[Zoho Writer Webinar] Working with tables in Zoho Writer

[Zoho Writer Webinar] Working with tables in Zoho Writer

Hi Zoho Writer users,


We're excited to announce the Zoho Writer webinar for the month of September 2023: Working with tables. This webinar will help you understand the various ways you can use tables to meet your specific needs.


The webinar will take place on September 14, 2023 at 2 PM IST/GMT/EDT.


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We'll discuss (and share a demo on) how to:


  • Insert and design tables by adding backgrounds and themes, and applying formatting.

  • Customize tables by merging cells and rows, auto-fitting tables to the page width, distributing columns, adding header rows, and more.

  • Perform actions such as adding formulas to tables, converting text to tables, and transposing tables.


We hope to see you in the webinar!



Team Writer