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Hi Zoho Users.

I am vishal kumar and working as a Zoho Developer.

some of the User is faces the Problem about workflow for sending the invitation to candidate interview link.

like that

I can help you.


Get attachment of interview when you create the interview by deluge. 
a file is created in interview name file.ics. That file is your invitation file for sending the Email. 


Get id of file in attachment which is the array name data 

Step 3 : 

Invoke the id to download the file. file.ics

Step 4 : Send mail [
from : 
attachment: file: myfile


Below deluge to clarify that

hiring_form_3 = zoho.recruit.getRecordById("CustomModule4",id,"all");
// info hiring_form_3 ;
endDate = hiring_form_3.getJSON("Schedule Interview");
startDate = zoho.currenttime.addMinutes(10);
candidatelookupid = hiring_form_3.getJSON("Candidate Name_ID");
candiateSelected = zoho.recruit.getRecordById("Candidates",candidatelookupid,"all");
email = candiateSelected.get("Email");
job = invokeurl
url :"https://recruit.zoho.in/recruit/v2/Candidates/" + candidatelookupid + "/Applications"
type :GET
// info job ;
data = job.getJSON("data");
job_opening = data.getJSON("Job_Opening_Name");
//info "job_openingID==" + job_opening;
Department_Name = data.getJSON("Department_Name").getJSON("name");
mp = Map();
mp.put("Interview Name","General Interview");
mp.put("Posting Title",job_opening);
mp.put("Department Name",Department_Name);
mp.put("Start DateTime",startDate);
mp.put("Interviewer(s)","Kavitha Divakar");
mp.put("End DateTime",endDate);
rec = zoho.recruit.addRecord("Interviews",mp,0,TRUE,"all");
//info rec ;
interviewID = rec.getJSON("Id");
//info interviewID ;
ics = invokeurl
url :"https://recruit.zoho.in/recruit/v2/Interviews/" + interviewID + "/Attachments"
type :GET
//info ics ;
allData = ics.getJSON("data");
file_Name = allData.getJSON("id");
//info allData ;
downloadICS = invokeurl
url :"https://recruit.zoho.in/recruit/v2/Interviews/" + interviewID + "/Attachments/" + file_Name
type :GET
info downloadICS;
from :zoho.adminuserid
to :email
subject :"ONEDVS Interview"
message :"<div>Dear Candidate Join The Interview</div>"
Attachments :file:downloadICS

1 user has this question.
4 Replies
  • 3 months ago

One year later, just stumbled upon your post and I'm surprised no one has commented here. It's a very challenging issue to many of us.
Thanks for this deluge code. However, can you help us with a code that will fetch the video interview links (one link for the applicant, another link for the interviewer) and store them under the interview record in two designated custom fields?
It should (I hope) apply to video interviews handled by either Zoho Meet or Microsoft Teams.
This will be very helpful.


Unfortunately we don't currently provide an API to fetch the Online meeting links that is sent to the candidate/ Interviewers as this invite would be triggered from the provider's end. This would be updated currently in the email only.

We will validate on your requirement to store the meeting links in the interview record with our product team and will keep you posted on the possibilities. We really appreciate your patience and understanding. Thanks.


We would like to automatically schedule recorded interviews but this feature is limited, even for API. CAN YOU HELP WITH THIS URGENTLY?


Can you please reach out to us at "support@zohorecruit.com" if you prefer to automate One way recorded video interviews so that our team can guide you through a work around to create this through an automation. Thanks.


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