoho Motivator’s functionality but we promise we’re listening to all your feedback and working on improving sales motivation for Zoho CRM. 
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