5 Key Challenges Faced In Corporate Training.

5 Key Challenges Faced In Corporate Training.

Corporate training is becoming one of the most preferred means for organizations to impart critical knowledge to their resources. However, with its rapid acceptance, few challenges are commonly faced by the trainer community. Earlier the priority was to have high quality course material (slides, assignments and activities) with qualified personnel to conduct training.

In today's corporate training world, trainers deal with a lot more challenges. Below listed are the 5 key challenges and how ShowTime helps in resolving it.

1. Trainees' lightning attention span leads to engagement deficits during training:

It has been observed that trainees are constantly distracted during training sessions. They are glued to their smartphones - either they check their emails or browse the internet. ShowTime lets the trainer present slide content on the trainees' smartphone. This ensures that the trainees are attentive during the session. ShowTime lets them ' like ' a slide, pose virtual questions and answer polls which increases engagement during the session.

2. Rise of globally dispersed teams:
Today's office culture encourages global employees and many prefer to work from home. Training material needs to be standardized to train employees across various geographies. With the up-coming ShowTime Voice, trainers can conduct sessions for employees sitting across the globe.

3. Difficulty in measuring training effectiveness and trainer efficiency:
Accurate insights on how the session progressed is something that is not easily measured during training. The trainer has to rely on instincts and make content modifications that resonate with the trainees. ShowTime will help the trainer quantify their performance with the rating and feedback at the end of the session. The talk analytics page provides detailed engagement metrics that the trainer can use to measure insights and fine tune delivery after each session.

4. Absence of a digital platform to showcase their training portfolio:
Establishing a digital presence is of paramount importance to increase a trainer's visibility. Freelancers can make themselves more noticeable to potential clients by having an online profile. ShowTime's profile page becomes a trainer's resume that highlights his/her achievements and proves their areas of expertise.

5. Trainers still have to grapple with technical issues before and during the sessions:
During training, trainers face a lot of technical issues with the projector, speakers, mike and even with their own laptop sometimes. The trainers are tied to their laptops and the podium. With ShowTime, even if your projector fails, deliver training presentations from anywhere in the hall using a smartphone. The trainer can request the trainees to follow along through their smartphone.

In case, if you are currently considering a training/learning management system visit ShowTime to find out more.

Nandini Diagarajan
Technical Writer - Zoho ShowTime

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