Announcement - Custom Function Series

Announcement - Custom Function Series

Hi folks!

One of the key attributes of Zoho Books that we're really proud of is the ability to automate your routine accounting tasks in an efficient manner. For most businesses, accounting would involve a set of repetitive tasks that consume a good chunk of their time. That's why we offer Custom Functions, a feature that allows you to automate complex or run-of-the-mill tasks in Zoho Books effortlessly.

We've helped plenty of users with custom functions tailored to their requirements and it turned out to be a great success in terms of improving the efficiency of their business tasks. Now, we have set off to share some of the tried and tested scripts in this Community space so you can benefit from it. 

We are starting a new series where we will be posting a custom function script for a specific use case every Friday. If you're a business owner looking for a customized workflow to streamline your tasks and increase your productivity, watch out for posts starting with "Function #" and a serial number right in this forum space. We are confident that you will find something useful to implement in your workflow.

Stay tuned for Function Fridays! ;-) 

Divya R
Zoho Books