Unable to access my website https://crossroadsadventure.earth/
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/dh_ajrrrv/crossroadsadventure.earth/index.php:3) in /home/dh_ajrrrv/crossroadsadventure.earth/wp-content/plugins/nitropack/functions.php on line 3071
Video Dimensions for Hero
Hello Just wondering what video dimensions/aspect ration/file format are recommended for having a background video for the hero element. Thanks
Website won't load
When I attempt to access my website hosted on Sites (www.recoverynav.com), the site won't load and shows a message that the website isn't secure. I've already attached a security certificate. Can you please help?
Tabs on mobile
Hi again :) Sorry to bother you all with so much questions! I now have a question about Tabs in mobile view. When looking at a page on mobile I would like all tabs to stay above the text and just highlight the active tab. this way users do not have to scroll down to bottom to see that there are other tabs. Is this possible? Thanks, -alex
Help Needed with Implementing Sliding Text Animation
Hello Zoho Sites Community, I hope you’re all doing well. I’m currently working on my Zoho Sites website and I’m trying to implement a sliding text animation. My goal is a series of related concepts slide up. Here is the CSS, and JavaScript code I’ve
How Do I Remove Underline (Hover??) from Top Menu Bar?
I'm currently building a Zoho site for my small business (it's actually live already but I'm just tweaking it a little), and the color scheme I'm going for is a dark blue meets green because that's what my logo is, and the theme for my site revolves around red. I've been able to get away with getting rid of most of the red stuff, but whenever a visitor (or me) clicks on a menu item, there's a red underline under it. I've been trying to get rid of it, and tons of forums online have CSS codes but none
It seems that the templates in Zoho-Sites only have the option for 5 menu items. This is not adequate for my business. I need a 'mega menu' style navigation on my site, where, if you have hover a menu item, a sub-menu drops down, as in this this site:
Website Logo
I would like to change the positon of the logo on my website. Specifically move it to the left.
Early Access - Zoho Sites V2
Greetings from Zoho Sites team! We’re super excited to announce that Zoho Sites V2 version is available for early access now. During the past few months, we have been working really hard to improve your experience with Zoho Sites and we believe that our
Transfer Sites from one account to another account ?
It is possible to transfer Sites from one account to another account
Custom template development using Patternlab
If you are not satisfied with the pre-made templates in Zoho Sites, I have done quite some work up to now to create a setup a web developer can use to offer you a custom template which you can upload to Zoho Sites. For offline Zoho Sites Template Development, I eventually found https://patternlab.io. Patternlab provides all the support to develop your company design language, AKA your branding! I created two starterkits: * https://gitlab.com/ringods/starterkit-building-blocks: this one contains basic
SEO meta tags - where to access??
I can't find where to enter in meta data (title, keywords, etc.) in Zoho sites. I see instructions everywhere to go to "Manage >> Settings >> SEO"... but there is nothing there for me to access in my control panel. Under SEO I see "Robots Text, Goggle Tools, etc." but I don't see anywhere to enter title and keywords for each page. If I click on SEO in the list on the left of the screen it only expands the drop down menu (to access Robots Text, Google Tools, etc.)
Website error message
Everytime I go to my website, I get an error message saying the website isn’t private. I have attached a picture. Please assist
Email option for blog subscribers to get posts
I would like to see Zoho Sites add the ability to allow blog followers to subscribe by email as well as by RSS. I presently host a blog at Wordpress.com. It has over 1,300 subscribers. Most of my subscribers use email, and don't have RSS accounts. I would like to move my blog to my site on Zoho, but I fear I will lose most of my subscribers.
Zoho Sites Builder not saving changes - I LOST SAVED CHANGES
Hi I am building a new site and I made a bunch of changes in text and paragraph in a table etc. I used one of the basic standard templates. No code or advanced stuff or out of the normal stuff. Everything just vanilla. AND I SAVED IT and it said saved. Then I published it and it kept going with the little bar for ever. So I am thinking it could not publish but surely I must have all the changes and will just need to try publish again. Then I hit the back button to go back to the site builder. And
How to unlock the domain name of my site?
How to unlock the domain name of my site?
Show more and Show less Text
I have a website with a “Text” box with 100 names of countries in it as a list. I require the “Text” box to show the first 10 countries with a an option below the 10th country that says “See more….”. When clicked it should expand the Text box to show
How to use CDN with Zoho wesbites.
I want to use CDN with my zoho- hosted website. I currently have a dot in website. I would seriously like to utilize CDN such as MAX CDN and cloudflare. Its that am not able to change dns with dot in website. Which is a great catch. Today site speed matters a lot both for business or personal sites. I have lot of visitors from different parts of the world and they suggest to make the website more faster. I would be great if I'm able to use dns or may be cdn.
We have a problema in our website with jQuery Cookie 1.4.1 and other elements.
In our company we are constantly undergoing audits, for this reason and for security reasons we need to keep everything up to date. In our most recent security test there are several important security alerts like the jQuery Cookie 1.4.1 that we need
How to copy and paste into sites
Oh my god, I'm trying to migrate my site over, I need to copy the content into zoho sites. Im click control+v several times and nothing. I'm hoping it's just some technical error because If copy & paste isn't available, I'm just done with zoho. There are just endless instances where zoho fails to provide easy fixes and copy and paste is even easier a fix and too common now to be missed, and just excruciating to have to point out the most obvious things. So I need to know how do I copy and paste
Site Verification
How do you get this to be checked off? I refreshed the SEO report but this hasn't changed.
Can I do SEO of my new website
Hello everyone, this is John. I created a website about Melbourne carpet cleaning. I want to implement SEO for my new website right now, but I'm not sure how. Please help me out in this situation.
How do I re-order the Pages in Zoho Sites?
I am at the max number of website pages in Zoho Sites (5 page max) and I want to re-order pages 3 and 4. There does not seem to be an easy way to re-order these pages and since I am at my max I cannot copy into a new page to recreate the order. I have
desidning with zoho site builder
I susbcribed to use zoho site builder to build my ite all whee it get to connecting domain whic i did ubcribed and it get to connecting the momain all to no avail. though it reading dmain very but i can find DNS to link the domain. plas find accahed what
WordPress to Zoho Migration
We currently operate a WordPress website and are seeking to transition to the Zoho site platform. Our objective is to seamlessly migrate all existing content, including images, while preserving the current URL structure. Of particular concern are the
New Site Popping Up As Not Secure
Hello, I've just published my site and attached it to my domain which I purchased through Zoho, (http://www.holdorfpress.com/) when I try to access this site it pops up as not secure and doesn't work. If there is any way I can make the website secure
Unable to re-assign Superadmin permissions from Zoho Sites to another user
Hello there Sites Support, As the title implies we're trying to re-assign the Superadmin for Zoho Sites to another active account on our side (the Owner of our Zoho One Account), all this in order to delete the current user that is the Superadmin from our account so we don't get charged for that inactive user anymore. When we actually try to change the permissions of the superadmin account to User or something else we don't see the option to do that anywhere as well as when we log into the Superadmin
Unable to accept Site24x7 invite after I deleted my trial
Hello, I have an invite from my boss to join an Site24x7, but I'm unable to accept the invite. I had my demo running earlier, but I had terminated the account as per a different helpdesk post. Please let me know the best way to fix this problem.
Site without www
Hello, pls help me, to make the website recordedia.ro work without www. tks
How do I change the "Theme" colors in my color palette?
Hi! How do I change the "theme" colors in my color palette. I see "theme", "standard" & "recent". I can't find where at all I can update these colors. I have tried going to Visual Editor and going to "Presets" & updating the color palette there by using
Hosting a domain ending in .org
Is it true that I cannot transfer my domain ending in .org to Zoho, so that Zoho can become the host, rather than Squarespace?
how do you end a free trial on zoho for anything
How do you end a Zoho free trial on any of their platforms?
Who to host website for the Domain Name purchased through ZOHO?
I have purchased my "Domain Name" through ZOHO, and activated 3 free emails through Zoho Mail, I want to use the same Domain Name to host my website, What is Control Panel (link) to manage my this domain name?
Adding gradients, transparency and patterns to colors
It would be great if there were gradient options, transparency and be able to add patterns to the colors to the top of the web page. The only options you have are solid colors.
Sites API
Is there a Sites API and if so where can we find documentation
Need to change author's name in blog post
My colleague wrote a blog post for our blog but when I put it on our site, the author's name automatically populated as mine. I contacted ZohoSupport and was told to change the Nickname in my profile. Well, I did and then ALL the blog posts were listed as being written by my colleague! Is there any way to simply change one blog post with the correct author's name?
no sitemap.xml to optimize interaction with bots
My SEO app is unable to access the sitemap - the error I'm getting is " no sitemap.xml to optimize interaction with bots" All suggestions welcome, Thanks
Banner and logo images not showing
I started losing my banner and logo image on my home page, then the issue migrated to the other pages. Inserting a different image does not rectify the problem, and I have tried different size images with no result. I see the banner and logo images in the editor but when I save and publish the site, only the missing image icon shows. I have cleared browser caches repeatedly and had the same results on IE, Chrome and Opera. I have tried three different themes and get the same result. The banner
I need to add an alias domain
I have tired to add up an alias domain with Go daddy with the following data but still couldn't here is the go daddy domain and host .
How to copy a zoho site?
Hello, I am wondering: is there a way to make a copy of your Zoho site, a duplicate that you can make changes on? Many other website builders (like Weebly, one I used to use) have this feature and so I was wondering if Zoho Sites had it buried somewhere.
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