Default payment gateway option in Zoho subscriptions
When My customer make payment using hosted page, payment is done through stripe payment gateway which I want to change to Where do i get an option to change default payment gateway.
What's New in Zoho Subscriptions — June 2020
Hello everyone! We're back with new updates. This month, we've focused on features that provide payment flexibility to your customers and help bring more traction to your hosted payment pages. Both of which can be helpful during this pandemic. Read on to learn more. Partial Payments for Subscriptions with Auto-charge Enabled Your customers can now make partial payments for their subscriptions! Partial payments can be useful for collecting advance or good faith payments from your customers. Here's
What are good alternatives to Stripe?
Stripe has recently changed its policy where they no longer refund their fees. Are there any better/cheaper alternatives to Stripe?
Introducing: Community Learning Series | Digest #1 - May 2020
Dear customers, We hope you are staying safe and healthy. Helping businesses manage their customer subscriptions more efficiently has always been, and always will be, our goal at Zoho Subscriptions. We strongly believe this is possible if we grow together as a community and share what we know with each other. To nurture this shared learning experience, here is our brand-new Community Learning Series! Welcome to the first edition of our digest! Each edition of our community digest includes guides
Creating concept subscriptions
Hi, I would like to automate the creation of subscriptions when a , but a manual check needs to be performed before they can actually be started and invoiced. Is there a way to create subscripitions in concept for customers? Or would using the unbilled charges be an option? Also, we create websites. Customers start paying when their website goes live. We'd like to create the subscription in concept once the deal has been signed so we don't forget to do it, but the customer can't be billed right then.
WP plugin still supported? Zoho Subscriptions
I tried installing and configuring the WP plugin for Zoho Subscriptions but cannot get it working. Following the directions on the integrations page, I end up with the below after creating a new page, clicking the button to add the Subscription and selecting the plan. The page shows blank when browsing. WP version 5.4. <iframe id="ZSubscriptions" style="border: none;" src="<br /> <b>Warning</b>:
Charge Date
Hi, I set up a Subscription which is now live and through GoCardless. I have had people join up, however the charge date on GoCardless is a week ahead. I'm not sure why this is happening? Any ideas?
GoCardless payment status not updated
Hi, we have a GoCardless integration with Zoho Subscriptions. The booking with SEPA payment through GoCardless worked fine, the invoice is paid and shows properly in GoCardless. Unfortunately this status is not updated in Zoho Subscriptions even after a synch. Can someone help? Thanks Heico
Upcoming renewal notifications showing all a customer's subscriptions
We invoice subscriptions on the first of every month and collect payment offline using GoCardless. To avoid customer billing queries after the fact, I want to email customers an upcoming subscription renewal notification but one that includes all a customer's subscriptions, preferably in a HTML table format. Some customers can have 10 or more subscriptions so sending out notification emails for each subscription isn't really practical. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Future Dated subscription
Hi, I have a problem where I need to be able to give our customers the option of selecting the start date of their subscription during the checkout process, however for the life of me I cannot figure out how to do this. I have no programming experience so anything to do with APIs and such is beyond me. What I want is very similar to your example on this page However, whenever i get this over to Zoho Creator it just gives out an error(attached
Start Subscription on certain date
Hi, please can someone tell me how I make a subscription start on a certain date or allow the client to select a certain start date? Thanks
Add volume slider to a custom checkout button or pricing table
I'd like to customize the checkout button embed widget and include with it a slider or something that would allow for the user to quickly change the quantity and see the price change. Then, they could press the subscribe button and that quantity would be passed over to the Hosted Payment Page in Subscriptions. If I can't do it all in Subscriptions, is there a clever embed widget with a "checkout" button that I could build in Forms or something and have that pass along the quantity in the URL to the
How can have customers agree to Terms and Conditions before they subscribe?
I would like to have a checkbox that has a link to the terms and conditions - before Customers Subscribe. How can I accomplish that with ZOho Subscriptions?
Zoho Subscription API Documentation for Filter
Hi, in the postman library there are filters on some of the examples. However I am unable to determine what all the filter options might be . Here is one example. https://{{domain-url}}/api/v1/events?filter_by=EventTime.All I would like to know what other options are in the EventTime enum? The Documentation does no mention this filter_by option and none of my guesses worked. Another example is https://{{domain-url}}/api/v1/customers?filter_by=Status.All I tried. Status.Trial and it was wrong as well.
Is it possible to show some custom customer fields in one hosted payment page but hide same field in other hosted page?
Hi Zoho, I can't seem to hide some custom customer fields in one hosted page and show the same fields in other hosted pages. Is there a way to do this? If not, this is an inherent issue that should be addressed. I really think it makes sense for Zoho Subscriptions team to work with Zoho Form team so that we can incorporate Zoho Forms directly on the hosted payment page. This feature would solve sooo many issues that customers are facing and would make it so much simpler for prospective customers
Unique annual (subscription) pricing per customer
Zoho Subscriptions, Our business is driven by an annual recurring revenue model but, our pricing is generally unique per customer based on the level of connected devices each customer has. So, while we want to track ARR levels, churn, etc. by customer it's not clear we can use Subscriptions which seems to require us to define a "Product" with set pricing. Any ideas? Thanks, Jeff
How do I change this message?
Tip #11 : Calculate sales commission in Zoho Creator using Webhook
Hello everyone, We've been sharing a tip every week to share specific business scenarios which can be implemented for your subscription business. Last week, we shared a tip about the way to customize your checkout page for your billing needs. This week we will be looking at how you can calculate sales commissions in Zoho Creator using Webhooks. Business Scenario: Majority of subscription businesses will have a dedicated sales team that works with the customers to find their needs, create solutions
Tips And Tricks - Announcement
Hello everyone, Every business is unique and each of them follows a specific workflow. While managing your customers' subscriptions with Zoho, you might have some needs unique to your business. Custom Functions helps you address such needs. This is a start to a series of posts, where we will be coming up with a custom function workflow every week that addresses specific business scenarios. Watch this space for further updates! Also, if you have any specific business scenario which needs to be addressed,
Annual Subscription Fee + Weekly Service Fee(s)
Hi - Looking to build 3 plans (Basic, Plus, Premium), each with a different annual fee. Each plan also has a per week + per event cleaning fee: eg - I choose Premium Plan @ $99 annually and I'd like maid service 3x/week @ $50 per visit (or $150/week). Users will need to choose both an annual membership plan + a weekly service frequency. What's the best way to set this up in Zoho Subscriptions? Use metered billing? Thanks!
Trying to use the "custom events" option with a custom function
Hello, I'm trying to create a custom function in Zoho Subscription that is supposed to send out an email 30 days before a subscription is set to expire. I've created the custom function and set it up to use a "custom event" of 30 days before the "Next Invoice Date" but I never seems to execute on this custom event. I've tested the custom function by using the "Execute" button and it is working fine in the matter. Is there a trick to get this to work or is there a better way I can accomplish what
How to maintain steady cash flow during the COVID-19 crisis using Zoho Subscriptions
Dear customers, I hope this finds you and your loved ones in good health. We're all witnessing the effect that COVID-19 is having on businesses throughout the world. As consumers try to conserve their own resources, businesses can expect to receive more cancellation requests than usual. Here are some useful tips to help you be flexible and keep your customer base: 1. Communicate candidly and clearly with your customers: During this period, transparent communication with customers is a necessity.
Adding Attachments to Subscriptions
Hello, We have not used Subscriptions yet. Our annual maintenance contracts are often specialized one-off contracts with many pages and sometimes a lot of required legalese. I'd like to use Subscriptions to track these. is there any way to attach a document to a subscription so that the contract document gets emailed out along with the request for renewal payment? As a second question, can subscriptions simply bill an account automatically each month? Thank You
Missing custom fields into api call - invoices
Hello, there, If I make a query in Subscription to get all open invoices, I get a list with the open invoices, but some of my user defined fields are missing in the delivery of the data. See Screendumps . If I call up the details of each open invoice, the missing user fields are also supplied. It looks to me like this is a bug in the API. Or is there a way to specify which additional fields you would like to receive in the reply? Request a list of 2 invoices: curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL
HELP US ENDURE THE CORONAVIRUS CRISIS: Enable partial payments for internal staff
Hi, Given the Coronavirus pandemia, all businesses are going to suffer from a high level of late payments. Would it be possible to enable the possibility for our internal staff to decide what amount of an unpaid invoice we want to try to charge. This would enable us to get paid for at least 25, 50 or 75% of the invoice amount, in case the customer does not have enough money to pay for the full amount, but can pay part of the amount due. As commented above, I would restrict this possibility to the
Passing initial value to subscription Form
Hello, Before loading subscription form we are taking user basic information on another form and then we need to pass first_name, last_name and email to per-poulated in zoho subscription form. However, when we passing parameters in zoho subscription iframe URL it's not loading into subscription form. &first_name=zarl&last_name=Mac& Would anyone suggest what's wrong with this and how can I pass this information into zoho subscription?
There was an error executing the getCustomers command: Client error: `GET` resulted in a `401 Unauthorized` response:
I am trying to use Zoho Subscription API in PHP laravel, I refered this( , but I am getting error as There was an error executing the getCustomers command: Client error: `GET` resulted in a `401 Unauthorized` response: Help me with achieve this.
Zoho Subscriptions Paystack Integration
Hello, We have a new business case that requires us to use a Nigerian payment gateway provider called PayStack. Paystack is not currently supported by Zoho and we're looking into how we can fulfill this requirement using the Zoho subscriptions API . Our requirement: When a customer's subscription bill is due, we want to trigger a deluge custom function that calls the Paystack api, charge the customer and updates the subscription based on payment capture success or failure. On Payment Success: -
Searching from a particular view
It does not seem possible to be able to search records in a particular view. If you change to that view and enter a search term, the results are returned containing records from All Customers. Here is the problem The 13 records below represent one customer. 12 of them are inactive. you cannot get this result and then narrow it to active customers. This adds tons of extra time/clicks to our day. We need to be able to limiit our search to active customers.
Zoho Subscriptions Customer Portal flow
We have implemented the auto-enable feature of Zoho Subscriptions and will be implementing SAML single sign on shortly. I am wondering if the step involving the invitation to join the portal can be disabled. How would that flow work when auto-enable and SAML both implemented?
Reactivations and churned subscriptions
When an sub gets cancelled due to dunning but is then re-activated, why does the subscription still show in churned subscriptions? When there is a payment failure and the user fixes the credit card, why does the subscription still show up in payment failures list?
How can i update a subscription's associated credit card via api call ??
Token Based Authorization for Zoho Subscriptions?
I'm working on an integration with Zoho Subscriptions on my website. I'd like to use the token-based authentication scheme that is documented for Zoho CRM, so that I don't have to store authorization information in my code. As far as I can tell in the documentation, this method isn't supported for Zoho Subscriptions. Can you provide some guidance? Thanks!
Customizing Themes
Is it possible to make slight customizations to the css that drives the themes? On the hosted payments pages, the field tooltips are very close to the background color, making them hard to read for some users.
Active Customers
The documentation states the following definition for Active Customer: ________________________________________ Number of customers subscribed to a paid plan till date. This does not include customers who are in trial. Consider that there are 20 active customers. If 5 customers have upgraded to a paid plan and 3 customers have canceled their subscriptions, the number of active customers would be 22. ________________________________________ If customer has multiple subscriptions, how does this fit
Hosted Pages and upgrade subscriptions
Hello, I use "Hosted Pages" in order to subscribe to 1 plan. I wan't upgrade plan for 1 user. What-is the good way for this? If a use same email address I have one error or a second "subscriptions". I just wan't update the first subscriptions to another. Can you help me? Best regards, Pierre
Using "+" in email addresses
Is there a + capability in Zoho? For example, GoogleMail and Dreamhost both allow to automatically go to .
My subscribers need to be organizations. Will that be a problem?
I'm basically going to be using this as a association management platform, except the actual customers are organizations, not people. Of course we'll also need to keep records of the people associated with those organizations. What's going to be the best approach for me so that the organizations are the entities payiung the subscriptions? Thanks
Zoho Subscriptions - What changed in 2019
Hello everyone, Zoho Subscriptions gets updated frequently, in an effort to provide you with the best subscription management platform. From feature releases to patches, there's always something cooking backstage. So, here's a list of our notable updates in 2019—just in case you missed any of our monthly What's New posts. These are just some of our key updates from this year. To view a full list of our updates, check out our What's New Timeline. Our Android and iOS mobile apps have been updated
API "Please enter a suitable VAT treatment"
Hi, I'm setting up a test UK business account with VAT. When I try to create a customer via the API, I get the above error: [code] => 102005
[message] => Please enter a suitable VAT treatment. Your API docs don't mention VAT in the customer section. Could you clarify what is required here? Regards, Andy
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