Share Google Videos?
We use Google Apps and want to share Google videos on our domain within our Zoho Wiki. I've tried various options with the gadgets and adding iframes but it doesn't seem to like it. Can you confirm that the wiki doesn't support Google Videos on Google Apps? If so, is this on the roadmap.
number of wiki users
Is the users number in Share Permissions of single wiki page included in the users number of whole wiki share permissions? How to make clear of the share users number? Thank you
Wiki - Latest Updates
Hi All, Please have a look at our latest updates below. May 27, 2011 Features Twitter Profile and Search widgets given in widget list. You can allow public to view your company logo in the private wiki login screen. Position of the widget icon in the editor toolbar changed. It is next to Insert Image icon. May 11, 2011 Features / Issues Fixed Switch To menu changed as Zoho Apps. It now lists Zoho services by category. Schedule time added in Watch settings. You can set the time interval when you want
Is it possible to number the table of contents
I wanted to know if its possible to change the output of the table of contents to have numbers instead of the arrows beside the headings in the toc.
how to log into wiki on custom domain
I have set up a cname record and set the custom domain to the primary domain. when I log in at I am redirected to my custom domain but at this point I am not logged in anymore and view the wiki as a public user with no admin/edit options. I can get to but again any of the menu options redirect to the custom domain and at this point I am not logged in anymore. how do you log into a wiki on a custom domain??
I have another user with edit access to my wiki and keep getting email notifications. How do I stop this? Note that this wiki has notifications disabled as shown below and I'm not watching any pages. John M. Whitney Recommend
Can't use Wiki markup in Zoho Wiki?
I'm trying to develop a wiki page structure for my project, but traditional wiki markup language (such as [[ ]] for crosslinking, etc) does not work - it shows up as plain text when the page is saved. The "Disable Automatic Linking of Pages" button doesn't toggle - it's always got the circle-slash through it: Am I doing something wrong?
Addition of Google Custom Search Widget Won't Save
Hello, We are trying to use the Google Custom Search Widget. We bring up the Google Search widget, and then insert the following code, which we got from the Google Custom Search Web Element page: <!-- Google Custom Search Element --> <div id="cse" style="width:100%;">Loading</div><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript">google.load('search', '1');google.setOnLoadCallback(function(){var cse = new;cse.draw('cse');},
Make a page unclickable
Is it possible to set-up a page that you cant click and actually view whats in the page. I want to use the page only as a Category in the Navigate Pages panel. Only the pages under it can be clicked to view the page contents
Delete Zoho Wiki
Hi, I first setup a wiki on but then later I found out about Now I am using and want to continuing using Zoho Project. I want to delete my Zoho Wiki at . Please tell me how to delete my zoho wiki account ONLY. I do not want to delete my entire zoho account, as I am now using Zoho Project and want to keep using Zoho Project. Thank you!
Purchased additional storage but it is not showing up
Hello, We purchased an additional 5GB of storage for our wikis, but they still appear to be capped at 1GB. Also, we deleted a number of files, and emptied the Trash, but the disk space usage is reported as being the same. We cannot post any new attachments, so please contact us as soon as possible. Thank you, Alan
i have a wiki question
· Hi , I have a question about wiki, when I edit my wiki page, I click widgt, and choose iframe widgt, then enter embedded code, after my return to my wiki page, a box with “the below iframe url is served from” is always shown on my wiki page, every time I should click the Off-button to close it, is there any solutions to forbid the box shown on the wiki page? what is the function of this box,Thank you!
AddThis from my browser to add a page in my Zoho Wiki from another website page or article
Hi and thank you for your site. I use AddThis from my Firefox Browser as Add-on. I think Zoho Wiki is not in the list. Could you confirm and tell me how to make Zoho Wiki in the context list? Note I have found this on your blog Social Tool widgets added. You can embed the AddThis widget to your page as per your wish. I do not know what you refer as. Thank you for your feedback Best Regard France - FireFox - XP2003
How to link to a page
I would like when someone clicks on one of the navigation pages for them to go directly to a workspace or external website is this possible?
Want to upload my own website content onto my
I have purchased a .com domain via Zoho and would like to create my own website on this URL. I created a wiki (purchased one) and when I changed to to primary, it was over-written and I cannot edit. Please help!!! Vishen
Disk Space Usage
Hello, I would like to be able to see which files on our Wiki are using up the most space. Is there any way to get a centralized listing of our attachments, with their respective file sizes displayed? Thank you very much, Alan
Need to work on the site this morning - Business Account - the drop down menu from Wiki > Settings > Users is bringing up a "Server Connection Reset" error page - this is also happening with all other drop down menu items. Also, when I tried to contact supposrt by email - that page shows "Navigation Cancelled" and no email form. That is why I am posting here. Please contact me at - Thank you.
All of our Wikis have become uneditable
Are you experiencing a system-wide problem? Everything was fine last night. Thank you, Alan
Voki not working
The Voki widget does not work. After I insert the widiget and paste the code the screen gets stuck on saving. What to do? Any work around?
Import pages from Atlassian Confluence wiki
Has anyone ever imported Atlassian Confluence wiki pages in Zoho Wiki ? One of the approach I would see is to make a script to convert Confluence XML export format to Zoho Wiki import format. But that could involve serious development efforts. Another approach could be to export a Confluence wiki to HTML or PDF and import into Zoho Wiki. But Zoho does not seem to offer that feature. Is that something that Zoho development team is working on ? Thanks in advance for your help :-)
Embed video into wiki
I saw this was another topic, but I had a few questions that purposed a new idea. I am using clip-bucket to host my videos. I too what to use wiki for training and a resource for our company. I found that I am able to embed videos from other sites using a widget. I am able to provide a link and an embed script, however I am not aware of how to make this integrate with Wiki. Using Wiki is great, how can I use my video in wiki. What are some options?
Unable to load a specific image
Hi I am trying to upload an svg file, which reports that there is "a problem with the file", but does not say what sort of problem. I can't find anything which says which files are supported, so it may be it does not support svg. (which would be a real shame) The file itself will open in either Firefox or Chrome without problem. For the moment I am using a png file, which does not zoom well of course. David
Access to public wiki-pages by www AND http://
Hi, I have created my own public wiki and customized the access to it in "settings" for primary domain with my own domain: But public people who insert in their browsers will not be directed to this page ! On the other side when I change wiki-settings for primary domain from in in: all public who forget inserting "www" will not be channeled to my public wiki-page. Is there any possibility to arrange in DNS a solution for channelling
Unable to view zoho writer document in wiki
Hi, I'm not sure if this is a problem with zoho wiki or zoho writer. When I insert a zoho-writer document into a wiki page and try to view it from another zoho-user account, I see the following error message: "The document has been trashed/deleted by the owner. It cannot be accessed here anymore." Could anyone please let me know what the problem could be? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
A Series of Wiki Problems__________________
See PROBLEMS: 1) When I create a CustomTopPanel in Wiki/Customization "Top Panel" it appears as a separate page in the "Navigate Pages" side Panel. I click on the "Customizable Top Bar" option 2) I am unable to upload Logo when I switch from "Customizable Top Bar" to "Logo & Title" I have tried many different size image files none display. 3) is there a way to disapble the comments section on pages. If not can the font and size be changed it is REALLY barely
Adding a Wiki User
I've purchased access for another individual to use our company's wiki. However, I can't invite that person to access that wiki. Every time I try to change permissions I'm told my user limits have been exceeded. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug? Thanks for your help.
To have Table of Content on the right
Hi, thank you for ZohoWiki I use the TOC function which takes all the high part of the page. Is it possible to add PHP code in order two have this TOC on the right with an only 400px widthness ? This is my code (without CSS) <div style="border: 1px dotted rgb(204, 204, 204); padding: 5px; background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(238, 238, 238);" id="toc"> <b style="margin-left: 10px;">Table of Contents</b> <a id="zwTOCLink">[ Hide]</a> <div id="zwTOCDiv"><span style="margin-left: 20px;
custom css is only applied when logged in
I have uploaded a custom css file, however these changes are only visible when logged in. When not logged in the display reverts to the unmodified theme. I would to be able to customise the template for public viewers, is this possible??
Quick Search Function
Hi I have a small problem: I really don't understand how the "quick search" on my panel works. For example: I want to search for specific Wiki page (Main page). As a result comes three pages, and proper one is second on the list. Other two have nothing in common with searched phrase (no "page" or "main" in text). For other searched terms situation is far worse (20 results, first few have anything in common with searched phrase, searched site is never first). I'm doing something wrong? Or i should
Add Image Via URL-- NOT SAVING
Hi, I have been trying to save an image onto a page by clicking the "insert/modify image" button- then entering the URL. It posts the image to my page until I "save and close". Once it closes, the image disappears and does not reappear (even after reopening the "edit" ) Help? thanks.
Wiki Index?
Is it possible to make the wiki index the "site home"? Is it possible to create a "page" with the wiki index created dynamically that I know I could set as the "site home"? ZohoWiki search is great, but the way we're intending to use this, browsing would be beneficial as well. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Russian translation
Dear Zoho Wiki team, Thank you for the great product. Unfortunately, the russian translation is not so good. There are many "mistranslations" and lost context. I can help you somehow, if you want. I have a great experience translating to Russian different opensource products. Thank you.
navigations buttons with css
anybody has experience having css navigation buttons on the top, would it be possible to upload a css style sheet defining navigational functions
css for header
any way to upload the images for the buttons of a navigation menu css style sheet
I was robbed of rights...
Please help me! I really need help! I am the administrator of this site. yesterday,i failed. I changed the administrator name... Then I lost all rights as an administrator! I made mistake. Change the administrator name could not go... I want to managed to regain! I strong strong hope. There is no good at English. Im Japanese. Please...Please...
problems exporting site map structure
any way to export site map structure or do we need to sort it out everytime we export
zWiki and the wiki in zProjects
Hi and thank you for your site. I have a zWiki site and I use zProjects too In zProjects there is a Wiki site. Is it possible to merge this two wikis? In fact, in zProjects, I would like to see the Wiki tab pointing at my zWiki (or on some pages of it). I hope my question is clear. Thank you for your answer. Best Regard France - FireFox - XP2003
Modifying wiki URL
Where, if at all, can I modify the url the Wiki is published at. I don't want a different domain, just <myspecialname>, rather than <username> Thanks
How does one change the background color in the wiki?
In Wiki Editor, Firefox context menu
Hi and thank you for your site. In Wiki Editor, with a right click, you have a Wiki Editor context menu which is very interesting. Is it possible to have your Browser context menu ( I use Firefox 3.6.13)? I tried by depressing Shift, Alt and Ctrl key, no Firefox context menu. Note, I would like to use my British English Dictionary add-on. Note that Wiki Editor is able to recognise a spelling mistake, thank for that. I know there is a Spell check buton in zWiki Editor. I've seen this point in the
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