Invite up to 10 Guests missing from booking page
hi I have seen it but yesterday the option is not longer on my booking form. I can not find a option other than below which is on.
Attention: Scheduled Maintenance at US DC on Dec 19, 2024
Dear Bookings users, We would like to inform you that we've scheduled maintenance activity at our US data centers on Thursday, December 19th, 2024, from 5:30 PM to 5:45 PM PT. During this period, Zoho Bookings will be completely unavailable for the accounts
Bookings Sync with Zoho Calendar Breaks Again and Again
I have documented notes since June 2019! The sync between Bookings and Zoho Calendar continues to break at random times. We are nearly 3 years later and still have sync problems pop up randomly! As I type, it's broken again. I have been a stubborn client
📣📣 Zoho Bookings - Feature Roadmap 2024
Hi Everyone, Thank you for all the support you have been showing Zoho Bookings. We had a fabulous 2023, with a bunch of new features and over 60K new users. In 2024, our prime focus will be on user experience, and we have a few vital features coming in
Zoho Client form visible before pressing book appointment in Zoho Booking
Is there any way to have the Client form (name/phone) visible before pressing book appointment in Zoho Booking? I just want to be able to fill out the client info form before selecting a time to book an appointment thanks
Request : Icons/Symbols/None for Events
When creating events it's distracting that it uses the first character as an icon. It would be greate to be able to customise/brand this section as well : Example : the characters 3 and C in the coloured block looks inconsistant
Allow customers to choose meeting venue and meeting duration on booking page
My business primarily involves one-to-one meetings with my clients. Given the hybrid-work world we now find ourselves in, these meetings can take several forms (which I think of as the meeting "venue"): In-person Zoom Phone call I currently handle these
Calendly Maximum bookings per day
This is a simple feature and I'm not sure why zoho bookings hasn't implemented it already. You set a maximum bookings per day (by consultant and/or by service). Calendly offers this in their free plan. This makes sure your schedule doesn't get 8 hours
Can we customize the default client-facing icons?
Is there any way to customize the client-facing icons that display in the Zoho Bookings UI? For example, I'm using the Default page theme and would like to modify the default icon that is shown beside "Service." The icon currently being shown looks like a baseball hat to me (see attached screenshot) which has no relevance to my business or clients. It would be great if Zoho could provide a different, more generic icon (perhaps a bell icon to represent service?) or better yet allow the icons to
A consultant with different working hours for each workspace
As of now, it doesn't seem to be possible to set different working hours for a single consultant in two (or more) different workspaces. For example: A consultant is going to work 2 weeks/month at workspace A and 2 weeks/month at workspace B. Yet, right
Date format in the Account settings are not reflected in other applications
The issue where changes to the date format in the Account settings are not reflected in other applications. Not only the date format, but even after switching the language in some part remains the same. This issue has persisted for a week. Could someone
Multiple Bookings
Are you able to add multiple booking functionality so that if a client is booking multiple services in a single appointment, they can do that and only pay once rather than book and pay for each service separately?
Zoho Bookings NOT Reflecting Accurate Timezone Settings
Hi - I am having issues with Zoho Bookings, as the timezone that is showing on the live page is not reflecting the customer’s time zone (see screenshot showing 12:15pm scheduled meeting with 11hr difference reflecting the same timezone MST). I have updated
Integración de Zoho Bookings en Shopify
Hola, ¿alguien sabe si es posible integrar la aplicación de reservas de zoho en shopify? no quiero decir incrustrar la página de reservas en la web de shopify, sino integrarla en el checkout de shopify y vincularla con los productos-servicios de la web
Integrate zoom with zoho bookings please; or add optional times in zoho meetings
Just like events - these online meetings like zoom need to be integrated with zoho bookings, and there needs to be option for customer to book a time slot. It should not be dictated by CRM user.
Creating stunning templates for appointment notification emails
Good day folks! Can you guess what we are going to check out today? We have designed a few samples to showcase the power of customizable email notification templates. Template 1 Template 2 Template 3 Template 4 Template 5 Template 6 Template 7 Template
Ability to modify what displays in calendar invite?
I am a long time calendly user and want to make the switch to bookings. I understand that there is not currently a meets/hangouts integration, is one on the roadmap? Is there anyway I can modify the calendar invite to include the meet link? I can add it to the emails no problem, but I would also like it to display on their calendar. Is there some work around I can do to get it on the calendar? Also am I able to modify the calendar event title?
Link for booked scedule on invitation
I hav installed some sites for booking appointments in the booking app ... but tht invitation does not contain a link to the meeting software e.b.ZOOM, Google Meet or Teams ... how do I fix this?
Cancellation waiting list - Zoho Bookings
Is it possible to have a waiting list in case I got a cancellation it can be filled automatically with people on this list?
Zoho Bookings Integration with
Dear Zoho Bookings Support Team, We are writing to request a new integration between Zoho Bookings and, a leading automation platform widely used by Zoho users. Current Integration: We acknowledge the existing integration with Zapier, another
Staff rules
Hi! Do you people know what are the default staff rules when a new booking is created? We have two staff members in my team (me as the admin, and my employee). As we share the same services, I'm wondering how Zoho will pick the staff for new apointments.
Bookings duration - days
Hi team, Is there any way to setup services/bookings that span multiple days? I am using Zoho Bookings for meeting room bookings. Clients may wish to book a room for more than one day, for up to a month. If not, is there a plan to allow services to be setup with durations of Days as well as hours and minutes? Many thanks, Anna.
Allow customer to select meeting duration
I would love to see a feature where I can give the customer the option to select the meeting duration they require based on a dropdown list which I have predefined in the service settings. For example: 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 minutes.
Tip #10: Various time zone settings on the bookings page
Managing appointments across different time zones has become an integral part of our daily lives. Whether you're arranging a global business meeting or expanding your consultations to other countries, the ability to adapt to various time zones is crucial.
Issues with Calendar .ics Files Attached in Customer Email Notifications
Hello, Thank you for recently adding .ics files as attachments in confirmation emails generated by Zoho Bookings; however, it seems that there are some issues with the new feature, particularly in the email notifications sent to customers: If a booking
Can't Reschedule appointments
Hi, I am attempting to reschedule all appointments for this week from one Trainer to another. I have made sure the time is available in the Trainers calendar we are moving the appointments to but whenever I go to reschedule the appointment it still comes up saying the trainer has no available time at all this week. The next appointment is Wednesday 11am so need to get it switched over ASAP!! Thanks
Recurring Bookings
Will Zoho Bookings ever offer an option to the customer to schedule recurring meetings (unlimited) for the same days/times? Making a client schedule the same days/times for an entire month is a tedious process. I'd like to offer the option upfront to
Zoho Bookings Not Showing Allocated Time Slots
Hi, I have a real problem at the moment with Zoho Bookings not showing any available time slots and really not sure why this is happening. Could Someone from support please investigate. I have gone through all of my settings and calendar integration and can't see what the problem is. WOuld welcome some support please. Tony
How do we add Google Analytics code to Zoho Bookings scheduling pages or the thank you page?
We need to track user activity on individual Bookings' pages and/or the thank you pages? How do we do this?
Duplicate entries / Erratic entries in Bookings. No resolution for months now. Ticket Numbers 111467277 and 110557136
Hi, To whoever is actually listening at Zoho, I am beyond frustrated with the persistent issue in Zoho Bookings where calendar entries keep getting duplicated from the CRM and Google calendars. This problem has been going on for far too long, and despite
Zoho Bookings: How to set a limit for maximum bookings per day?
Let's say I have 1 hour slots OPEN for an entire day. What if I want all of the OPEN slots to turn OFF if/when I hit a certain number of total bookings for that day? I usually only want a total of 5 appointments to be booked but I'm not sure of the exact
Attention: Important updates to the payment gateway integrations
Greetings from the Zoho Bookings team! We have a few important updates to the payment gateway integrations that allow you to collect online payments for your appointments. The following payment gateways will be updated, and we encourage you to make the
How to add a customized/dynamic Zoho Booking link in email footer?
We just installed the latest version of the Zoho Desk <=> Zoho Booking extension from the marketplace and are quite happy to see the feature where a ticket-specific appointment booking link can be inserted in a reply. Is there any way to configure this
Multi Day booking for resources
I have following business-case: Rental for Tablets. Customer should be able to select how many device for how many days he'd like to rent. Same as a car rental for multiple days. Is this possible with Bookings on the current version?
Export Options
Hi, In calendar, List view, there is an option to show or hide fields, and we export this view daily, and use it to create a Gantt type chart for the days bookings. It would be SUPER helpful (and time saving) to be able to export the Notes and or Custom
Tip #3: How to change your booking page language
Displaying your booking page in your target audience's language can greatly increase customer satisfaction. By speaking their language, you will help customers feel more comfortable scheduling with you and create a stronger connection with them. Let's
Cannot add Outlook Calendar to Zoho Bookings
Hello, When I try to add my Outlook Calendar to Zoho Bookings I get almost to the end, including accepting the permissions and authorising the Office 365 account then I get the error message "Something's not right on our side. Sorry about that. Please
Booking outside of scheduled availability
Is there a way for staff (such as the secretary) to book appointments outside of the scheduled availability? Right now to do this special hours must be set each time. There should be a quicker way. Am I missing something?
Blocking / black listing customers
Hi, We have a situation, we observed that certain customers are blocking multiple appointments with our advsiors but not showing up. Some of these are repeat offenders. This leads to those service hours getting blocked and not available for genuine customers.
Fetching whole month availability via API
We are currently building a custom calendar component that books directly into our client's Zoho Bookings instance. The challenge we are facing is that your API only allows fetching availability one day at a time, which is problematic. Our second workaround
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