[Zoho Writer Webinar] Tips on collaboration control in Writer

[Zoho Writer Webinar] Tips on collaboration control in Writer

Hi Zoho Writer users,


We're excited to announce the Zoho Writer webinar for the month of October 2023: Tips on collaboration control in Writer. This webinar will help you understand the various features available in Writer to control collaboration. We'll explore how you can securely share, collaborate on, and review your documents.


The webinar will take place on October 12, 2023 at 2 PM IST/GMT/EDT.


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We'll discuss (and share a demo on) how to:


  • Securely share your documents with internal and external users.

  • Control your work by hiding specific content, locking and redacting portions of the document, marking it as final, and more.

  • Check collaborators' changes with Track Changes, get notified of document edits, check detailed statistics on your document views, and more with Engagement Insights.


We hope to see you in the webinar!



Team Writer