ZOHO Registered Users
If we make a file cabinet page to store pdf's and then alter the page's permissions to only ZOHO Registered users, will Google still be able to access that page and index the documents? If not, please provide a page-level method to prevent indexing. Thanks, John M. Whitney
Style Sheet .css
What code do you use to increase the font size? I've tried body { font-family: sans-serif; font-size: medium;} I've tried body { font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } What code works? Thanks
False Size Limit Problem Again
Hello, Last month, at this same time -- coincidence? -- we started receiving a warning that we had reached our size limit, even though we were nowhere near it. Our wiki address = hiltonandcrowne.wiki.zoho.com. Someone fixed it -- I think it was related to the fact that we are a long-time wiki user, and our site was "grandfathered" in to the new pricing structure. We are supposed to have 5 GB of space, and have a lot to spare -- I think we are still below 1 GB. Would someone please fix this again.
Social Widget's Got Bugs
Tried to include the new social widget on home homepage and was presented with this: OK, so I then tried to save the page and got this: Page not saved. Please take your content backup and try again. (2) ...wtf? The cracks in quality control are really starting to wear-down the not-so-shiny-anymore veneer of ZOHO Wiki 2 John M. Whitney
Insert Google Calendar in Wiki page
I was able to insert a widget for <iframe> tags and embed my public Google Calendar into a wiki page. Here is the screenshot http://screencast.com/t/MDJkZDY0MTg Why not actually suggest this in the title of one of the Widgets? I had to kind of guess that the iframe widget might work. I am not a Google Apps business customer, just a regular free user of a Google Account, so I don't think I can sync my Google Calendar with Zoho Projects' calendar.
Inserting a tag cloud widget into a page only shows a limited number of tags
I am using the tag cloud as a primary method of navigation in a wiki that aggregates news topics sorted by topic. I'd like to insert a widget on the home page that shows all the tags on the site, not just the ones that show up on the side bar (seems to stop at the first 20 or so tags). Is there a separate widget that shows all the tags, or can one be created? I would love to insert the same tag cloud that I can see when I click the "More" link - a whole page full of tags - on the home page.
HTTPS is Broken
I have "Enable Both HTTP and HTTPS" enabled. Then tried this https://www.niskypto.org/ and got this: Page Not Found Sorry, there is no web page matching your request. It is possible that you typed the address incorrectly or file you are looking for has been moved or does not exist. John M. Whitney
Custom Temes
I have uploaded a custom theme but it is not wanting to show. I thought of re-uploading it to see if that will work out what the problem but am worried that in doing such I'll loose all the work done. Will my work have to be redone? Or will it be ok? Second, how do I check to see if everything uploaded properly in order to try and track down why something might not be working in my custom theme? One more question/query: Part of my custom theme has the content panel having color/image appearance.
Links to attachments only work for me - not my users
I have a page with various files attached for my collaborators and users to download as required. In the body of the page I created a table of links to the most recent versions of each file. If a user with permission to view the page follows the wiki's built-in Attachments link, they can both save and open any attachment from the Attachments listing; however - this is the problem - if they follow one of my shortcut links in the body of the page they just get a blank browser window. My shortcut
Please elaborate or point to instructions for using the file cabinet's New>Document feature. I have tried it and end-up with a new doc, titled properly, but no content. Step-by-step instructions are needed. John M. Whitney
PDF Table of Contents
Hello. When I export the wiki as a PDF, is there an option somewhere to show page numbers on the Table of Contents? Right now its just a list of the pages included. It would be more useful if it had numbers. Thanks.
i-frame bug
I have requested this before, but now adding in more info for support: My wiki sites use a number of Zoho Creator forms and views, embedded using the Zoho Creator i-frame widget. The problem is that the Creator i-frame embed code uses relative sizing (as a percentage of the page) and the wiki i-frame uses absolute sizing (in pixels). This causes unexpected effects, either delivering the rendered i-frame page way too long (off the screen) or other undesirable formatting effects. For example, here's
I embed many ZOHO Creator views and have been continuously annoyed by the lack of frame percentage support for wiki gadgets. Why are they constrained to px? Why not have the option for %? is there some workaround via the html view that I can apply? Creator i-frame views are vary dynamic and can expand and contact depending on what's being rendered. John M. Whitney
Google Analytics
Would be great if I could use Google Analytics, statcounter.com or similar traffic monitoring tool to see how my wiki is being used. Thanks for considering!
Social Widgets
Please add support for Facebook Like (XFBML version if possible) and Tweet This The standard FB like is just an iframe, but the XFBML is more flexible than iframes, but requires you use the JavaScript SDK. The Twitter button has some JS in it, so it definitely needs a widget, John M. Whitney
Size Limits
Hello, My users have reported that we have reached the size limit of our wiki. What are the wiki size limits? How do we see how much disk space we are using? Is there any way to get a list of sizes of the files on our wiki? Thank you very much, Alan
Google Analytics Widget Not Working
I am unable to add Google Analytics to my CustomBottomPanel. I have tried to add the javascript (with the script tags) directly to my custom panel and it just gets stripped. From reading other posts, this looks like it's supported but I'm not sure. It also might be due to my custom bottom panel which looks like the following: <div> My custom HTML bottom </div> <script> Google analytics script </script> After I save it, the script tag and everything in the middle gets stripped if I
Renaming page escapes certain characters and display's characters as escaped
So I created a page called "Joe's Page" and everything is fine. If I rename the page to "Joe's Awsome Page" the title gets changed to "Joe's Awsome Page" (notice the character gets escaped and displayed in an escaped fashion) and there is no way for me to get it back without deleted and specifying the title on create. Thanks
How do I redirect a page elsewhere externally?
I have created a wiki page that I no longer use anymore. However I can't delete it because it may be referenced externally. How do I make the page such that if someone goes to that URL, to redirect them to a different URL (either on the wiki or externally)? I tried to put in javascript to do a redirect but after you save the page, the script tags all get stripped from the page. Thanks
Editing a sub page creates a new page with the same name - I think it has to do with Tabs the page name
When I select certain sub pages from the site map or side nav, instead of editing the page I selected, the wiki creates a brand new page (not a sub page) with a simialar name which results in duplicates. What I THINK is the problem is this: I happened to copy a "tab" character into the page name when creating the original page. The pages that did not have the accidental tab cut/pasted into the page name behave normally. Then it is impossible to delete the tabbed-named page because I cannot access
Inserting a RSS snippet on a Wiki page
I cannot get the “insert html” feature to insert a RSS snippet on a wiki page. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Richard
Breadcrumbs - Location Change
Hi All, We are going to change the location of the breadcrumbs. Please have a look at the following image. Regards, Mano
Wiki Notifications
one of the users in my wiki isn't getting email notifications. he has the same permissions as another user who is getting notifications. He has even clicked 'watch this wiki' and still can't get email notifications on comments or changes. He relieves invites if I delete him and then re-invite him.
Wiki being slow?
Are other users finding that the wiki is being slow in terms of opening and closing the editor?
File cabinet settings
Need more settings around the file cabinet. Today there are no customizations and the files are sorted by "upload time" by default. You cna change the sort order but if you leave the page and come back to it, it's sorted by "upload time" again. We would like to see the following: Ability to specify default sort order for everyone so they don't have to manually sort the files. I.e. Alphabetical by name Ability to remove control columns displayed. We would like to hide "upload time" and "uploaded
Subpage List Plugin Properties
I wish the "Subpage List" plugin allowed a drop down that allows you to specify the number of sub-levels to include (All, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc) and show it similar to the site map.
Most Viewed Pages Plugin
I wish there was a wiki plugin similar to the "subpage list" where it will show in descending order the most viewed sub pages. I basically have a FAQ and would like to display the most viewd one on top. This could optionally just be an "order" setting on the "subpage list" plugin. i.e. Sort by alphabetical, most view, most recent, etc.
On my top navbar i DO have "wiki" but do not have "settings" in the dropdown menu, so there is no way for me to get to "customization" PLEASE HELP!!
CustomTopPanel and CustomBottomPanel not working
I was able to customize the custom top and bottom panels when I first created my wiki. I then went in and changed the theme a couple of times and since then, this functionality no longer works. Everytime I try and edit either of them, all it does it create a new page called CustomTopPanel or CustomBottomPanel. This is really annoying that they are showing up as pages and not actually customizing the top and bottom panels. I tried to switch it back and forth between the logo and custom but custom
Buttons not responding
When trying to work with wiki buttons are not responding to clicks. I have tried refreshing page but this does not work. I don't know if the problem is at my end or at Zoho end.
Wiki Deleted still occupies the name
Wiki Team, This is a followup of the bug (https://help.zoho.com/portal/en/community/topic/how-to-edit-website-title). Since I could not edit the Wiki title and it had inadvertent typo, I chose to delete it and create it afresh. Now when I create it afresh it throws an error like Domain Already Exists.. Can you resurrect the deleted wiki along with a facility to edit the Website Title please? ---- Deepak Vasudevan http://thamizhththendral.blogspot.com/
How to stop "Recent changes in your wiki pages" emails
I have been getting this notification every day for 9 days (and nothing has changed for 9 days). I have gone into Wiki setting > notifications and turned off all options. The notifications started when someone spammed my (Empty) wiki. I've deleted the spam entries but now I get this email every day. How can it be stopped? http://techmatters.wiki.zoho.com/ Janet
Wiki newbie questions
I am experimenting with the free Wiki. Is it possible to create "folders" for the files that are uploaded? When looking at a list of files, can the view be modified (i.e. can I see who created/uploaded the document, when it was last edited, what Workspace it belongs to, etc.)? Thanks!
search beyond "quick search"
how can we search using filters like "title" and/or "tags"?
How do I add and search on attributes
I would like to create one wiki page for each “lesson” I have. The majority of the page will describe the lesson using free text. However, I would like each lesson page to have a set of fixed attributes (author, date, place, type, theme, …) and have the users be able to search on these fixed attributes (e.g. much the way advanced search works in Amazon books). Is that doable? Could you send me the help pages that would describe for me how to do it?
Attributes -- how do I add them and search on them?
I would like to create one wiki page for each “lesson” that I have. Most of the content on the page will be describing the lesson using free text. However, I would like each page to have a set of fixed attributes (author, date, place, type, theme, …) and have the users be able to search on these fixed attributes (e.g. much the way advanced search works in Amazon books). Is that doable? Could you send me the help pages that would describe for me how to do it?
Zoho backup is small and corrupted
Hello, I usually backup my Zoho wiki once a week using the link that is in the wiki menu under Settings >> General >> Backup. However, today the backup is only 66K when it is usually a little over one MB. When I try to extract the zip file, it says the file is corrupt and cannot be extracted. Is this a known problem? Thanks for your time,
Embed ZOHO Calenra Event Request
Read this: https://help.zoho.com/portal/en/community/topic/congrats-but How can we embed the form when ZOHO Wiki prevents java script?
ZOHO Wiki 2.0: Organization (Domain) Customization
At the organizational level here: I'd like to see a number of settings that the admin can override for all wikis in the list; Typical ones would be themes, headers and footers, at least one custom side-panel element, CSS, robots, and some super-set of permissions. If ZOHO wiki wants to compete with SharePoint, it needs the macro-level control over all wikis.
Can't delete / hide Wiki PAGE________________________
see www.azrealestate101.wiki.zoho.com "Copy CustomTopPanel" page which is supposed to be Hidden... I duplicated "CustomTopPanel" page to Copy CustomTopPanel" and which I set the Permissions to "View / Hide Page" But unlike the original page CustomTopPanel which has the same Permissions setting the the Copy version is still on the Navigate Pages sidebar AND I cannot delete it. Thank you. YourBizzWizz.com
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