Introducing Bigin's Sheet View

Introducing Bigin's Sheet View

We are thrilled to announce the launch of "Sheet View" in Bigin. With Sheet View, you can now view and update Bigin's data in a spreadsheet-like format, providing a seamless and efficient experience.
In Bigin's Sheet View, tabular presentation of records is shown in a grid format, much like a spreadsheet. Each column represents a field or attribute of a record, and each row represents a single record. This design offers a clear and organized perspective on the data. You can choose which fields to display and how they should be arranged in the Sheet View. By configuring the view to suit their preferences, you can concentrate on the relevant data. Bigin's Sheet View also enables you to sort and filter data based on various criteria and thereby find and operate within certain records rapidly.

Additionally, there's another main functionality in Bigin's Sheet View: inline editing. The ability to edit records directly within the grid is one of the primary advantages of Bigin's Sheet View. You can edit field values by simply clicking on the relevant cell and entering the modified data. As a result, there's no longer any need to browse to individual record pages when altering data.
Bigin's Sheet View also provides the ability to import and export data. You can easily migrate or update records by importing data from external sources, such as CSV files, as well as export data from the Sheet View into several file formats for sharing or additional analysis.

How to use Sheet View

  1. Click on any module (except for Dashboard).
  2. Click on the dropdown menu on the top-right corner and choose Sheet View.

  3. If you're editing using a mouse:
    • Double-click on a cell to edit it.
    • Once you're done editing, click outside the cell or just press the Enter key to save.
    • Press Esc to cancel any unsaved modifications made. 

  4. If you're editing using a keyboard:
    • Move around the cells using arrow keys.
    • Press Enter to edit the current selected cell.
    • After the edits, press Enter to save.
    • Press Esc to cancel any unsaved modifications made. 

Quick Preview  

Click on the Quick Preview icon to have a quick look at record details.

Activites in Sheet View 

You can directly create activities for records from the Sheet View by clicking on the plus icon from the left most column in each row.
If a record already has activities created, you can view them and also create new activities if required.
Bigin's Sheet View provides you with a comfortable spreadsheet interface and strong data editing capabilities, making it an effective and convenient way to deal with data.


  • When you change the owner field, all the open activities assigned to the previous owner are reassigned to the new owner by default.
  • When making changes to a contact name, the first name, last name, and salutation are automatically updated.

  • If you leave a mandatory field empty, an alert message will be displayed.

Thank you,
Sai Shree | User Education