IMPORTRANGE with table references?
Can IMPORTRANGE be used to get a table instead of a range? More specifically, can I use column references to only get the columns I want instead of the whole table? I want the imported data to grow as the table grows. I've tried this: Where my table name
How can I stop a NOW() from update every time I open the sheet?
Hello, I'm trying to use the current function =IF(B1<>"", NOW()). Is it possible to update the NOW() function only when the B1 cell is modified and not when the sheet is opened? Best regards
List Range In Zoho Sheets Data Validation
Hello, I have 2 worksheets "Sheet 1" & "Sheet 2". I want to set data validation in Sheet 1 but using a named range for the drop-down list. I have set a dynamic named range CSID "OFFSET(Sheet2.$A:$A;0;0;19999;0)". I tried typing in CSID in the list or cell range but it didnt work like Excel. Please help, thanks.
copy format ?
Is there a way to copy the format from one cell, or group of cells to another cell or group of cells.(like the format paint brush function?) Thanks,
Zoho API accessing another drive which is not mine
I used my email to register my organization on zoho, I want to access my sheets with zoho api. But it's giving me the files in the organization workdrive instead of my personal workdrive. Since I used my email to register the organization, there are duplicate
Pick list
I am finding it difficult creating a picklist from the mobile app. Also, I want to format the date display. How do I do it? The app seem to be slow and crashes sometimes
Maj Février 2024
Bonjour Depuis la mise à jour proposée, hier, par Zoho sheet, il m’est impossible d’ouvrir mes fichiers d’emploi du temps! L’application se ferme avant l’ouverture du fichier. que faire?
Sheets running slow
Utilizing sheets for a very simple budget record, simple column adds nothing with fancy overclocking cpu utilization arithmetic . Yet just entering a number in a cell, prompts me to experience the very frequent "working" notification. if this isn't bad
Set table dimensions
New user - I created a new sheet, but can't find any way to set the numbers of columns & rows. When I try deleting rows or columns I don't want (select, right click, select "Delete Rows/Columns"), the selected area remains (or is immediately replaced
The value entered violates data validation rules set in cell E6
Hi, I was trying to shift a data from sheet 1 to auto paste into sheet 2 by press from row and colume at = 'e6' from page 1 and press enter then there have an error pop up said: The value entered violates data validation rules set in cell E6. Please advice what is the solution and what is going on?
Embed With Formula Bar and Headers Not Visible
Is there a way to embed the sheet on an external page without the formula bar or headers showing? Love the product and it's an awesome way to present users with tools and calculators but for aesthetics, it would be great to remove these for a cleaner look. Thanks!
Apply conditional formatting to a row
I would like to apply conditional formatting to a row. This can be really helpful for project based sheets where each row might be associated with a task/to-do. When the task is complete, a cell within the row is Checked/True, or updated to 100% or
Disable copy/cut/export for guests
I need to share a large spreadsheet with lots of formulas so that the guest can edit data to see if the model will work for their needs. However, this is rather sensitive data and I do not want them to be able to copy anything from the spreadsheet and paste it into their own spreadsheets. Is there a way to disable the cut/copy option for guests, but still allow them to edit data?
Is there a way to disable Create and Copy Sheet in external share?
Is there a way to disable Create and Copy Sheet in external share? VBA would be fine, but I'm not seeing it. For our business, large table-style data entry is a must for our orders. I've been able to push Sheets a long way, but I still need more excel-like
Auto shapes in Zoho sheet.
Does Zoho sheet supports inserting auto shapes (rectangle, circle...). I did not see any option to do so. If its not supported currently, is there any plans on bring in this features. Any timelines ?
Do you know any zoho sheet professional, who I can hire?
I am looking for any zoho professionals, who I could hire when I need to deal with my zoho apps. I think, many of us do not have time to learn everything about sheets, flow etc but we are keen to learn as we go with ours needs for solutions. I need to
Sort data in Pivot Table
Is it possible to sort by a data field. I can gruop and filter, but I culdn't find how to sort the results. Tank You.
Can't share, no response
Hello, I emailed sheet, writer, email & WD over 12 hours ago because other than email, nothing is working & I can't work. NO ONE has responded back to me. What is going on???
Zoho Sheets Row Height Issue
I am having issue with adjusting the row height. The row height for my Zoho sheets have to be at least 47px, sometime as high as 61px. If I decrease the height i cannot see any contents in that cell. This happens to few columns like A or B while column
Cannot select cells
I am using the Android app and don't seem to be able to do the most basic thing: selecting a group of cells. Whether for the purpose of formatting or generating a chart, for some reason I am not able to select the cells I wish to format or chart. When
Text Boxes
Any plans on being able to add text boxes and cell merging in the near future?
Select multiple options in a dropdown?
Hello! I am trying to create a column in which you can choose from multiple options. In this case, it's venue categories as an example (weddings, social events, concerts, corporate). I may wish to choose both "social events" and "weddings." I used the picklist for other columns, but I can only choose one. Thoughts on how best to incorporate this (or another way I could set up this information)? Thank you!
Quicktime movies
Can I upload quicktime movies from my camera and have other people play them from one of these apps. Vince M
Introducing Dynamic Array Formulas to Zoho Sheet
We're happy to announce that Zoho Sheet has opened up the new dynamic array formulas to all our users! The addition of dynamic array functionality will make your spreadsheets and the formulas you use in them a lot simpler, while at the same time making
How to change my sheet to landscape format?
Please help me, I can't seem to find how to change the orientation of my spread sheet, I need it to be landscaped not portrait. Thank you!
Insert/Delete Table Rows macro
Anyone know how to write macros to insert or delete table rows? I use these buttons in Excel all the time for expanding/shrinking BOM tables. I tried recording a macro. But, it is empty after performing the insert table rows command. Looked into writing
[Function Zoho Analytics] - Is there a query function in Zoho Analytics?
Hello team zoho, Is there a Google Cheats query function in Zoho Analytics? If not, how can I replacement?
Stock Prices using STOCK function
Hello, I've been using the STOCK function for over a year without any problems. Today, however, the prices are not getting updated. Might anyone know if there is a problem with this feature? Thank you
PDF tables to Sheet tables
Hi, I am looking for a way to convert PDF tables to Sheet tables. I am unable to find a way to do it. Two additional info for background. (a) The PDF (basically a credit card statement I am trying to get the transactions into Sheet) is password protected
Published sheet download error
I have a published sheet embedded into my website, but when I click the download button, it says that download has failed. I have enabled downloads in the sheet publish settings.
How do I print a worksheet with VBA code?
I want to create a print button on an embedded sheet on a website. How do I create a macro that will print the active worksheet?
does zoho macro support print related function? thanks
formula to get current sheet name
What formula can I use to get the current sheet name? In excel I could use - MID(CELL("filename"),FIND("]",CELL("filename"))+1,255) In zoho sheet, there is the "sheet" function but how do I get it to return the sheet name instead of the sheet number. The reference page is not very clear on this thanks
Remove Rows with Duplicate Cells
I need to search a column for duplicates, then remove the entire row of that duplicate. I do not see how to do it easy just like Microsoft Excel (which I no longer have access to). *I'm using the built-in "Data Cleaning" tool. I'm able to highlight all
Remove Duplicate Rows - Any Easy Way?
Hi there, Does Zoho sheet allow us to remove duplicate rows or entire rows based on duplicates in one column? I'm looking for the function that is available in Excel Data tab. Thanks, Chad
Non-US date format in Zoho Sheet
Hi I'm a Zoho user from New Zealand where the standard date format is DD/MM as oppose to MM/DD as is common in the US. I can set the format for existing dates in Zoho Sheet to DD/MM but still have to enter new dates in the US format. I.e. to enter November 4 I have to put 11/4 even if the cell is set to DD/MM/YYYY and immediately re-displays the input as 04/11/2011. That's pretty confusing and user unfriendly. Two suggestions: - could the spreadsheet parse the date entered according to the format
The formula does not respond as expected
imported a workbook from LIbreOffice. In the first sheet there are formulas which all give the expected result except this one The formula in cell B41 is as follows: =IF(B46="";"";IF(COUNTIF(B6:B36;"PP|PM")=B46;"";COUNTIF(B6:B36;"PP|PM) ")-B46)). Searches
Zoho Sheet History
hi Does Zoho Sheet have function that we can see change history exactly? I can see which cell have been changed, but I'd like to know original information.
How do I delete a Zoho Sheet Template for my organization
I made a template in Zoho Sheet for my organization and want to delete the template for whole organization now. Can not find any way to delete it now. Please help
Insert row in multiple sheets simultaneously?
Is it possible to insert a row or column at the same spot of more than one sheet simultaneously? Example: My document contains five sheets with the same basic structure. I would like to update this structure for all sheets by adding a new row below row 3 without repeating the same Insert > Row Below operation manually in each sheet.
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