Create a task in Zoho CRM directly from Zoho Cliq

Create a task in Zoho CRM directly from Zoho Cliq

Components used : Slash command, message action.

Slash Command:

To create a task in Zoho CRM directly from a chat window in Zoho Cliq, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Create a command

The first step is to create a command in Zoho Cliq that allows users to create a task directly from a chat window. To do this, go to your profile, then navigate to  Bots & Tools > Integrations > Command > Create Command .

In the command creation window, you will need to enter a name for your command, a description, and choose the access level (Personal, Team, or Org). Once you have done this, save the command.

Next, paste the provided code in the script editor in the integration window:

  1. fetchFields = invokeurl
  2. [
  3.  url :""
  4.  type :GET
  5.  connection:"CONNECTION LINK NAME"
  6. ];
  7. //info fetchFields;
  8. allFields = fetchFields.get("fields");
  9. priorityList = list();
  10. statusList = list();
  11. for each  field in allFields
  12. {
  13.  if(field.get("api_name") == "Priority")
  14.  {
  15.   pickListValues = field.get("pick_list_values");
  16.   for each  pickList in pickListValues
  17.   {
  18.    displayName = pickList.get("display_value");
  19.    priorityList.add({"label":displayName,"value":displayName.replaceAll(" ","_")});
  20.   }
  21.  }
  22.  else if(field.get("api_name") == "Status")
  23.  {
  24.   pickListValues = field.get("pick_list_values");
  25.   for each  pickList in pickListValues
  26.   {
  27.    displayName = pickList.get("display_value");
  28.    statusList.add({"label":displayName,"value":displayName.replaceAll(" ","_")});
  29.   }
  30.  }
  31. }
  32. inputs = list();
  33. inputs.add({"type":"text","name":"task","label":"Task Name","hint":"Enter a subject","placeholder":"","min_length":8,"max_length":100,"mandatory":true});
  34. inputs.add({"type":"date","name":"date","label":"Due Date","placeholder":"Choose a due date","mandatory":false});
  35. modulesList = list();
  36. modulesList.add({"label":"Lead","value":"lead"});
  37. modulesList.add({"label":"Contact","value":"contacts"});
  38. inputs.add({"type":"select","name":"module","label":"Type of module","placeholder":"Choose a module","trigger_on_change":true,"options":modulesList});
  39. inputs.add({"type":"textarea","name":"description","label":"Description","hint":"Enter description","placeholder":"","min_length":0,"max_length":1000,"mandatory":false});​
  40. inputs.add({"type":"select","name":"priority","label":"Priority","placeholder":"Choose a priority","mandatory":false,"options":priorityList});
  41. inputs.add({"type":"select","name":"status","label":"Status","placeholder":"Choose a status","mandatory":false,"options":statusList});
  42. return {"type":"form","title":"Create a task","hint":"Name the task and assign a user","name":"createTask","button_label":"Create","actions":{"submit":{"type":"invoke.function","name":"createTask"}},"inputs":inputs};

Note : Make sure to replace the connection link name

Creating a connection:
  • Click on the connections button on the top right of the code editor.
  • Click on the Create Connection button
  • In default services, select the Zoho OAuth service and enable the following scopes:
    • ZohoCRM.modules.ALL
    • ZohoCRM.settings.ALL
  • Now authorize the connection

Step 2: Create a Form Function

 The second step is to create a form function that will handle the creation of the task in Zoho CRM. To do this, navigate to  Bots & Tools > Integrations > Functions > Create , and name your function " createTask ". Add a description and select the function type as form.

Then, paste the provided code in the form submit handler, which will handle the form submission and create a task in Zoho CRM.

  1. info form;
  2. paramsMap = map();
  3. labelList = list();
  4. formValues = form.get("values");
  5. module = formValues.get("module").get("label");
  6. subject = formValues.get("task");
  7. labelList.add({"Subject":subject});
  8. paramsMap.put("Subject", subject);
  9. description = formValues.get("description");
  10. if(description.length() > 0)
  11. {
  12.  labelList.add({"Description":description});
  13.  paramsMap.put("Description", description); 
  14. }
  15. dueDate = formValues.get("date");
  16. if(dueDate.length() > 0)
  17. {
  18.  dueDate = dueDate.toString("yyyy-MM-dd");
  19.  paramsMap.put("Due_Date", dueDate);
  20. }
  21. else 
  22. {
  23.  dueDate = "-";
  24. }
  25. labelList.add({"Due Date":dueDate});
  26. priority = formValues.get("priority");
  27. if(priority.keys().size() > 0)
  28. {
  29.  priority = priority.get("label");
  30.  paramsMap.put("Priority", priority);
  31. }
  32. else 
  33. {
  34.  priority = "High";
  35. }
  36. labelList.add({"Priority":priority});
  37. status = formValues.get("status");
  38. if(status.keys().size() > 0)
  39. {
  40.  status = status.get("label");
  41.  paramsMap.put("Status", status);
  42. }
  43. else 
  44. {
  45.  status = "Not Started";
  46. }
  47. labelList.add({"Status":status});
  48. if(module == "Lead")
  49. {
  50.  leadID = formValues.get("lead").get("value");
  51.  paramsMap.put("What_Id", leadID);
  52.  paramsMap.put("$se_module", "Leads");
  53.  labelList.add({"Lead":formValues.get("lead").get("label")});
  54. }
  55. else if(module == "Contact") 
  56. {
  57.  contactDetails = formValues.get("contact").keys();
  58.  if(contactDetails.size() > 0)
  59.  {
  60.   contactID = formValues.get("contact").get("value");
  61.   paramsMap.put("Who_Id", contactID);
  62.   labelList.add({"Contact":formValues.get("contact").get("label")});
  63.  }
  64.  assciatedModule = formValues.get("contactModule").get("value");
  65.  if(assciatedModule == "account")
  66.  {
  67.   choosenModule = "Accounts";
  68.  }
  69.  else 
  70.     {
  71.   choosenModule = "Deals";
  72.     }
  73.  accountOrDealID = formValues.get(assciatedModule).get("value");
  74.  paramsMap.put("What_Id", accountOrDealID);
  75.  paramsMap.put("$se_module", choosenModule);
  76.  labelList.add({choosenModule:formValues.get(assciatedModule).get("label")});
  77. }
  78. params = map();
  79. params.put("data", [paramsMap]);
  80. createTask = invokeurl
  81. [
  82.  url: ""
  83.  type: POST
  84.  parameters: params+""
  85.  detailed : true
  86.  connection: "CONNECTION LINK NAME"
  87. ];
  88. info createTask;
  89. if(createTask.get("responseCode") == 201)
  90. {
  91.  response = {"text":"### Task has been created successfully 👍","card":{"theme":"10"},"slides":[{"type":"label","data":labelList}],"buttons":[{"label":"View","action":{"type":"open.url","data":{"web":""+createTask.get("responseText").get("data").toMap().get("details").get("id")}}}]};
  92. }
  93. else 
  94. {
  95.  response = {"text":"Something went wrong with the integration. Please try again after some time!!!","type":"banner","status":"failure"};
  96. }
  97. return response;

Step 3: Update with Form Change Handler

The third step is to create a form change handler that will update the task details as the user fills out the form. To do this, navigate to the form change handler and paste the provided code in the script editor.

  1. targetName = target.get("name");
  2. info targetName;
  3. formValues = form.get("values");
  4. info formValues;
  5. actions = list();
  6. if(targetName == "module")
  7. {
  8.  modulesList = {"task","description","date","module","priority","status"};
  9.  allKeys = formValues.keys();
  10.  for each  key in allKeys
  11.  {
  12.   if(!modulesList.contains(key))
  13.   {
  14.    actions.add({"type":"remove","name":key});
  15.   }
  16.  }
  17.  fieldValue = formValues.get("module").keys();
  18.  if(fieldValue.size() > 0)
  19.  {
  20.   label = formValues.get("module").get("label");
  21.   if(label == "Lead")
  22.   {
  23.    leadsList = list();
  24.    getAllLeads = invokeurl
  25.    [
  26.     url :""
  27.     type :GET
  28.     connection:"CONNECTION LINK NAME"
  29.    ];
  30.    leads = getAllLeads.get("data");
  31.    leadlist = List();
  32.    i = 0;
  33.    for each  lead in leads
  34.    {
  35.     if(i == 10)
  36.     {
  37.      break;
  38.     }
  39.     leadName = lead.get("Full_Name");
  40.     leadId = lead.get("id");
  41.     leadsList.add({"label":leadName,"value":leadId});
  42.     i = i + 1;
  43.    }
  44.    actions.add({"type":"add_after","name":"module","input":{"type":"dynamic_select","name":"lead","label":"Lead","hint":"Choose a lead","placeholder":"","mandatory":true,"options":leadsList}});
  45.   }
  46.   else if(label == "Contact")
  47.   {
  48.    contactsList = list();
  49.    getContacts = invokeurl
  50.    [
  51.     url :""
  52.     type :GET
  53.     connection:"CONNECTION LINK NAME"
  54.    ];
  55.    info getContacts;
  56.    contacts = getContacts.get("data");
  57.    i = 0;
  58.    for each  contact in contacts
  59.    {
  60.     if(i == 10)
  61.     {
  62.      break;
  63.     }
  64.     contactName = contact.get("Full_Name");
  65.     contactID = contact.get("id");
  66.     contactsList.add({"label":contactName,"value":contactID});
  67.     i = i + 1;
  68.    }
  69.    actions.add({"type":"add_after","name":"module","input":{"type":"select","name":"contact","label":"Contact","hint":"Choose a contact","placeholder":"","mandatory":false,"options":contactsList,"trigger_on_change":true}});
  70.    contactModuleList = list();
  71.    contactModuleList.add({"label":"Account","value":"account"});
  72.    contactModuleList.add({"label":"Deal","value":"deal"});
  73.    actions.add({"type":"add_after","name":"contact","input":{"type":"select","name":"contactModule","label":"Associated Module","hint":"Choose a module","placeholder":"","mandatory":true,"options":contactModuleList,"trigger_on_change":true}});
  74.   }
  75.  }
  76. }
  77. else if(targetName == "contact")
  78. {
  79.  contactsList = {"task","description","date","module","contact","contactModule","priority","status"};
  80.  allKeys = formValues.keys();
  81.  for each  key in allKeys
  82.  {
  83.   if(!contactsList.contains(key))
  84.   {
  85.    actions.add({"type":"remove","name":key});
  86.   }
  87.  }
  88.  actions.add({"type":"clear","name":"contactModule"});
  89.  actions.add({"type":"clear","name":"deal"});
  90.  actions.add({"type":"clear","name":"account"});
  91. }
  92. else if(targetName == "contactModule")
  93. {
  94.  contactsList = {"task","description","date","module","contact","contactModule","priority","status"};
  95.  allKeys = formValues.keys();
  96.  for each  key in allKeys
  97.  {
  98.   if(!contactsList.contains(key))
  99.   {
  100.    actions.add({"type":"remove","name":key});
  101.   }
  102.  }
  103.  label = formValues.get("contactModule").keys();
  104.  if(label.size() > 0)
  105.  {
  106.   labelValue = formValues.get("contactModule").get("label");
  107.   if(labelValue == "Deal")
  108.   {
  109.    moduleName = "deals";
  110.   }
  111.   else if(labelValue == "Account")
  112.   {
  113.    moduleName = "accounts";
  114.   }
  115.   contactsKeys = formValues.get("contact").keys();
  116.   if(contactsKeys.size() > 0)
  117.   {
  118.    contactId = formValues.get("contact").get("value");
  119.    url = "" + contactId + "/" + moduleName;
  120.   }
  121.   else
  122.   {
  123.    url = "" + moduleName;
  124.   }
  125.   getAllDetails = invokeurl
  126.   [
  127.    url :url
  128.    type :GET
  129.    connection:"CONNECTION LINK NAME"
  130.   ];
  131.   info getAllDetails;
  132.   details = getAllDetails.get("data");
  133.   if(!details.size() > 0)
  134.   {
  135.    url = "" + moduleName;
  136.    getAllDetails = invokeurl
  137.    [
  138.     url :url
  139.     type :GET
  140.     connection:"CONNECTION LINK NAME"
  141.    ];
  142.    info getAllDetails;
  143.    details = getAllDetails.get("data");
  144.   }
  145.   detailsList = list();
  146.   i = 0;
  147.   for each  detail in details
  148.   {
  149.    if(i == 10)
  150.    {
  151.     break;
  152.    }
  153.    if(labelValue == "Deal")
  154.    {
  155.     dealName = detail.get("Deal_Name");
  156.     dealID = detail.get("id");
  157.     detailsList.add({"label":dealName,"value":dealID});
  158.    }
  159.    else if(labelValue == "Account")
  160.    {
  161.     AccountName = detail.get("Account_Name");
  162.     AccountID = detail.get("id");
  163.     detailsList.add({"label":AccountName,"value":AccountID});
  164.    }
  165.    i = i + 1;
  166.   }
  167.   actions.add({"type":"add_after","name":"contactModule","input":{"type":"dynamic_select","name":labelValue.toLowerCase(),"label":labelValue.proper(),"hint":"","placeholder":"Select a " + labelValue,"mandatory":true,"options":detailsList}});
  168.  }
  169. }
  170. return {"type":"form_modification","actions":actions};

Step 4: Dynamic Handler

Now navigate to the Dynamic Handler and paste this code:

  1. info target;
  2. typeList = list();
  3. searchValue = target.get("query");
  4. formValues = form.get("values");
  5. if(target.get("name") == "lead")
  6. {
  7.  getLeads = invokeurl
  8.  [
  9.   url :""
  10.   type :GET
  11.   connection:"CONNECTION LINK NAME"
  12.  ];
  13.  //info getLeads;
  14.  leads = getLeads.get("data");
  15.  for each  lead in leads
  16.  {
  17.   if(lead.containsIgnoreCase(searchValue))
  18.   {
  19.    if(typeList == 100)
  20.    {
  21.     break;
  22.    }
  23.    leadName = lead.get("Full_Name");
  24.    leadId = lead.get("id");
  25.    lead = {"label":leadName,"value":leadId};
  26.    typeList.add(lead);
  27.   }
  28.  }
  29. }
  30. else if(target.get("name") == "account")
  31. {
  32.  contactsKeys = formValues.get("contact").keys();
  33.  if(contactsKeys.size() > 0)
  34.  {
  35.   contactId = formValues.get("contact").get("value");
  36.   url = "" + contactId + "/accounts";
  37.  }
  38.  else
  39.  {
  40.   url = "";
  41.  }
  42.  getAccounts = invokeurl
  43.  [
  44.   url :url
  45.   type :GET
  46.   connection:"CONNECTION LINK NAME"
  47.  ];
  48.  //info getLeads;
  49.  accounts = getAccounts.get("data");
  50.  if(!accounts.size() > 0)
  51.  {
  52.   url = "";
  53.   getAccounts = invokeurl
  54.   [
  55.    url :url
  56.    type :GET
  57.    connection:"CONNECTION LINK NAME"
  58.   ];
  59.  }
  60.  for each  account in accounts
  61.  {
  62.   if(account.containsIgnoreCase(searchValue))
  63.   {
  64.    if(typeList == 100)
  65.    {
  66.     break;
  67.    }
  68.    AccountName = account.get("Account_Name");
  69.    AccountID = account.get("id");
  70.    typeList.add({"label":AccountName,"value":AccountID});
  71.   }
  72.  }
  73. }
  74. else if(target.get("name") == "deal")
  75. {
  76.  contactsKeys = formValues.get("contact").keys();
  77.  if(contactsKeys.size() > 0)
  78.  {
  79.   contactId = formValues.get("contact").get("value");
  80.   url = "" + contactId + "/deals";
  81.  }
  82.  else
  83.  {
  84.   url = "";
  85.  }
  86.  getDeals = invokeurl
  87.  [
  88.   url :url
  89.   type :GET
  90.   connection:"CONNECTION LINK NAME"
  91.  ];
  92.  deals = getDeals.get("data");
  93.  if(!deals.size() > 0)
  94.  {
  95.   url = "";
  96.   getDeals = invokeurl
  97.   [
  98.    url :url
  99.    type :GET
  100.    connection:"CONNECTION LINK NAME"
  101.   ];
  102.   deals = getDeals.get("data");
  103.  }
  104.  for each  deal in deals
  105.  {
  106.   if(deal.containsIgnoreCase(searchValue))
  107.   {
  108.    if(typeList == 100)
  109.    {
  110.     break;
  111.    }
  112.    dealName = deal.get("Deal_Name");
  113.    dealID = deal.get("id");
  114.    typeList.add({"label":dealName,"value":dealID});
  115.   }
  116.  }
  117. }
  118. return {"options":typeList};

Message Action

Besides the Command method, you can also use Message Actions to create a task in Zoho CRM directly from a chat. To do this, navigate to  Bots & Tools > Integrations > Message Action > Create , and create a new message action.

In the message action creation window, you will need to enter a name, description, and choose the access level. Then, paste the provided code in the script editor.

  1. description = message.get("text");
  2. if(description.length() >= 1000)
  3. {
  4.  description = description.subString(0,1000);
  5. }
  6. fetchFields = invokeurl
  7. [
  8.  url :""
  9.  type :GET
  10.  connection:"CONNECTION LINK NAME"
  11. ];
  12. //info fetchFields;
  13. allFields = fetchFields.get("fields");
  14. priorityList = list();
  15. statusList = list();
  16. for each  field in allFields
  17. {
  18.  if(field.get("api_name") == "Priority")
  19.  {
  20.   pickListValues = field.get("pick_list_values");
  21.   for each  pickList in pickListValues
  22.   {
  23.    displayName = pickList.get("display_value");
  24.    priorityList.add({"label":displayName,"value":displayName.replaceAll(" ","_")});
  25.   }
  26.  }
  27.  else if(field.get("api_name") == "Status")
  28.  {
  29.   pickListValues = field.get("pick_list_values");
  30.   for each  pickList in pickListValues
  31.   {
  32.    displayName = pickList.get("display_value");
  33.    statusList.add({"label":displayName,"value":displayName.replaceAll(" ","_")});
  34.   }
  35.  }
  36. }
  37. inputs = list();
  38. inputs.add({"type":"text","name":"task","label":"Task Name","hint":"Enter a subject","placeholder":"","min_length":8,"max_length":100,"mandatory":true});
  39. inputs.add({"type":"textarea","name":"description","label":"Description","hint":"Enter description","placeholder":"","min_length":5,"max_length":1000,"mandatory":false,"value":description});
  40. inputs.add({"type":"date","name":"date","label":"Due Date","placeholder":"Choose a due date","mandatory":false});
  41. modulesList = list();
  42. modulesList.add({"label":"Lead","value":"lead"});
  43. modulesList.add({"label":"Contact","value":"contacts"});
  44. inputs.add({"type":"select","name":"module","label":"Type of module","placeholder":"Choose a module","trigger_on_change":true,"options":modulesList});
  45. inputs.add({"type":"select","name":"priority","label":"Priority","placeholder":"Choose a priority","mandatory":false,"options":priorityList});
  46. inputs.add({"type":"select","name":"status","label":"Status","placeholder":"Choose a status","mandatory":false,"options":statusList});
  47. return {"type":"form","title":"Create a task","hint":"Name the task and assign a user","name":"createTask","button_label":"Create","actions":{"submit":{"type":"invoke.function","name":"createTask"}},"inputs":inputs};

Note : Make sure to replace the connection link name
This code will create a message action that you can use to create a task in Zoho CRM. Once used on a message, the createTask function created earlier will handle the task creation process (and the message will automatically be entered as the task description).

In summary, by following these steps, users can create a task in Zoho CRM directly from a chat in Zoho Cliq using either Command or Message Action. This can save time and streamline the workflow for teams that use both Zoho Cliq and Zoho CRM.

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      Hi, I am seller on Amazon , & I would like to sign up for Zoho books. However my question is can we automate/integrate invoicing, charges and returns in amazon with Zoho using API? Do you have a developer for this? I did take a look at zapier however it just has a create Invoice function nothing else.
    • Link project tasks to tasks in CRM and/or other modules.

      Hello, I have created and configured a project in Zoho Projects with a set of tasks. I would now like to link these tasks (I imagine according to the ID of each one) to actions in the CRM: meetings, tasks, analytics). The aim is to link project tasks
    • Count the NUMBER of Contacts for an Account automatically

      Hello. Is there any way Zoho can count the number of CONTACTS for a particular ACCOUNT and have a field in the ACCOUNT module update itself automatically? Currently we use Zoho to administer our language school and the Contacts represent students and Accounts represent Grupos (Classes). It would be very useful for us to have a feature like this enabled, and I can see other similar applications requiring something like this. The solution would be even better if the Contacts met a specified criteria,
    • How to use Twilio to send appointment notification and reminder SMS in Zoho Bookings

      Hit no-shows out of the ballpark by combining Zoho Bookings and SMS providers. SMS notifications help you remind customers of their appointments and reduce no-shows by reaching out where they are. In this guide, we'll configure an SMS provider called
    • geographic search filter in map view

      Hi, I have a recruiting and timesheet system built in Creator. The client wants to enhance the search for candidates based on their location and filter by job skills - currently they look on the Map View which uses the geo location or post code of the
    • Announcement: Upcoming changes to the permission grant flow for OAuth apps

      This announcement is intended for app developers who use the Zoho API console. We're going to implement an important update to the way users grant permission for the OAuth apps created through the API console. What’s changing? Currently, users can grant
    • Add Google Workspace Module to Zoho Flow

      Dear Zoho Flow Team, I hope this message finds you well. We’d like to request the addition of a dedicated Google Workspace module in Zoho Flow. Currently, there are no triggers or actions for Google Workspace, which limits our ability to integrate and
    • How do i remove the Powered by Zoho logo from my careers page

      Can I remove this? ​
    • Totals on Pivot Table

      Is there a way to change the way the subtotal calculates? In this example I have a formula to give me the average monthly attendance ....but I want the grand total of the month to be the sum of all the average attendances...any ideas? Thank you!@
    • Team Inbox is not working AGAIN

      I like Team Inbox in general. It makes using a collaborative inbox easy - when it works. The problem is that it doesn't work at times - and it seems to not work, a lot. It's not catastrophic failure, it's little things. Unable to send messages Unable

    • Zoho account sign in with passkey

      Hello, I am trying to sign in using passkey, but the option doesn't show up in the web and is disabled in Oneauth on mobile, saying the admin has restricted the use. On the Admin page in Security MFA I can find no option for passkey. Help would be greatly
    • Pivot table with Text values - "Matrix Report"

      User Story - As a user, I would like the ability to display textual data in a two-way table, matrix format (text datatypes, not numerical datatypes displayed as a dimension) One major feature missing from the Pivot tables in Zoho Analytics is the ability
    • Canvas View in Zoho Recruit

      Is it possible or would it be possible to have the new 'Canvas View' in Zoho Recruit?
    • Can Wisestamp email signature be use with Zoho mail?

      Does a Wisestamp email signature work with Zoho mail?
    • WiseStamp

      WiseStamp is an excellent social media signature tool. It integrated seamlessly into Gmail and Thunderbird, plus a few more. Are there any plans to get this incredible app integrated into Zoho. check it out here: thanks Tim
    • Power BI connector (Zoho Creator) to Zoho Projects

      How can i connect power bi to Zoho Projects? domain is How can i find workspace name, application link name and Report link name?
    • Update your Google connection with Zoho TeamInbox

      Dear all, Wishing you a Happy New Year! Google has recently updated its security policy to enhance user protection, requiring all third-party apps and services to use OAuth authentication and password-less login methods. This update impacts users who
    • Easy way to delete attachments

      I've reached my data limit and would like to run a view/report, and mass delete attachments. Is there an easy, fast way to do this? Moderation Update: Post Summary: There are two features the post discusses a) Easy way to remove Email attachments Will
    • Sites Speed and Performance Grades

      I noticed that there are no recent inquiries or complaints about load speed or performance issues with Zoho Sites websites. However, I wanted to understand what Zoho has done to ensure that speed remains optimized, images are compressed and lazy loaded,
    • Integrating Quotes with leads Information

      Our business requires giving a quote to a lead (not Account / Potential - as we define it differently). Currently, Zoho CRM's Quotes are integrated with Accounts / Potentials and not with Leads. Is there a way I could get the Lead information to the Quotes
    • Unknown error occurred

      Hi, When we want to publish or edit a page in our website, we encounter with "Unknown error occurred" problem. I share a screenshot here. Our website is It happens every page. We want to solve this ASAP.
    • Zoho one

      I am starting Zoho one as a beginner and there is Zoho crm and Zoho sales which i needed to work on but it appears in unassigned apps. What Should i do now?
    • Dialing Microsoft Teams Phone Service via Zoho CRM

      I am using the VOIP option in Microsoft teams for my office phone system. I was hoping to have a way to dial numbers directly from Zoho CRM, but don't see anything in the Teams Integration or in the Telephony integration that will enable this. Does anyone
    • Emailing lookup field but placing this as an ID or number rather than text

      Hi there, First time poster and have been a user of Zoho Creator for approx 6weeks so forgive my ignorance as I learn to code. We have a need to send an email to a specific email address with some of the fields triggered by the submission of a form. In
    • Search mails in shared mailbox

      Hi everyone, is there a way to search mails in shared mailbox's? Search in streams or mail doesn't return anything from mails in shared mailboxes. Thanks! Rafal
    • User Emails Blocked

      Community: I keep running into issues where our users stop receiving notifications from CRM because their email addresses get blocked in on the backend some how. I reach out to support, they confirm, they fix, and we carry on, but then it happens again.
    • Why wont Zoho Support Grammarly!! --- PLEASE VOTE FOR THIS to show Zoho we need this

      The spell check and grammar in ZOHO are so buggy and a waste of time. Please support Grammarly! I'm sure I'm not the only one — there are other CRMs that support this. If you're not planning to add this feature, Please let others know before accepting
    • Is it possible to hide Developer Space for all user in Zoho Projects

      Hello! I am Zoho admin in a company and we want to use Zoho Project to manage projects, but after a few days of testing we are not able to "hide" the Developer Space from all kind of users except the admin. To sum up, I want to hide this for all users.
    • API (v2) Search Criteria using CONCAT

      With API I can search for a contact using First_Name and Last_Name. However, when I need to search the Contact Module using a full name — and because CRM does not provide an API for full name — I am not finding a way to do this in the traditional way
    • Weekly Tips: Stay Focused with Email Snooze!

      New Year, New Resolutions Being back at work also means being back to the constant barrage of messages from work and clients. The constant flood of incoming emails can lead to the missing of important messages, especially when you can't respond right
    • Schedule Zoho CRM reports only on Business Days

      Hello, Is it possible to schedule reports only on business days ? We currently get daily sales reports on weekend which has no value since the sales team doesn't work on weekends. Thanks
    • Zoho Payroll's Year in Review 2024

      As we roll into 2025, we'd like to pay tribute to all the milestones we hit in 2024! From releasing out new features that streamlined your workflows to updates that made payroll management smoother, we’ve had a prolific year—all while keeping you, our
    • Recurring Events Not Appearing in "My Events" and therefore not syncing with Google Apps

      We use the Google Sync functionality for our events, and it appears to have been working fine except: I've created a set of recurring events that I noticed were missing from my Google Apps calendar. Upon further research, it appears this is occurring
    • Multiplying Weight of product by Quantity

      I am facing an issue with creating a report that consolidates the total sales volume in kilograms. I have already specified the weight for each product. I have also aggregated the total sales quantity. The key question is: how can I create a report that
    • Confirmation prompt before a custom button action is triggered

      Have you ever created a custom button and just hoped that you/your users are prompted first to confirm the action? Well, Zoho knows this concept. For example, in blueprint, whenever we want to advance to the next state by clicking the transition, it is
    • Next Page