Scores are now available as a record fields

Scores are now available as a record fields

Hello everyone,


We're here with a minor enhancement announcement about multiple scoring rules (MSR) in Zoho CRM.

Since MSR was introduced last year, you've been able to score records in multiple layouts at once in the Leads, Accounts, Contacts, Deals, and custom modules. It enables you to rank records based on your prospect/customer behavior and characteristics like interactions, demography, and so on.

Below are the six types of score categories displayed within each record:

Score categories based on record actions




Score categories based on interactions

Positive touchpoint score

touchpoint score

touchpoint score

Before MSR's introduction, you could configure only one rule for an organization and the scores were displayed as read-only fields within the record. You could usthese fields as parameters within criteria, advanced filters, module views, and all across CRM.

Now that you have MSR and can configure multiple rules, adding six read-only fields per rule will use up a considerable chunk of your field limits. For this reason,
scores are displayed as a related list. You can also view scores graphically.

What's the enhancement?

We have now extended the native behavior to MSR as well.

From now on, you can configure and map desired scores as read-only fields inside the record detail page. You can add all six of a rule's score categories as custom fields, or just pick the ones you need and label them as you wish. However, each custom field added to the record/layout will consume the limits of numeric-type fields. This page details the limits,
for your reference.

How will this enhancement help you?

Fields in a record, as you know, are versatile in nature. They can be used as parameters for criteria in different places,
like automations, reports, module views, layout rules, and so on. That said, having a score available in all these areas will expand possibilities for you.


  • Organizations with old rules configured (i.e., rules created before MSR was introduced) will continue to have those fields.

  • The tabulated and graphical view of scores is available irrespective of the field configuration.


Click here to learn how to map fields in a scoring rule. This enhancement is now open for access to all users in all DCs. Should you have more questions, feel free to comment below.

Thanks and have a good one!

Kind Regards, 
Saranya Balasubramanian