All Zoho Survey tables explained

All Zoho Survey tables explained

Hey everyone! Sometimes, deciphering the structure and meaning of data in Zoho Analytics, especially when Zoho’s native syncs and integrations are activated, can be quite challenging. That’s why I’ve put together an overview, not only to aid myself but also to assist others in navigating through these complexities.

I hope that this article is helpful and would be pleased to receive additions and corrections (if there are still errors despite my checking).

If you want to see prettier tables, have a look here :D

The table plays an important role in the administration of surveys, especially when using the multi-collector feature. This feature makes it possible to distribute a survey to different groups and then filter the results by group.

A collector is basically a way to distribute a single survey in different ways. Normally a survey is shared via a single link, but with this feature separate links can be created for different groups. This makes it easier to filter and analyze responses by group. In addition, numerous settings such as restrictions, quotas, visibility and hash URLs can be set separately for each collector.

A practical example illustrates this: Suppose you are organizing a workshop for many different customers from different companies and want to get feedback from the participants. Instead of creating separate surveys per company, you can create a single survey and send it to each participant using multi-collectors. This way, all incoming responses are already automatically segmented by company without participants having to provide information manually.

The Collectors table therefore makes it easier for you to organize survey activities.

Column name Data type Explanation Table relationships Values
ID Number Primary key Respondents.Collector ID
Name Text Name of the collector

Unique URL Text The public URL where the survey can be accessed

Survey ID Text Reference to the survey to which this collector belongs Surveys.ID
Status Text Indicates whether the collector is still accepting submissions or is already closed.
open, closed
Type Text Specifies whether the collector is public or private. If a survey is set as private, it can only be opened by logged-in Zoho users.
public, private
Offline URL Text Zoho Survey offers the option of completing surveys offline. This means that responses can be received even without an Internet connection and can be viewed and uploaded after authentication. Further information can be found here:

Attention: Even if this function is deactivated, a URL is displayed here. If this is opened, a corresponding message appears stating that it cannot be accessed.

Offline Enabled Boolean (DecisionBox) Indicates whether the offline feature is activated or not.
  • Yes
  • No
Published Date Date + Time Time at which the Collector was published.

Cut Off Date Date Time at which the collector should be closed (this is the deadline specified in the settings).If a collector was closed manually, the date is not entered here (unfortunately this cannot be found anywhere else).

Multiple Response Text This column is always empty, even the support team couldn’t help me here. It looks as if information on restrictions is stored here (Editor 🡆 Publish 🡆 Restrictions 🡆 Response Restriction).

This table stores basic information about a survey.

Column name Data type Explanation Table relationships Values
ID Number Primary key Responses.Survey IDQuestions.Survey IDVariables.Survey IDResponse Variables.Survey IDCollectors.Survey IDPages.Survey ID
Language Text Identification of the standard language selected for the survey
Set 1 of the ISO 639 language codes
Created Date Date + Time Date on which the survey was created (the publication date can be found in the Collectors table!)

Modified Date Date + Time Time of the last editing of the survey

Page Count Positive number Indicates the total number of pages in the survey.

Title Text A different title can be configured in the settings if the name of the survey (table column ‘Name’) is not to be used.

Submit Button Text The text stored in the settings for the button to send the survey

Back Button Text The text stored in the settings for the button to go back to the previous page has been changed.

Enable Back Text Indicates whether the respondent can return to the previous page or whether the button is not displayed.
true, false (Attention! Zoho uses the text true and false here and not the data type Desicion Box, this inconsistency is confusing and must be taken into account).
Next Button Text The text that was defined in the settings for the button to go to the next page

Group ID Number Reference to the department in which the survey was created Departments.ID
Name Text Survey name

Type Text As a rule, the value “survey” is available here. However, if scores have been configured under Editor 🡆 Advanced settings, the value scoring is available instead.
survey, scoring
If a survey is missing, please check the data source settings. Go to the Zoho Survey data source and select ‘Edit setup’. There you can select the desired or missing table. If the option Automatically import new surveys is selected, there should normally be no missing data!

The table contains all the information about the pages in the survey. Normally, this table should not play a major role in evaluations, unless you want to use the page title for segmentation.

Column name Data type Explanation Table relationships
ID Number Primary key Responses.Page ID
Questions.Page ID
Title Text Title of the page
Description Text Description text
Question Count Positive number Indicates the total number of questions on the corresponding page
Survey ID Number Reference to the survey in which this page exists Surveys.ID

All data relating to the individual questions is stored here.

Column name Data type Explanation Table relationships Values
ID Number Primary key Responses.Question ID
Type Text Indicates the type of question

Text Text Question text

Page ID Number Reference to the page on which the question is located Pages.ID
Trashed Boolean (DecisionBox) Indicates whether the question is visible or whether it has been deleted
  • Yes
  • No
  • NULL
Mandatory Enabled Boolean (DecisionBox) Indicates whether the question is defined as a mandatory fieldThis column can contain the value NULL! Further information on the supported question types can be found below.
  • Yes
  • No
  • NULL
Random Enabled Boolean (DecisionBox) Indicates whether a random order of answer options is activated for the questionThis column can contain the value NULL! Further information on the supported question types can be found below.
  • Yes
  • No
  • NULL
Hint Enabled Boolean (DecisionBox) Indicates whether a hint text is stored for the questionThis column can contain the value NULL! Further information on the supported question types can be found below.
  • Yes
  • No
  • NULL
Other Option Boolean (DecisionBox) An optional “Other” field can be activated for certain questions. This column indicates whether this setting is active. Please note that the “Other” field cannot be used for all question types. Therefore, this column may contain the value NULL. Further information on the supported question types can be found below.
  • Yes
  • No
  • NULL
Hint Text If configured, the information text is stored here

No. Of Stars Positive number Maximum number of stars to be awardedThis column can contain the value NULL! Further information on the supported question types can be found below.

Zoho Survey offers a variety of question types, and depending on which type you select, certain options may not be available, resulting in the corresponding Boolean (DecisionBox) fields having the value NULL. In the table below you will find an overview of all available question types.

Type Field name (on the UI) Note Mandatory Enabled Random Enabled Hint Enabled Other Option No. Of Stars
full_name Full name
demographic Contact details
heading_descriptive Heading and description This is not a question! This element is only used to display text NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL
single_drop_down Dropdown field (one answer)
Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No NULL
multi_select_dropdown Dropdown field (many answers)
Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No NULL
likert_rating Rating Scale The following setting is selected: Likert scale (can be selected when initially added) Yes/No NULL Yes/No NULL NULL
image_star_rating Image Selection The following setting is selected: Star rating Yes/No NULL Yes/No NULL Positive number
image_single_choice Image Selection The following setting is selected: Multiple selection (one answer) Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No NULL NULL
image_multiple_choice Image Selection The following setting is selected: Multiple selection (multiple answers) Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No NULL NULL
boolean_choice Boolean
combined_file_upload File Upload
calendar_box Date/Time
email_textbox Email
single_textbox Short Answer
textarea Long Answer
continuous_sum Continuous Sum
matrix_text_box Matrix Textbox
matrix_radio_box Matrix Choice (One Answer)
Yes/No NULL Yes/No Yes/No NULL
matrix_check_box Matrix Choice (Many Answers)
Yes/No NULL Yes/No Yes/No NULL
matrix_likert_rating Matrix Rating Scale The following setting is selected: Likert scale (can be selected when initially added) Yes/No NULL Yes/No NULL NULL
matrix_grid Matrix Grid
matrix_drop_down Matrix Dropdown
Yes/No NULL Yes/No Yes/No NULL
matrix_star_rating Matrix Star Rating
Yes/No NULL Yes/No NULL Positive number
multiple_textbox Multiple Textboxes
single_choice Multiple Choice (One Answer)
Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No NULL
multiple_choice Multiple Choice (Many Answers)
Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No NULL
nps NPS
ranking Ranking
slider Slider Scale
signature Signature
star_rating Star Rating
Yes/No NULL Yes/No NULL Positive number
numeric_textbox Number
matrix_weightage Matrix Rating Scale The following setting is selected: Weighted selection (can be selected during initial addition) Yes/No NULL Yes/No NULL NULL
choice_weightage Rating Scale The following setting is selected: Weighted selection (can be selected during initial addition) Yes/No NULL Yes/No NULL NULL

This table stores data on the specific completion of the survey, including information on who completed it and when, and to which collector it belongs.

Column name Data type Explanation Table relationships Values
ID Number Primary key Responses.Respondent IDResponse Variables.Respondent ID
Start Date Date + Time Time at which the respondent opened the survey

End Date Date + Time Time at which the respondent submitted/completed the survey. If the survey has not yet been completed, this value is of course empty

IP Address Text IP address of the respondent; whether this data is saved or not depends on the setting in the collector (under general restrictions)

Status Text Indicates whether or not the survey has already been completed or submitted by the user
completed, partial
Collector ID Number Reference to the collector through which the survey data was collected Collectors.ID
Survey ID Number Reference to the survey Surveys.ID
Time Taken in Minutes Decimal number Time difference between start and end time in minutes

Time Taken Number Time difference between start and end time in seconds

Survey Modified Time Date + Time Time at which the survey was last edited

This table also contains data records of survey responses that are not yet complete (type = partial). Please take this into account when evaluating the data, as these should generally be excluded…

URL parameters can be configured in the editor under Advanced settings. If data has been transferred in a survey link and a response has been submitted, this data is saved here.

In addition, URL parameters can also be used as response restrictions, whereby these can be set per collector. This means that only one submission is permitted per unique URL parameter value.

These parameters are not visible in the editor under Advanced settings, but are also saved in this table.

Column name Data type Explanation Table relationships Values
Respondent ID Number Reference to the data set of the respondent Respondents.ID
Variable ID Number Reference to the variable Variables.ID
Variable Label Text Description

Variable Value Text Value of the variable

Skipped By Logic Boolean (DecisionBox) ?
  • Yes
  • No
  • NULL
Survey ID Number Reference to the survey Surveys.ID

This table contains the basic data of the variables (URL parameters).

Column name Data type Explanation Table relationships Values
ID Number Primary key Response Variables.Variable ID
Name Text Name of the parameter, i.e. the exact string used in the URL

Label Text Description of the parameter

Type Text Data type
  • numeric
  • text
  • email
  • choice
  • date
  • essay (only for parameters used for response restriction!)
Unique Order Text Order in which the parameters were added (in the advanced settings)
Capital letters (A, B, C, etc.)
Trashed Boolean (DecisionBox) Indicator whether the parameter has been deleted
  • Yes
  • No
  • NULL
Respondent / Custom Text If the parameter is used for the response restriction, the value is Respondent, otherwise it is Custom.
  • Custom
  • Respondent
Survey ID Number Reference to the survey Surveys.ID

This table is of particular interest as it contains the answers to the questions that were submitted.

Column name Data type Explanation Table relationships Values
Respondent ID Number Reference to the respondent’s data record Respondents.ID
Question ID Number Reference to the question Questions.ID
Option ID Number Reference to the option: “Option” refers to the selected value in a drop-down field or the selected answer in a multiple choice question. Image selection questions also refer to an option. However, it should be noted that this does not currently contain any information about the image, so it is unfortunately useless. For further details, please see the section on the corresponding table! Options.ID
Text Text Answer to the question. This field is empty if it is a dropdown field or a multiple choice question (then the answer is the selected option)

Row ID Number Reference to the row Rows.ID
Column ID Number Reference to the column Columns.ID
Row Text The name of the row (this is simply a lookup, unfortunately the value at the time of the evaluation is not saved) Rows.Text
Column Text The name of the column (this is simply a lookup, unfortunately the value at the time of the evaluation is not saved) Columns.Text
Option Text The name of the option (this is simply a lookup, unfortunately the value at the time of evaluation is not saved)

Survey ID Number Reference to the survey Surveys.ID
Field ID Number Reference to the field if it is a text field or a number field. Further information can be found in the section on the corresponding table! Fields.ID
Not Applicable Enabled Boolean (DecisionBox) For certain questions, you can add the option “Not applicable”. If this option was selected by the respondent, this flag is set. The option can be activated for the following question types: ranking, image_star_rating, matrix_star_rating, matrix_likert_rating
Yes, No
Others Text For certain questions, it is possible to activate the “Other” option. You can find more information on this in the section on question types! If this option is activated and the respondent has used it, the answer is not recorded in the “Text” field, but in this field.

Page ID Number Reference to the page on which the answered question is located. Pages.ID
Field Text The name of the field (this is simply a lookup, unfortunately the value at the time of the evaluation is not saved) Fields.Text

The row information for multi-line questions, such as those that occur in a matrix, is recorded in this table. The data in this table relates to the following question types (Questions.Type):

  • matrix_likert_rating
  • matrix_grid
  • matrix_check_box
  • matrix_star_rating
  • matrix_radio_box
  • matrix_text_box
  • matrix_weightage
  • ranking
  • matrix_drop_down
  • image_star_rating
Column name Data type Explanation Table relationships Values
ID Number Primary key Responses.Row ID
Question ID Number Reference to the question Questions.ID
Text Text Name of the row

Survey ID Number Reference to the survey Surveys.ID
Unique Order Text Specifies the sequence

The column information for questions with multiple columns that only occur in a matrix is recorded in this table. The entries in this table refer to the following question types (Questions.Type):

  • matrix_grid
  • matrix_text_box
  • matrix_radio_box
  • matrix_drop_down
  • matrix_check_box
  • matrix_weightage
Column name Data type Explanation Table relationships Values
ID Number Primary key Responses.Column ID
Text Text Name of the column

Question ID Number Reference to the question Questions.ID
Survey ID Number Reference to the survey Surveys.ID

This table contains information on group input fields that are used to enable multiple entries per question. This also includes the file upload field and the Boolean (DecisionBox) field, as multiple fields can also be configured here as an option.

In the table, the fields of the following question types (Questions.Type) are listed:

  • continuous_sum
  • demographic
  • Boolean (DecisionBox)_choice
  • multiple_textbox
  • full_name
  • combined_file_upload
Column name Data type Explanation Table relationships Values
ID Number Primary key Responses.Field ID
Text Text Name - Attention! If there is only a single switch, “Boolean (DecisionBox)” is displayed here. Otherwise, the corresponding values for the labels will of course appear.

Type Text Indicates the type of input field.
single_textbox, numeric_textbox, email_textbox, file_upload, single_choice
Unique Order Text Specifies the order.

Sequence No Number Specifies the order.

Question ID Number Reference to the question Questions.ID
Survey ID Number Reference to the survey Surveys.ID
Mandatory Enabled Boolean (DecisionBox) Indicates whether the field is defined as a mandatory field or not.
Yes, No

The selectable values that are available in drop-down fields or for multiple-choice questions are saved here. There is also an option for image selection questions. However, it should be noted that this option currently contains no information on the image and is therefore unfortunately useless. In addition, this table is also important for weighted rating scales, as the weightings are saved here. A look at this table is therefore essential for evaluations with this type of scale.

Options are saved for the following question types (Questions.Type):

  • matrix_drop_down
  • single_choice
  • single_drop_down
  • image_single_choice
  • multi_select_dropdown
  • multi_select_dropdown
  • multiple_choice
  • matrix_weightage
  • choice_weightage
Column name Data type Explanation Table relationships Values
ID Number Primary key Responses.Option ID
Text Text Name of the option/answer

Question ID Number Reference to the question Questions.ID
Survey ID Number Reference to the survey Surveys.ID
Column ID Number Reference to the column Columns.ID
Weightage Number For questions of the rating scale type and the Weighted selection option set, the respective weighting is displayed here.

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