Hello Everyone!
Recently we've rolled out early access for
Team Pipelines - Bigin's next major leap to transform and unify customer operations for small businesses. One constant feedback we've received from our early adopters is that once a record reaches a certain stage in a Team Pipeline, they want a new record to be created in another Team Pipeline with the information carried over from the previous pipeline. To address this we're introducing Connected Pipelines - a new feature that automates this seamless transfer of records from one pipeline to another.
How can Connected Pipelines help your business?
Let's take an example of an Interior Design Firm - Zylker Interiors that caters interior workspace for office spaces. They have setup 3 different Team Pipelines in Bigin.
Sales Pipeline
| Production Pipeline
| Installation Pipeline
Zylker's sales team uses this pipeline to engage with prospects looking for office interiors and converts them into customers.
| Once a new customer is onboard, Zylker's factory unit uses this pipeline to manage production orders for the customer.
| After a production order is completed, shipment to the customer's site and subsequent installation process is managed in this pipeline.
In Zylker's case, whenever the sales team closes a deal in the Sales Pipeline, it would be ideal if a new order is instantly created in the Production Pipeline. Also once the order has been completed in the Production Pipeline it would be great to create a corresponding Installation Request automatically in the Installation Pipeline.
Connected Pipelines can help you automate this whole process thereby eliminating manual work and errors associated with human intervention.
How does this work?
To achieve Connected Pipelines, we're introducing a new Action in Workflows - 'Create Connected Records'.
1. With this update, you can setup a Workflow that is triggered whenever a Deal's stage is modified. You can specify the exact Stage in the Conditions section.
2. Under the Actions section you can click the 'Create Connected Records' action and choose the next Team Pipeline in your business process. In Zylker's Case, it will be the Production pipeline after a deal is closed in the Sales pipeline.
3. In the Create a Connected Record screen that pops-up, you can map the fields between the two pipelines so that the information in the deal record is properly carried over to the order record when it reaches the Production pipeline.
From now on, whenever the sales team closes a deal in the Sales Pipeline, a new order is automatically created in the Production pipeline instantly. This takes out manual effort and saves time as the next step in the customer's journey will be instantly started once a team completes the previous step.
Not just that, now when a sales person opens a deal record that has triggered the Workflow to create a new order, they can see the Order record too under the Connected Records tab. This lets the sales person keep track of the order status as well. This way, Connected Pipelines keeps your teams together with the information loop connected across Team Pipelines.
If you're already using the Team Pipelines version of Bigin, then Connected Pipelines will be already available for you. You can verify this by checking if you can see 'Create Connected Records' action when you create a Workflow.
Do try this new enhancement and let us know your feedback as comments below this announcement.
For those who are yet to try Team Pipelines, we would suggest you to
fill in this form and we'll enable Team Pipelines for your account. We suggest you to switch to Team Pipelines sooner as we gear up for the general rollout of the same to all Bigin users.
What else are we working on?
We've been actively listening to your feature requests and are working on a bunch of enhancements including Whatsapp integration, Calendar View for Activities, Online Booking Pages, Web forms for Team Pipelines and more.
Stay tuned for further updates!
Guru | Product Manager | Bigin
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